[All of the Egyptian mummies, and other Egyptian antiquities, in England]

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with great Propriet exhibit them in his manner, hecatas the Sunis ali times illuminates and warm but one Hemisphere, or alat Par of the Eatth. The Thielis of the avi are vello or lanae Colour, hicli scem to represent Light a the Legs, and Talon reachin to an prasping the hal Globe, re red, o repressent Heat sor both Light an Heat procce frona the Sun, and as has been jus noruobserved both do conlianti illuminate and warm ne hal of the arth s Globe I may be further observe in generat ver the whol Mummy that here thereis mi Representatior of the Sun the Colour are ello an red, o cxpresse Flameand ire, o Light an Heat; the ello constanti and invariabi a bove the ed. be causi Flame o Light tways is seen bove Fire.

Secondist That the Egyptians ainte Osiri or the Sun unde the Figure of a

Ha k, appear certa in from almosi very ancient,riter of thei Asfairs i Euse bius Lays, thema is dedicate to the Sun, ecauserit is the Symbolis Ligh and Spirit, and ecause of the wi finest, iis otion an ibarinio hi gli, here the Light is rus Apollo also speaking of thema k amon otheraeasons, says, I seem tote the Image of the Sun above allisther Birds, hecauserit look on the, in canis illi open and stedd Eyes Thenae adds that he 'Utians pa in the Sui in the Form os ama k, as cing the Lor of Light. Plutarch also says. That the Egi pilans osten patiat O siris in the Figure flama k, ccaus that Bird cxcccds ait ther in tucknes of Sight ana Smisines of ying. TnΕs Authorities, I hope, arc sum cient to convince that thema on usNunam is a Representation o Osiris, symboli ging the Sun. What seem stili toconfirm it, are the re fiery yes, hich o Macrobius telis us, is a Characteristi eat Marco the Sun, Ut Sol patenti lueoque octilo terram conspectu perpetuo atque infatigabili cernit. ut the reates Confirmation o any that themavi sym boliges here the Sun is theatre coloured Globeson iis Head, in the fame mann era on the Hea o Isis, unde the rea Plate. That the gyptians symboli Zed the Suni, a Circle, and also by afer Disk, is ver plain frona ancient Authors G mens Alexandrinus also lays, when the Egyntians patri the Figure of the Sun theydo iii a Circle, ini: γγ ν ά de ita ovai ο κ εὐον ποιοῦ τι. The Poet Nonnus describes the ui accordi in to the semita Notion a riding round themeavens in the Form os a cry Disk, mr i - λὰ ἡδύν Dis o M oti, Gio κω. me Aleander quotes an ancient Poet, vilio describes the uncilius:

Si Apollo, deinde Liber sic idetur ignifer, Ambo sint flammis creati, prosatique ex ignibtis, c. TAR hol then on his Mumna seem chi est tot so an Physica Symbol .

represent in the different Poruer o Properties of thei chie Deit O ris o the Susa, as actin in and upon the different Paris of Nature and what is on the Back of the Mummy, a combine Figure of both Osiris an I s, symboli gin uni versat Nature and what is curious, on his unam are the Flagellum o Osiris, and the Fata me fortio Isis, exhibite iaca thei mutua Figures, cing the cha racteris licat Mark or athet Trophi es of thei mutuat Inventions, nam et of the Use of Crain, an Agriculture the ne nitrument for ea ping the ther sor Thrething the Coria Inventions for Whicli among many theta, the were both deis ted invention to hicli the ori orue the rit ringinio Mankin into Socictu Inventions frona heiace cligion Aris, earn ing, and Whateve et se is valvable among Mankiud ovie hei Origin.

Hor, Apollo p. 17. de Lis ostr. p. 37Ι.

Macr. Sat. I. I. p. LI.


Hieroglyphicat Figui CS,


Doctor ME AD,

Physicia in Ordinar tomis MAJESTY.




Hieroglyphica Figui CS,

HIS ther Remain os serptian Antiquity, bout whicli Damnovi to osse tome χι Conjectures, is the embalm 'd Bod of perhaps tome considerable Person amon them, as may beimagin' Do the Magnificence of iis ornament s. I mayalsole conjectur' tot of the e male ex because ne i theron the Mask above the Face of the Mummy, noris the Facecarv d on the Costin is there any th in like a Beard hicli Particulat a be presum d a Criterion, here by the ex of the embalm DPerson is dis 1 iiDνulfhable It was found also in the Catacombs of SARARA nea Cairo, an sent Do theneeb Consul Barion, and r. Lile, o Eugland together With another, whichir. ad averas a Presen to the College of Physicians in London, both Whicli atri V dthere ab ut the ear 17 34. ΤΗ Cadisse is in Lengili sive eet sive Inches, includ iniit Bandages an in Breadth, measuring cros the lioulders, ne oo Dur Inches. I lie ruit hin iis antient oculus o Cossin, ad of the rue Sycamore, orWild Fig. tree, rapi up as allisther Mummi es a re, With very an Line Band ages. The whole has been, an muchis it is stili in areat mea sute, cover illi an exterior Garment of Linen, laister' ove in the Manne that Pa inter prime their Canvases on hicli, With a in os ater colours, are ainte emblematical Repte sentations of their Deities; hic liquid Colout sun into the Bod of the Plaister, as aint in in Fresco doesinita ister' Walis. Tuis Mummy, hicli do ubiles is of very teat Antiqui ty has by the Injur os Time, an perhaps the ough sage of thol vilio found it, suffer a no a litti in the ornament round theme ad Nech, an Shoulders. THE


