[All of the Egyptian mummies, and other Egyptian antiquities, in England]

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side toruard themo et Was tot opened that stenas expreste o the Mummyallo. As to the Embalmer' having on his Nec themea of the sacre Bird the Ibis, his the Egyptians id very probabi to denote that his ossice vias acred: sor it a b imagines that he had o the way to expres the unction orossice of an Person a sacred, ut by placiniupo thei Necks the ea os omes credanimal or anothel. Novi, that the ossice of the Enibal me vias secred, is con

firmed by the same Diodorus, vilio ibid. p. r. says the were calle

Whicli a be thus rendered, o haυρ heard that in old Jupiter gave his Chair, the Sceptre of Olympus an his Thunder, as amist, o Zagrus the

more ancient Dionysus, and the Vine to the Vine face Bacchus. No , that the Chai on hicli Osiris o Pluto is represente sit ing, is that of tipiter o the Sun seem in sonae mea sure potnte orat On the Mummy, here theunder quare thereos is uniformi of the fame fier Colour, illi almost cvery ther Symbolis the Sunipon it the ery Partie in undermost, o represent the Sun ς Abience, and in the Regio of the Manes, here this cene o Pluto is laid. I the nexi place, illi regar to the wo Horiis of Gol comin forti fromeach Si de of his Head there sine Passage in ' Sidoniis Apollinaris, hicli in a particular anne seem to confirm his Representation on ur uani , ho, speaking

Caput aurea rumpunt

Cornua, is indigenam jaculantur fulminis ignem, c.


BL singς, Eubebitis describing the sentia Bacchus o Osiris, quotes ome


WHAT is most curious in his Image is his BAAn D. his indec is one of thechie characteristicat Mark of the ancient Egipt in Bacchus in Contradistinctio to the G ecian or Ounge Bacchus who ha no Beard at all. For his, have Diodorus' expressi Testimony who lib. I. p. Ir says , There inere Go Bacchus's,cifer ore the Grecks ainted hi Wit Hais faces. The most ancient ne e ascalled Dionysus, ho more a B ΕΑno, ecausi tu ancient Times t was a Cotomamong an induo et the Beardaro , hereas the oueter Bacchus Gasimooth facea delicate, and oung. F o M ali hicli it is Norti observing that thesestiuo characicristical aik of themonN and BEARDin the Image of Osi ris o ou Mummy by hicli e sdistingui me to e the Mosae ANC1EN BACcHUs of any are o no mali Importanc for clearing that perplexing Pumbis, hicli a Multitude of Authors have made in confound in the old and oun facchus illi ne nother an it shumbi to e imagined thatia the great Sir I aac Newtou and ther modern Authors seen an examine this and the like Monuments of the Eeyptians, henever ould have asserte Sesostris, hom e mahes to e Shisah to e also Osiris o the Egyptia Bacchus nor ould thers have confounde the ancientone, illi the ounget si much a the have done Sit Isaac has indec by this, in a ne and cry surpriginimanner, ad the Egyptian si is cotemporar mitti Rehoboam Herii iret must have been led inro his urange and singula Belics by

accounting the latic Bacchus of the Gree hs the oni Bacchus, i thout advertinet. that a muc more ancient Bacchus existed, an Ages anterior to the Grecianone the characterasticat Mark of Whom distinc froni the other, e notini find

Isid. S: Osir. p. 382. c.



of the Mater in the orning For his Particula vi allo have the Authorit of Proeltis and Plin , His Nat. Lib. XIII. c. 7. Wi τε restard to the Fouram bal med Animal flandinion the expande. Lotushesore the Face of Osris this may bc presume tot nothing ut a Physical Symbolo the ou differen Properties O Powers of the sanae unci forcit is certain that the se pilans se igne God o thebis a sit ting pon a Lotus this the symboalized iis Presen ce Ove ali carthi Things. Acro his, the Translator o Pamblicas. in the Chapter of Explaining the Egyptia Symbois, 1 6 says, Deus inricitur si dens super Loton aquaticam 'ilicet arborem ubi significatur Deum principatu

