Selections illustrative of Roman life, from the letters of Pliny;

발행: 1895년

분량: 152페이지


분류: 미분류


NOTES. 105

adsolutum there is no style o composition hieli, henbrousth to perfection, a notae callest mos eicquent. sed non tamquam inciperet bur noti Dissi uerem es in ner. futurum esse , ut ini. Oi Sum.

DTOSecutus e St. Suppi Some suci, or a togatis withbequests), heir ented init legari 'hos With whom he was On OmeWhat torcem comp. offensior bad te s. Latinos, in pure Latin. inter sermonem historiamque melios, id way et ween the8tyle os conver8ation and that of hi8torv. reliquos, Suppi libros.


1 D.

To Maximus, o his ein appotiate governor of the province of Achaia. veram et meram. The province o Achaia a true anustenuine Greee a distinguished ironi the province o Macedonia. petentibus, referring to the commission sent by the Romansio reseceri get a copy of the law of Solon, eiore preparing tho Codo of the welve Tabies. a . To NePOS. Loe, abi alter minora. qui ageret puer, SLinthoi the boni M. libenter, ita appetite. satiata, that is, αε in inept hersu. composito, compo8ed caim. illud eiusdem glorious indoed was thatie of the fame Iady. quo malus est, han hic it δε obler. matrem agere, to play the par of mother.


fallente vestigio, hi fo0 Hippiam

quaerendus ac desiderandus, mi ininu regretted.


To Septicius. promittis a cenam, suppinte venturum a Common ellipsis. nive no Was used for cooling the ine. non minus lauta equali choice. quae mea liberalitas, sura i my liberiaity.

To Acilius. nec tantum epistula climam, subject orth no Ont of αἶetfcr, understand, ut evenis a traged or history. lidem, etc. that is, satisfied them that he was de ad. quasi aestu solutus, a thou9 he had swooneu from the heeti.

Frona the fame et ter. fertur referturque hesi carried omnifro. leXtra laevaque ou the right and est. placuit occulte interstet ast quod coibatur, it a resolved that the object to hic the thronued impers paSS. lit., O hieliit was come together Ahould e secretim illed.


To Attius Clemen S. pro tribunali, strictly in front of an repon the benem; e ould say, I sit on the ench.

tiora quarta vel quinta, en or eleven 'clo h in the orning. quod brevius quiua velocius, hich ahetle88 time ecat erit is more rupi. . equo gestor I ride.

euneta Suppi ratio. ossicio togae. etc., I have been present at a cere mons fa88um in the 'own os an hood, that is, ut a comin o age.




To Apollinari S. amaVi I et plera sed ira.dum putas insalubres, ali time ou deem is nheIlthy.lii that is, Tusci mei, his Tuscan properi O mine.

Stat Clitumnus ipse, a statue of Clitumnus himsel f tanda


This and the romaining Sections are rom two letters ad dresse to Tacitus, the celebrate historian. quo Verius possis that ou may be Gle more truthfully. plurima, etc., cu fh author many a8ting mansura, lit . . abo utri remain, destine to rem ain mor .

Miseni. M Misenum. nonum Kal. Septembres, that is, ante diem nonum Kalendas Septembres, on the nint clambe fore the,irs of September, thatis aecordiu to the Roma mode o calculation the 24th fAugUSt. hora fere septima. ou on in Mi hernoou. usus sole, ah in in the sun havinu immed inias thes Roman 'ere tond of doing compare Section I, iacebat in Ole. elata in a tum tomeriri folirere helah f. in latitudinem vanescebat, Mome hinneri u roaden ed. Chureli and Brodribb. ut eruditissimo viro αδ ζα natura fori manis education. facit copiam, strant.le quod scriberem, adii veri me omεth in to rite ut.


Tectum cursitan recta gubernacula in periculum tenet holus direct coui qe, eeps his helm trai9h for the vanuer. solutus metu. Dee from feαr. quo propius, holter and denser the earer they approached. Valum, the eruption ad the ea retire so that he hipswero leti in hallo Water. ruinaque, etc., and the hor 'loched ira lit., mali in an obstruction illi the debris from the molintain. Stadiis, he wasit Stabiae. sinu medio, separated romaim by the intervening bαν. infunctitur, munε se in to the winding Shores. certus fugae, re8oloeci ou sight.

ut fuerat indutus, juει he hau beeuiresse l.

cupere depend O ais, noti adductum.


tiora die prima, evenis'cloch in the orning. Suo SUPPl Consilio. in contrarias parte agebantur, sic ed in opposite directions. in eodem vestino, in the ame pol. processerat, ad encro hed on the ea.

orare, hortari iubere, are historica infinitives, an are tobe translate like imperiectS bessan O 69, et C. posse enim iuVenem, Suppi fugere. ego contra, Suppi dixi. addere gradum, to ha8 en her Me. dum issemus, phile e canistili se. suorum, of their friend8, Suppi caSum.



advento 45. abduco, 30. adduco, 6. adventus, 23. abeo, M.

adversus adj. I9 abicio, 26. adeo verb).12. adversui prep.),40 abripio, 36. adfingo, 28.

advocatio 16. abrumpo 2. adfirmo 29. advocatuS, 16. abscondo, 44. adhaereSUO, 26. aeger, . absolvo, 12. adhibeo, II. aegre, M. absorbeo, 33. adhue 20. aegroto 20. abstuli, See adiaceo, T.

Aegyptus, 36. aufero, 36. adicio. i.

adloquor, 22

aequalis 27. abundo, 32. adludo 28.


13. Aeschines, 5. ReeerSitor, 33. admiror 22. aestaS 30. accino, S. admitto, 30. Restivus 33. necipio 16. admoneo, . aestuarium, T.