Horae subsecivae

발행: 1889년

분량: 505페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Chalmers an his magica likenes of himself; Geddes' 'Vithie, o sinet engrave in rown by Vard ais his old Sicily Brydone reclining on


far in Annandale stili hel by Sir alter Scoti's


Ras called. He sine of the Curiousi se of those

brought u in his Scottisti Christ' Hospital ho


From his retum to Edinburghinti his death his life was usy, happy, and victorious Fullis orti, eager hospitable, Dillim in his frien d ships, homelyin his abiis, he was ne of the est-liked me os

Without the remoten ess. The motions of the artist Were a regula a thos O a CloCk. He rose at


a nexu sitier intimate that he must e gone For ahead sigeae generali required Mur o sive Sittings andae referrediainting the heaulandiand to any other par of the od assigning as a reaso that the require leas consideration. A sold of drapery, o the natiirat ase hi Ch the castin o a manile ove the lioulde demanded, occasione hi more

perplexin stud than a ead fuit of though and imagination. Such Was the intuition illi,hicli he


a minute more then Came u to the CanuaS, and ,

withou lookin a me, rought upo it illi Coloursor so me time. Havin done his, e retreate in the Same manner, Studie myclook at that distance for bout nother minute, then Canae hastil up to the Canuas and ainte acie minutes more Phad sat to ther artist their Way a quit different- the made an ulline Caresuli in Chath, measured twith compasses, place themanva Clos to me, an dioohin me almos Without Ceasin in the face, pro- ceede to fili up the ouiline illi colour. Theysucceede best in the minute delati Raeburn est in the genera result of the expression the obtaine db means of a multitude o litile ouches liat hesound by broade masses the gave more O theman-he gave mos of the minit. '