seu mundanum superexcedere Lotum, nec attingere gubernando, sed principatum gerere intelles ualem penitus reum. As to the ou Animal upon the Lotus symboli ging 1 many Properties o PoWers of the Sun the scena ueli, hecatis the area mong the Number of those sacred Animal s. hicli ali ho have realed f the Egyptia Theolosty agre to e Symbol of the Properties of that God, hende on the en a Iliaca, and Other conspicuous Monuments of the gyptiaeus. the are very osten combin ed. Besides, thc are ver simila to the Descriptiongi ven hyo irrho an L Witsi us o four Figures, called by them Hemthae M minis stipatores, o the Guardian Attendants of the o Hempta, by in tartacalledimet the sitne illi Sol or the Egyptia Osiris, and were the four hi es Messeneter o Angeis a Mitsus alis them sciat by that Godoo cxecute his Command ς. The Firs of hic vias called Hon in the Formis a Boy mundisiensibilis Geniale numen. The econ mith a Gog s Face, calle κω ο H. . canina facie conspicuus, ct uigilantissimus Anubicae seu Hermeticae oeconomiae praeses The Thirdia, Ha h's Head he says, and was called by the se pilans THAUsTUs, cornu Hammonis insignitus then ad is solarem calorem is in mundo inferiori

foecunditatem notabat. The Fourth Was h lays, with the Countenance of a Lion. calle MoMDATA, i. e. miai mundi, ιί totius humidae naturae praesidem Agni Dabat Acto this ait Particular it is the only one except the ori Iupiter m. mon iust mentioned where the Description does no correspond with the Reprc1enta tion on oti Mummy,inc of the Figures of the unam havinia moly ' Head, no thato a Lion, heresore it a be casonabi imagine that here cre o on lymore of thes Stipatores o Guardian Genii fiseris than Whatore mentione by rche and misius, ut it was arbitrar in the Person that Originali conlecrat edthe Munim to these different sentia Deities, o reprcsent hic h-ever of themhe plea sed, heresore he hos this ne illi the olf's ea rather han fiato the Lion. This ill citc appea immediat cly becaus With regar to the mole and the wQ. I in a Pallage in Macrobius, Whicli scenas to account for1uch a Representationi for speakin of the anne whcreb the Image of Osiris orthe uncis uometimes exhibite in Egypt he mentions it as havin the ead os a

Lion, a Dog and a Wolf. The olf he 1ays, is a Symbolis theia Time theto of the suture: Sed se praeteritum tempus Lupi capiti signatur, quod me moria rerum Tras actarum rapitur is aufertar Item Canis blandientis e tesue turi temporis designat uentum These Symbolsis Time a re indec very aptly

applied to the Stin since that by the Periodical Revolutions and otionis that ai-ntina cili Time is measured.


HAVIN no pii en in Account of the Representatioh of Osiris in the Cha ' mu' tu peti Calied by the Greelas Pluto, and of the Lotus ope ne and sh and of the Ammala tandi iis pon it the nex thinito be ciuisi

clared, in the Amon, Intention os theirie in place in the Inferna Regio a forillustratin Which, i in te imagine that o Pluto sis there a a uin e thin the Cossin, are describing That which ives room ruus Coniecture isti Appea rance of ha seem toto an Agathoiaemon or Genius in the Attitude of odin in a human Creatur bes ore the Iud ent seat of Osiris, here the sacre Scrjb of the Orptians, distinguit hed by the Volum in onem in . illi an Aelia, cenas, as it cre, enumeratin heire luto thei uprem Judge of the hades the erat of the Deceas d Actions supposic toicture, and of laici I rati ery oon give a more ample Description. TRA the se ivtinnsic licve Osiris and in or Cerri inisse s a the Grre scalle them, o have hel the Dominion of the hades, is plain froni the clima onuo many ancient Authors d Herodotus in particular spe akme of the anciento,