Tu first Thin tora taken notice of is the Face, hi chris hid illi a Covet fpla ister' Linen, ascis also the Head, and the est of the Body. Over the Face of the Cadaser, bove the plaister illinen re main a Surisce of Gilding, hic Λ hevis that Ar to e of a very antientiate. What rema ineth f this Gilding, i clear an distinguimabie, ver hicli has been ainte the or of the eatures, the Eses and Eyebrovis e in stili ver distinci, tho the Gild in in sonae Places, and the Line of themole and Mouth a re almo gone. Os the Chin is tot sten the Figure of a Globe fili' up illi a rediry Colour. Dom hunc project ings, hicli en compas the Sides of the Face. Tnis fite colour' Globe is probabi to symbolige the Sun, as has been observ'din thes tegoin Discour se on them unam bc longin to Captain et hietillier, the Wing bein an Emblem, it Veloci ty. TAΑ the antient Egyptians ainted heu mage of the Sun ithyings, is vi dent stoma very rema rhable Passage to this ut pol in Macrobius, the Colour ofwhicli, e says, re various; lue, an light colour'd, and indee s the stem ob on the Mummy the blue, he says, is a physica Symbol of the loruer Hemi sphere, the light Colour of the upper ne Here are his Words: Hoc argumentum in otii luciditis abso unt, i us Solis simulacra pinnata fingentes, hibus

color apud illos non tinus es alterum enim caerula specie, alterum clara fingunt ex his clarum superum, is caeruleum inferum orant inferi autem nomen Soli datur,

cum in inferiori hemisphaerio, id est hyemalibus signis, cursum suum peragit

per c cum partem odiaci ambit aestivam These ing the fame Author, hicassetis tot an Emblem, Voloci ty sor, spe aking of the Antient bellevin Mercur and the Stin orae the fame Dei ty, e says, Praeter hoc Mercurium pro Sole censeri multa documeuia sunt primum, quod malacra Mercurii imiatis alis ador naotur, quae res monstrat Solis velocitatem. TAE nex Thing that Diri present iiset to levi, is a Zone or irdie crosis the Breast fili' up ith hi te tars ainted on an a Zure te Id Whicli et probablyma have been as nam bie of the sarr Region, ein ver consonant, illi thephysica an astronomica Religio of the nitent Q Utians ' Lor H rbertobserves, that he Antient attributed a kin os Divinit to the Stars : An inde ea the vitans dixi in a parti ala mannet besides the Were the Inventer ofAstro nomy. Eusebius stom Porph I says that the sentians assigne the ausi ofevery thin inmatur to the tars bellevin that to the Necessit of Fate an dili Motioris of the tars the Whole depends δὶ κ μαυνο, τοῖς μυκ λων αα , ,- άταν τα παντα ἐμαρ Diosi: lοντες ὐ τά, α ων κινήσεως τε Ἀρεαζ. UNO the Girdie, Stat is What for Ordet salae, a b call'd the third --blematica Representation, in the iddie hereo is the Figure os a cara tis orBeelle, illi ings consistin os four oris of lumes projecting ro iis Sides. Nexi, on acti Si de of the Breast of the Mammy, at the Extremities of the Ephodo Bleas plate, is represented the He ad of the sent an Hawk like to that on Capi Lethietilliess, with this Differen ce, that instea os a fir Bali ver their Heads, here is a Circle illiin other Circles, to ard whicli truo human Figures have their Faces and Hand directed, and est o themne in an Attitude of Adoration. IN orde to attem p the Explanationis these Figures, et usi egit With the sarabeus, o Beelle.


them. 'istarch says, Theagyptians hon Hd the o the Cat, and the freto, ob exsin in them sme obscure Resemblisce of the Pomer of the God, lis the Dint mage of the Sun in Drops of Mater.

