Horae subsecivae

발행: 1889년

분량: 505페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


He is urie in the mortuar of St. John's, Edinburgh,


Way unblemishex he Was a Candi modest man, ever ready to id merit, an give chelpin han togenius in art. His varie knowledge, his agreeablemanners, hi numerous neCdotes, an his generat Conversation, at Onc eas an unaffected, illi noW

widely respecte than Sir Henr Raeburn an his


distance-Wa there ver a more poeti picture os a


sopher ali OVer.


with potentia vigour. His ea is ainted illi a

lieard of this, en to the an Cient Creature, and got


is also ne head in line by the famous harpe, besides Ward painter of the famous Buli in m eZZotint. Raeburn is generali faid o have falled in alntingladies. I hin this a mistahe. He certaint ismaini asainter of men; ut his rose very muchfrom his havin more me than Omen a SitterS.



end with the followin excellent estimate is


an bold his colourin rich, deep, an harmoniouS. He ad a peculia power of rendering the ea os his figure old, prominent, and imposing. Thestrict fidelit of his representations may in a reat degre he attribute to his invariable custo ofpainting, hether the principat figure o the minutest

It has been judici ousi sal that ali ho re Conversant illi the practice of the Ar mus have observexho osten the spirit,hicli ave life and vigourto a rst ketch has graduali evaporate a thepicture advanCedo it more sinished state. Topreserve the spirit, Combined illi the evanescent delicacies an blendings hicli natur on minute inspectio exhibiis, Constitutes a per Ction Dari towhicli se have attain ed. f the work of Si HenryRaeburn ait to exhibit his rare combination in that degree, to this distinctio the wil always have a just claim, that the POSSeS a Deedom, a Vigour, anda spirit os esseCt, an Carry an impreSSion O graCe,lise, an reality, hicli a be ooked sor in alnamidst thousand of pictures, both ancient and

modern, o more elaborate executio an minute


yme a the cicerone os Gibbon in Rome.