plain ly another Representationis Isis, the Greesi Ceres, and Prost ine sor9 roserpine, says h Porphyrν, is represente, Vith Horias as etl a Bacchus, and sh i sal to accompan Ostris o Pluto into the Region of the hades Thisai oujecis also a combine Symbo both of the Earth and Moon an agrces ver melimith the Egyptia Theology so by the re siccnt an suali pale Globe me qboth Prost in and the oon, ut by the emale orna an Siclite, in a Physical Sense. he is I sis o the Earth: As to the fir st, xv have an expresse Testimon in

fides, e see two Figurcs like his o niti Mummy, With Wing covering the Thigh, on the mensin Isiaca with a Crescent an Horias, both whicli ignorius describesto e the oon BLA1N the combine Figure of the oon and arti iust no described, sanother emale one of the Genii or Agatho Daemones of the Egyptinus, o What the cali the Genii Aser mei The office of hich, as o rive avia Evilue here-sore in ne Haud me hold the V e -- ακαν, or Amul et for Conservation, and

in the othc the Divincr s Od. Novi that he mos of the fore mentione d Sc ne is laid in the Regionis ades otthe hades, there stem tot truci vidences on the Mummy. First at theant ry, where the Balance an Good and ad Genii appear, is the Figure o a voraci ous se male Animal, as appears by her cats, ita in ora a Basement the uncler quarem hereos is of the fame re and fiery Colour,ith the ther Representations of the Sunii the Mummu The ouili is id ope in an Actionis howling, and licappcar plaint to e the fame, homoti Gree s and Roman after ard callel Persephone and Projerplue, hom Pluto carrie into Heli. Defore this emale

howl in Animal is represente sonacth in like a Goose's eathc or ritingten, placed a theantra iace of this Regio of the hades. I is hin initio mel the hole of this agrees illi the Mytholog of the Ancients and o much it is among many ther on the Mummy an videlice that the Gree fis and the est of the Pagan orid ad thei Theolog, frona theancient 'Utians For, in theirs Place, as Proserpine here is represented like a se male Animal, in the fame mann et id the Greesis exhibit thei Cerberus o Hecate, oni added vi more Heias to her, hich by the bye hews that ver probablythis unam is more ancient than the able iis et of the Greel Cerberus That he Greel an Roman Cerberus is υ- or Canis in the fcmale Sense, is pia in rom dat Passage of Euripides Plutarch,

Hecates mulacrux Luciferae s canis.

'NATA LIS Comes stys he was calle canicida carni Dori Dea, e cause Dog mere sacrifice to her A to her Howling there sine rem arkable Pallage in i Apti eius to illustrate this sortie ashing the Godde sis Ilis in What annec lae destre to e invoked he demanded, among many ther Appellations of hec Divini tu is he ho si tote calle dispo by the a ful Nam o Proserpis e terribieon account of her nocturnal Howlings seu nocturnis ululatibus horrenda Prosier gina m Sophocles observes that Prosiorpino obta ined malinis an Ieari et of the 1r, c. to e performe in honour of hor in te of Sacrifices for Proser pine vias the licen of the Dead Henc Hora H says,

Misa senum ac useni densantur funera. Nullam Sae Da caput Proserpina fugit.

Hist. Poet in Proserp. p. 828. η ram Carmin.


I the neest place A to the Writin Pen placed besore this emate Animal o out Nummy, it is certa in the Ancients as r. χώνd observes mere os opinio that Prosi me rote do 1 on the Polis of the Gates of Hel the a me of tholevho ere calle out of Life into another World; heresores Statius stys Nec dum illum aut trunca lustraverat obvia taxo Eumenis, aut fur o Prost ina poste notarat. An in his S arum2 6. Obliquoque notat Prosierpina vultu. TAR Secon Evidenc is the pia in mage of Proserpine in a human Form mitti

