Horae subsecivae

발행: 1889년

분량: 505페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


th upper his noSe large and inclined ora poliat down-wardS, his ye of a blue Colour, penetratin but Ost, and on his hole face an atri mildnes and thought '-walking in his glen, and repeatin to himself, to frien his favourite beatitude of the old usurer 'Beam ilia qui proci, negotiis, etc., o that of ΡΟ -

tian: Felix ille animi, divisque simillimus ipsis, Quem non mendaci resplendens gloria suco Solicitat, non fastosi mala gaudia luxus. Sed tacitos sinit ire dies, et paupere cultu Exigit innocuae tranquilla silentia vitae.'We are glad by the by to earn that that ou Collegeos Physicians is about o repat the oml, of this, ne of their greates sellows it is in the old burying-ground of Κirknewton, and had fallen adi into ruin


them, and was equeste to go to the place lience


beWildere travelle had tumble on, linde and fleepy, and ahen his final est.


place could hardi be conceived. The hodies erebrought rom great distances ali round and in a cordan Ce illi the dar superstitions of the time, the Unbles Corpse as realed With curious indignity-noiressing illi graVe-Clothes, no stris in of thepitisu limb the ody a thrust, illi the Clothes


Commodore Moger 'as a man exceedingi brave-Particular ;He climbed i ver algi rocks-exceestingi 'igh-Perpendicular ;And what mane this the more inexpressible, TheSe Same roclis ere qui te inaccessible.'


est is no qui et i no eZSe, But somethingieepe sarrilia these, The separation that is here Is of the grave and of auStere,


In suci, a glen a this, o Such a day, poet might in solitude recline, And while the liour unheede stole aWay, Gather ricli sancies in the artii vine, Great thought that loat through Uature' silent air, An fit the ou with hope and love and prayer.'

in his Memo, of the hunc of Scottanae, is soliomel an to the quiCk, that wealve it in fuit. It


thro the ead, and immediatet he fel Dom his Horsae Hismors stultering a litile illi the ali os his Rider, fel ove the recipice, ollin to the