CLEMENS Alexandrini, at , pea in of the nigma s an anaglyphical Repres entations of the QVtians Cays, That o me tars, ecause of the obliqui tyof thei Motions, ere symbolige by the Figure of Serpents; ut the Sun by that

gica Mattera, mas perhaps desipisi the Scarabeus; ut the Egyptians honou that

W1TA regat to the different Rovis of Plumes proce edi nicto the Beelle theyseem nolint to e an Emblem of the Sun s Veloci ty like thos atready describ'do the Face, ut also of the four Elemenis, a thei Colours seem to Oint ut The re of the thir emblematica Representation consist os a Circle illiin other Circles, place ove the Head of themavi a the Extremities of the Humerale or Ephod, and whicli albo may be an astronomica Symbol of the Sun lae' in the Centre of the Orbit os other Planeis for that the QIntians symboli et e the Sunb a Circle, me have in another Placessite esseo an expressi Testimon in Gemens Alexandrin is o mali proceed. Acto the ead of themawh at the Extremit os hae Humerale, o se tian Ephod, a suci a Representation is o Captain Lethietillis si umm What regardsit Explanation the Reade is refert' thereto shal oni add that a this Bird was a Symbolis God, o the Sun, mong the 'Utians, it was hel in o reat Veneration, that Herodotus says, Meser hiat an bis, ether

Novi, illi regar to these various Representations of the Sunis ou Mummy, much Patas nee noti ta ken, illi the Learne to convince them, that that luminous

Oth, fio the ver first, axone of the principalmeities among the eight primitive God of the gyptians, mention d by Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and thers gliodorus has his ver rema rhable Passages The mos Antient of Mortals sayche, among the gyptians, contemplatin the Mors round them, o without great Admiration, form duo the elves a Notion V two original and terna Metties, viz. the an and oon one of hic the eatra Osiris, the ther fis Nay, sogreat was the opinionis the se tians about the Sun, ach Porphyr telis us, that some of them styled hi in Creator of the Universe, γὰρ τὰς V Ηλιον λ μιρ α φα tic,

cte. t whicli a be added that ei ther in a director indirect manner, hole two Planeis, the Sun an Moon, ecam the Deities of almost very the Nation nEarth, tho the were in a particula manne and originali solamong the sentians. This inde e appears in a good mea sure, confirm 'd by the various Symbol of themon this Mummyci and will e more fuit sine n in the Sequet, an accounts forthe two human Figures o the nee, With thei Hand stretch d ut to ard the Suia in a Posture of Adoration. TH nex Thinire mar habie, an immediat et unde that a describ'd is halma be cali' the ourti emblematica Representation sim the Numerale o Ephod, consistin of ight om o semiuircular viceps of Ornaments of hich


iecm νmbobrat, the other si meret ornamental The smbolica are in the secondand fifth RONS, count in do nWards, here a green Plant appears like the Persea, and whic has been account ed for in the foregoin Disicorarie, to hicli the Readeris reset rex; the ther here meret ornamental, consiss of ha seem in Pa intingio represent eme Is, and Pendents of precious tones, like Ulia ruere o the Ephodo him vilio pronounc'd oracles amon these s by the hin incor not in ingos, hic the Responses of thos oracles, as Posephus elisis, et favourable or

Usng the Humerale, o Ephod, is the fifth emblematical Representation nam cly the Figureis a Female milli her Arms extended in ea climand me oldsvilia ha been coniectur Dio herili Sichie, an round et ea is a Diadem, parto vi hic hian down on her Nech hermea supporis a Globe, an ova Form h et Nee and Bosona re naked an istomae Stioulderchangs a' in o Chain, at whicli is pendent a Figure omeWhat in the Formis a Capital , or rosis theuppe Par of hicli has a in o Handie, by Way of Ring, oining to a mali Space et e en the Sides of the Chain: So that this Figure like a rosis angsinher reast ver a green arment, hici do nWard covers the est fiet Body. Frona elo an at the Extremities of her Arms, and Do her Sides, proce et Winus consisti ne of three different Row of Plumes united, ach of a vatious Colour, blue red, and reen , and etween her Arms and the rst Row of lumes, is inmeth in repressente mitti ros Partitions, hich oin the Wing to the Arms Nexi, on acti Side of the Globe that rest hermead are two qua res of a whitim Colour, divide into three Partitions then, unde thesing on both Sides of the Mummy, istainted a Serpent, themec os,hich seems grosis and weli' ; ehina these a re two other human Figures est in o the nee With their and an Faces in amitectio toruard the Globe o the Woman si ead, and in the fame Postureo Adoration, illi the other human Figures alte ad describ'd. TAE; being the Particularcof this fifth symbolica Representation, me cannot beat an los i concludin this Female to e I s like the ther describ d in the foregoing Discourie, With this Difference That, hereas the Globe oti the Woman's Hea is in oti qui te round firy, and red, thereire consequently a Symbol fili Sun, his me te no describin is no qui te round an pale colour'd, o symbolige the oon The ou Row of Plumes represent the olliet four Elements here allo, an on his Mummy the have substitute a Colour in the wings, notsee o Caprain et hietillie s vim red, to expresso ire the other of pale green, the mater the uppe and lomer, o dee blue the Asr, accordinito Macrobius. The green armen Ibis mears inevis hiet here tot the Earth that his Femaleis laint a combin' Symbol o Earth, Air, ater, an Fire and by the pale Globe o hermead asias been hinted at ready a Symbo of the oon also Toillusitate his last Particular, me a recur to that Passage in Flutarch, mention clin the fotego in Discoulle, hen e says, B Egyptians affert Isis tib the am Gith the oon, hein represente semet ines horis duo indicat he di erent Phaseae.