allic character isticat Marks, placedin the Mummy, ver Where the Balance, and the good an bad Principies are; time of Whicli neein 1 curious, suo deserve the Attentionis the Learned os, consider, that ove the iri Par of the symbolicat Picture, here the a Cer is lai stretched ut on a Bier, I s it a Tutuluson et ea d. sociari orae figure unde the Charactet O What the Gree scisteruariis calle Cotile or the Fatili; ut ovet the ther par of the Picture here thel lacea sed is represented indged, and conscintcntly the out o it tande in the Place of ita terna Abia , ver thcre, the Image of Proserpine in a human Formis placed which may vnibolige, accordinito the vilioloe of the Q Utians, rhat heia the Decease Was in the State of Deathraeire udement consequentlyno luppole. to have passi est ver iii the Laris o Boat o Charon, which mythological tor the Gree s. a ' Diodorus telis his took froni the sentians in that cale they echone the Decea sed in the Doma in o 'bele; her fore above the date on the Bier is, as Imavelinted the Image of C, bele lut vilicia in the Placeol iis terna Abori in the Region o Pluto an Pro erpine, there, bove it, S Proserpines human mage repres ente ruith aliae characterii scalmath; of Whichit is prope in lus place olivo a particulae Des ription On hermead sine carries a Vellet, sol trans parent, illi in hicli appear so meth in os a longissi Forna, and an range Colour, illi a Spec o tW of Green in the id die, hic hi est et ma probab ly R ha the Gree s after ard calle may the Figure of an Orange Colour, the MUTULA TE SCEPTR so osten mentione by Por Ihγην, heni treat of the optia Mythology, in his Delhription o Proserpine, hich GH Ny G or impatre Sceptre, e says, funiboliges P .los Govertament of the hades a may allo the stree Specks the Seed of Vestetablego Gram latent illi in the Bosom of the arth Henc it mas that the Egi pilans se igne I s. o the Farth, o have loch cui the in N, o priv Paris of Osiris, ruithinan Ark and the Me Authorcipeahi ne of the lumbolica Ima es of Proserpineiay ver explicit ly That e carris in them the ymbol of ounc Plauis proce om hei Seedion Eartis; hicli ced a re the ver Representation onmur

Por νην, comes the Fabi of the Rape of Proserpine, hom Ceres caeteri sol lovis into the Region of the hades. Fuo, ali hich Physical Interpretation e have Reason to supposse that the esset 1 the ea o Proserpine onmur unam is that mystical, mire or acre Ches of the sentians, and the Figure, it in ita Symbolis that mutulates Sceptre, o the Pr C ties of Osiris, o much mentione by ancient Authois It Orange Colour is the a me illi hateve is represente aes Fibili on the Mummy, and ver mach the Complectionis the Q,ptiuus au the fame Author add in expressivotas that


ille Lexpilans sumbolige theanergy of the eeds of the Larti unde the orna ofa Priapus, hic 'Prost in carries bout illi her. his ruas among the Mylle. ries reveale in the cremo j of INITIATION o Admision into the ritis of the Q, ptian yrieus hςne as a Condition proposed to lienarae fore Entrance, theymere to ake pon them the Stigma of this mutulate Member by Circumcision; for hicli reason Clemens levandrinus, Strom. I. p. a I says, That in orde toti initialed, and to learn the wsical Doc Irin is ille Egyptians. 'thagoras WasCIRcu MC1sED. Frona his came the Procession O the sentia Bacchantes With the Ar of Ostris arti ed e re them it may also b imagined that romtienc Was the TOTA pHor of the e s mentione by aliger, as raptian. Samuel Petitus describo me of these mulet to have been in the formis a Penis of baken lay, and wore by Way o Bullae 'unito a String h says God prinhibited the sironi Nearing them an longer a theyssia done in QVt Chere- forci ex change i them into thera inds, as Irout leus. Fromience also Was thennystical orthi of the Phallos among the Moabites, Cholchians, S rians Thenicians, and Greehs, an inde ed amon e ver Nation that ad thei Religion DomAg ut and enc the Originis Circumcision among many of those cople THEs bcing alliae Particular relatinito the symbolicat Pictu rein pu Mummy. Onc Remar Occurs perhaps o Consequence, amely, That it is orti, inquiringinto, hether ali his Repre entation f the se nitan Pluto, Prost ine the Genii, the Decente in the L er the opposite Goofans ad Principies, the Balance, c. be any thiniel se than an Allusion to the particula Ceremon O Custom among the Egyptians, of iudging thei Dead, efore the were dcem ex orth of Buriat, ascis fully relate by Diodorus Siculus, Lib. 1. p. 81. Whether ille his, or an Evideiace, a muta a themature of the hin can admit, That the fore lai Reprcsentationaliud os to the Belies, hicli the se priamilia a the time os embal minithis Mummy,

