Horae subsecivae

발행: 1889년

분량: 505페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


The stili, ad music os humani ty,'-

the ea, e nil noW, and ove, and ear is the likelysymbol. Sebastia Bacti' perfeci avolte an Musette were ive to perfection, his purity, his crystalline

depili, his inveteraCy, his orking ut absolutelyan exquisitet his germina idea,-nothin could be


the come here again t appier than ver, he firmer, Perfecter, abier, he playin With thos litti Det thenices secon in the worid. eli, the ait ends, and the and yo have thei fili, and the sit down in the Same hadoWyiooh, happy and ut ostreath,


theylear the stilly murmur of the distant se teli ingos silen Ce ' and then canae the musi of

Where the breere arbies, and the ut stili atrIs Music lumbering on her instrument.'


kindi an modest reciter rought more ut o itthan Fiet ever ut in Heller's Dans te Bois asgive con amore, as i Heller as Halle' brother cilis original Without eing odd, and we an isti beauthor se belle pleaSures than eariniit played by his Diend. The ieces Domihopin ere finelychosen, fuli of the subitety the qui k life the intense subjectivit of this supersubile, SuperSensitive, great an od genius, homoe ould thinhas dissiculi an deservin os translatio a the unique Jean aul, horaeed a language sortimself. This ver the delighte audience, lihe Childrenoni hals fuit of pleasure, and Shiniso more, Ouidnot et thei friendiso ithout nother last, an hegave the beautissit, lively, and mos picturesque Spinning Wheel, b Heller, the oung maidensinginito hersei and her heel.

Biggar and the ouse of Flemin: an account of the Biggar districi, Archaeological, Historical, and Biographicat. B William Hiinter Biggar : David Loci hart.


the ancient j ohe, that London' big, ut Biggar 'sbigger, the wil sinit much diversion, an no ali ille instruction, in his volume, speciali unde thechapter Urehistori Remains. Biggar a Burgh f