The Finure, Ι own o the Female' Head on this unam is no a horn' Crescent, but like the Phase of the oon Nomay before or atter the ubi that is, o a circula Form i,pair' on one Side, ad vergin toWard an Oval. Is more Authorities e re viant in to prove sis the fame it the oon, Referenc mighthe made to adrea Number of a tient,riters tho non that illustrates it more

tha that PasTage in Tiodorus Siculus, here e says, The gyptians belles tho Sun an Moon Ioue t o original and terna Deities, the ne calici Osiris, theother uis Then lib. I. p. i. e subjoins, That thos t o Gias ovem the

Summer, and inter.

An in another a Lage immediat et follom in he Cays, The gyptians elisse, that themature of thos t. Deities contributes reatu to aris the Propagation


Sun an Moon This is Uficient, o doubi, o neru that the Simon Osiris, Irand the oon, taken in a physical ense, ere the same Deities in commotatile ne illi the other, an Objects of Adoration among the sentians For his

Post ut os orllii an Adoration, in the fame maline as the the two humanFireates, in the secone emblematica Representation, re adoring the Sun. o that

this io ut os scis alto ether consistent illi the Theolog of the sentians, in exhibi in heries a the Earth and Amon the Female figure, miti the Globe on

Tu nexi Particular are the three RoWs of lumes, composing ings hic proiect to this emale, and whicli, like hos O V o Capta in Lethieultior s lum my are Symbol of the oth et three Elemenis, hicli thei Colours seem lsono a litui esto illustrate: For the Earth, as has been at ready aid, is plaint symboli1 d by the Figure of V herlelf, ho mas the Eartha the a te by the Plumeso pale oreen Colour the ire by the lumes of the re fir Colout the Ait bytheippe and lo et ovis of dee Blue, hich encompas the hole. TH nexi hin tote consider' is the Hait o the Headis Us, hicli is inde edhete, et particular, ei nio a de epilue Colour: his is probabi exhibite virili noles Iudgmen to reprelent the lue ir, illi hic the hi glier aris of the arthare utro unded, in the ops of the moliriose Mountains, hicli, in a figurative Sense, a be cali d the Eacili' Head. ITA reσard to the tvio Serpent unde thesing o Isis, his Particula is very si utar and urious thenare Symbol ver osten describ'd by the Antient a be long- in 'to the Egotian I s. Apuleius, in his Visionis that Goddess, describes herAppea rance With suci, Serpent onae right an Iest Hand Dextra vaque sulcis in areeutium viperarum cohibitas an in another Place immediat et following, desicribes the ver Qualit of thos Serpents as havin thei Necks tum ess and siue illaci Insurgebat a pis caput extollens arduum, cervicibus late tumescentibus. As sicli the are represente Onia Mummy. These Serpent so metimes are call'd Dracones, an a re Symbol o Health, and particulari belon to Isis, a sine vias

the Goddes o Health here re lacrobius says expletly Hinc es, quod 1 luras e sculapii is Salutis draco subungitur, quod hi ad Solis naturam Luna qι

referuntur, and immediatet subjoins, Salas autem nathrae Lunaris Fectus es, dcc The most antient Authors agree, that IN found at man Cures for Dileales longbe te Apis in os 'Ut, o hom sim have attribute themonour of the Invention, and he longie fore the Gree culapius. TH ΑΥ Π was the Inventres of many Cures, Diodorus Siculus, spe aking of the 'utians in his fit st Book, ne vis ver pla in ly, p. a. hen e says, tin δ' x

the Disco e re there . Ascit is certain that both the Greus and Roman adopte the sacre Mysteries and Symbol of the antient sentians in to thei respective Religions, enc onmany Greel and Roma Coins, Ahere Esculapius o the God des of ealth re represented this Symbol o Curin is expressi' by Serpents. The Lame in os Serpent With s eli DNecks are exhibite frequently on the Mensa L aca There indeed the a re osten combin'd With Symbol both of the Sun an Moon, that is,