mortii or uniuortii o Eterna filiis Z his is the uestion tot determine by the carneis, though ill then the alter opinion scem niost eligibic sor that theserptians belle id a separate State fraxistence of the oul after cath, and thatil la ficio Men cre o iv after their Decea se in the Socier of the usi. is clear coni a cry cmarhable Pastage in Diodorus Siculus, Lib. 1 p. 3.

Where, mention in the eremonic cilc at the Funerais of the Egyptians, a tercnumerat in the just Actions and Viriues of the cccasiod he sayS, di καλουσι

Maucio e immortal. Other Pallage frona the Ancient might e numera texto confirm his Particular, ut the illic reserve to another Place. Howivnn i ii is granted that the symbolicat Figureio describe is probab lyan viden ce that he Egyptians, at the time the embal med his Mummy, heli ex edthe immortalit of the oui it iste moto afford iis a negative Argument illi regardio the Age thereos, ita that it asino coe 'at Vith nor anterior to the Mosaical


aes, hecause in ine holerent . teuch there seem notio besan explicit Text rint ming the Belies of Re ard an Punishment in another Work no do an Ai

t te inhabite Eglogether, tha Doctrine of livine happil astes Deuth

oppos Ir to this ast Nithin the re Compariment, stand another pisu,

AEgyptiaca, p. 7

Gordo i


Thente adds that the Ammonians ha this Image sto the sentians, of homthe were a Colonu and that ili Name hicli the sentians gave toIupiter,

vias Ammotin Themanae ver his Hea may a I have far eueruliere, e to sym holis him a Spirit, and the litile Globe or Sta also his lothesis, orie in rankedamon the Gods so that this Figure of Ammoun, and that other of the sentinis Herm Halrcia described are the oni ivio Deitic represente among thos Genti Averrunci and Agatho- Daemones atready mentioned. O the Latera m dis of the Cossin re tela more Comparimenis, ve oneach Si de hicli containoen more Representations of the Ualchsul Genii or Guardian Angeis both male and se male, a thei Habit dis inguilli them; eae hi vi hichias an Anubia Sta Dand Phylacterio in iis Haiads. The are aliatogether human Figures, exceptine Mith a Wolf s Head. IMMEDIA TE LY helo the t ent Compariment is a Representationis Nos are Bulldings of a green Colour, in cachis,hicli is a Gate, ainte red; above eaeli of these Bulldings is the Fietur of a Wolf or o couched, o a et lacla Colour ove themeck of thcse is the Flagellum ali hicli a Particu

lar are represented inverted.

THEs Bulldinet stem another Representationis the Domat o Pluto, in tho Rectionis the hades, and the two Wolve another Physical Symbol of the Sun With Restard to this, it is vident that severataeopte vilio had thei Religio Domihele Utians, stiled the Sunis Apollo LYCIUs, hi chris derive stom λύκω, Wolf e Macrobius avs Cleanthes afferis that the calle Apollo or the Sun L cius and oives a Physical Rcasion forcit That the Sun was allel the fame Author ibid. says the Cit of L copolis ea Thebes in sent is a Testimony, Where illi an qua Devotion e re or ippe both solis and the oly, and both of the had the sanae Appellatio λύκα, an in both vias the ui adored He adds that that Animal by the harpnes of iis Sight, uides the Darknes of

