Songs of praise and poems of devotion in the Christian centuries

발행: 1866년

분량: 279페이지


분류: 미분류



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10 INTRODUCTION. i Simplo, and the expression concentrate i. Tho origina rhythmis a sar a possibi rotat ned, and thus to the energyis the redhis added the leasant ambio of the old Englisti ballad. Os his the reade ma judge Proseri in t almos any one os them. Tahe, sor examplo tho God os God, 40ginning,

Some os them is to an pie grandeur, as sor example thatos St. Joseph of the Studium, of hiel thoirst in is,

Stars of the moria ing so gloriousty righil

Rangin ove tho Christianaear, calle by a clerical riter alio odiae scilio Chureli, ' vario a tho are in Orm, Subjeci, and histori period, and et catholic in tone, eaehing, and spirit, the serve o ho us of tho modern age ho the hol Aouis in ali ho centuries of Christiani ty, ivin devout ulterane in psalm an hymias an Spiritua Songs, ' have mado the fame melod in thoi hearis tanto the Lord V so that vhen rought into ur Wia speeeli, at one malae them uro via; e sing their Song ascis e ad alway linown thom, and thanti God sor Hi goodnos in their Wn ea uti sui ords, whiel exemplis diversities os gi sis, ut tho fame Spirit. My rs intention a meret to propos the reprintin osthi litti volume, that ther Christia mei and women hould share tho leasiare hieli Phad experieneed; ut, pon vela cursor examination o the hymnia an modern collections in in possession Psound large pace se a ne volum os Son


12 INTRODUCTIO Io the Fourtii Coundi os olodo, A. D. 633, is duo the honoro having nacto that hymns hould bo sed throughout the Vestorii Chureli in public orship. When his a done it Wasi und that hos of the asterii Chureli ero no emit translat sed, and that the est must prepare iis own. The emperorS, hings, and pope vied with aeli other in his hol tash. Charie- magne thought himself honore i in composin hymns, and the

Popes lilio Innocent III., and bishops ih Hilar os oletiens, pati thdi tributos in beautis ut vorses and St. Ambros institute chora singin in that Cathedra o Milan hieli as in

Iest David eum Sybilla.

In uel a hymnal, hocinereas an improvement of hurelimuste ould bo et orth, as a powersu instrumon in a valiening devotion. e liould se ho rhymin Latin conquere theancient classic motros, and sor a thousand ear played ani inportant par in tho orshil os God Theso Latin hymns, rangin ovor his immens period, and the work os many gii ted writer 8, ero ind00d nerusted illi error asterward os tablished by ecclesiastica ediet; ut underi yin these ore ad tho reat

trullis os Christiani ty, expressed in fervid language, an Ahining through th gloom like dia moud in the dari mino.


INTRODUCTION. 13 Leo X., the unconsciolis instrument of tho Rosormatio by his salo os indulg0nces se the uildin os t. Poter's, here also committe a fata error for his causo He rown0 upo the rhymos and me ures, and favored a return to the classi metres; butas could not cur therii de Tho hymns, and the anno in Whieli ho Wor presented had met with universat favor, an nopapa denunciation could consigia them to oblivion. ut thuyaro not ora trio by the standard of the Resormation, hicli, properi Aearchiniso thoi lautis, Doli Ahi ignore thei beautios Mari os them are narrativo no a se are legendary, and even sabulous soni are turgid and obscure, liho the angelingua glorios and the exilla Regis; ut no a law, liho tho


14 INTRODUCTION. demand ne poem an coli tions an ineli nation callia sorine est in iis Wn vernacular Hene there ave Oecurria hymni period hora that time toturi damna osten nota good ave repla d the old hymns hiel sor so many enturies ad give rapture to the cella o hortatis and monlis, had en si ibu missionaries in primeva seresis, and ad been ulteria missi in lastar in os dyla stants. IV cannot ause even to indieate these periods. In the Elia ethan a ieeur the ames of haW Herberi, auran, and ister an Luther' nobi psalm-boo maeias uel ana hening in Germany A later perio produeed the exquisite paraphrases es Addison an Cattis oured orta his de ut spirit in a large volume os hos sententio hieli,not instandis thoi fauit os dietion and thei theologi lobseurities, stili in the devotions os millio , o Sunday and WorkingQays aliae throughout the worid. It is no parti ou pur serio reser to the hymn-Writers and denominationat hymn-b is hie have been produeed sineo. In mos cases the have been the efforis of men to suppi a n d;

and although cho have falle in the persee Meomptishment, tho have raritae tho langua and the Chureli illi ostgratota addition to it hymni literaturo Sueli ere thecoli tions os tere id an Hoptans, and of Tate an Brady

suta mero the efforis of the T leys, Montgomery, and er. But in ver eas the riters, solioWing the dietates os aspecta creed, have presentes heirim viems and the collectoraliave made heir book a ordin to the predit tio ora judi es ata seet. Satisfied Wit a sonororis amen to Meepte the