장음표시 사용
haps the ou o Pomponius Secundus, hos lite thoolde Plin Wrote. Stabi-ae, arum n. i. Si iue, a mali Oivni the Coast oi Campania ea Pompeii. cirimo, diremi, diremptum V.
lento lenivi or lenii, lenItum,
eefero, deferre detuli, delatum,
tu province of Campania inmiddie Italy no Terra di
Plin writus to his frieni Attius Clemens in prat se of the philosopher Euphrates, illi, hominest, ad heconi aequaint edwhil servin a militar tribune in Syria, in Si r 82 A. D.
To Junius Mauricus, a triend of Plinu's. ordinis nostri, that is, the Senate. Grown person ostenattended the lectures neminent eaehePS. iocabantur, suppi iuvene a Subjeet.
To Badbius macer flin describes o his inele, thooldor Pliny liVed. quo reliquum temporis. SuPPl erat. si quid otii suppi erat. inter melios labores, in the mi istis his occupations.
To MaximUS. ast hoc illum suppi dixisse. quibus dati V E. ante paucos dies, a feto recumbebat mecum. in in ut the ante horis urit me. cui Rulinus, suppi dixit.
illi ilat mase of ille. materiae that is, the subject-m alterii his reading. 11. To Romanu S.
Mirincae, etc., ou hove mi is a curioli scene, n I so. illi ne ego quidem suppi intertui. me fabula Xcepit, the stor me me, that is, I ear thestor as Oon a I eam to toWn. Prisce, iudes These Word were either ad tresse to Iavolenus Priscus, askin his permission to egi tho recitation or more probably, ere the pening ord of the poemabout to e recited. Some thin the interruption by Priscus Was due t rudeness, Others thin it,us due t mere absenee o iniud. Dis strange that Pliny throw doub on his sanity. He was an able laWyer, an is ite quote in the Digest orcodem laws ira med by Justinian. ius civile respondet stiveilesta opinion on civi lαw. quo abi neut. magis by Phic the more, here, Ore more.