the tulit. Ac plurimum oculortim acie cernens tenebras no tis evincit Besides, nothing 1eem more convincing that hos Wolve mere Symbol of the u or

hein produce and rought tomaturi ty Whicli Solar Heat is perhaps reprelented by the two re fier Doors that lead into the wo quare Buillings, ove whicli thedar Wolve o An bides ite archim. Theseo o Dog o Wolves Clemens Alexandrinus alis Symbol of the two Hemispheres. WHAT is at ready mentione heing the particula Things express din the Frontand laterat levis of the Cossin vilia novi remain is to give an Account of the bac Par thereos, here is represente a female Figure standin erect withbiae Hai novin domi her Nec and Shouideri. Diver Paris of her Bod a tenaked, as e Nech, houlders, Brevi, Arms andacet orat ove cach houiderappears lamewhat like a Tippe of a Re Colour With ello an dar Bor deis fastine to a Girdie, that comes helo her reast sto the irdie to the Middie of theae me is dresse in a party- coloured abit, elio , re an green. and omething like Bracelet g round her Ancles and Arms, and c Feet withou Sandals are close omne another. he stand upon a Balament, maderas it creos eam o various Colo ars round hermead is a Diadem fraee Red illi in yel Iovi order, hichiangs down to the hac parti hermea ; in hermand sine hold Vitta' o Ligatures of a dus him re Colour fron the Diadem rise a hortPole or Stem, hicli cing 1allene to the ai Diadem stipporis a lial Globeor Dis. ω hicli thenserior Haru is pcarched mea vilii chris plain ly the Figure of


Red not unlike a Parrot the Legs an Talon are red, the Eyes of a eryxo Iour, an ove iis ea comes forti some fiat like a Flame, in the Middie of hicli, like hat has been describe in another Place, is a litile Clobe or Star; Do the o of the Hca ali rise two large eathers. Behind themam is represented a Flagellum o Flail like that in themand of the Images of O siris; belmeen whieli and the Nec of themaWk, withi two Lines, re severat Hierogrammata

TAEs being the Particular paintexo the Back of the Cossin, Ictis novi stewha Account an e give of them sto ancient Authors. UITH regar to the emale Figure, as orae hein Urappe With in a party- coloured Habit, the Legs and cet clos to such another, there is ne Passage hii Fornhr that accounts for such a Representation in a very satisfactor manner,

Light. Dar ness, Sis , Night, ire, mater, me, Death, the B ginning

and Ending ut mon ali the astages in ancient Authors hicli illustrat this par ty coloured Appearance of I Carment, non describes it si circumstantiallyas , Apuleius vilio speaking of the Manner, in Whicli the Queen o Heaven, in. the sis of the sentians, appeare to im, as has cen at ready mentioned hedescribes e Garment thus: Multicolor, hy, tenui pertexta nunc albo candore lucida, nune croceo ore lutea, nunc roseo rubore flammida, o quae longe longeque etiam meum confutabat obtutum This Description is o very like, halcis reatly represente o ou Mummy that i me plainly the Ancients have been exceed-ingi uni tm in the mythological Representations of thcir Deities, solas to agreewith the Description give of them. O the Mumm belonstincto r. Loche, whicli I have exhibite Plate XIV. of m sentia Antiquities, Is is reme intlye sanae in os party- coloured Carment. Lastly with regar to the Vittae orR1hbon in themand of thisae male Figure, I hin Vesta, holamon the Gree san Roman was the fame aso among the Egyptians, is describe by i Virgilviith sicli Vittae in hermands, Manibus Vittas, Vestemque Potentem, ternumque dytis effert penetratibus ignem. HAT a tost opinion the Ancients ad os Ur, a the Goddes o Nature, appears by the might Epit et the give her. The sames Apuleius isto the

Ancients stile her, erum natura Parens, Elementorum omnium Nomina, Secu- rum Progenies initialis, Summa Numinum Regina Manium, Prima Glitum, Seorum Dearumque faries uniformis.