Songs of praise and poems of devotion in the Christian centuries

발행: 1866년

분량: 279페이지


분류: 미분류


INTRODUCTION. 15But thes fallacios have rought their Wn Cure an noW, Without relaxin thoi essoris to produco the ne , Christian Scholar are retur in to the good id patiis. No ne to ou knowledge, has et attempte a great historicli anal This orti remain to e done; ut scholars of tho pressent age have ouehed portions os the sold. mong thes aro Caeswell, a Roman Catholi eloi gyman, hos colleolion Comprisos tho hymias of tho Roman Breviar and thos of tho brevi aries os Paris an Cluny, and also the hymns an sequonees Domitio Missal. r. Neale, esidos the reoli hymn mentioned has also publi Ahed modisqva Latin hymns an man writers have givo Engligh rondoring o special Grook an Latin hymias. Some of the favori tes havo oon done into Englisti ver many times It ould bo curioris for example, to collato tho Englislivorsion os the Dies Iro . Although no diro ti a par of ur subjeci, it ma no boamis horo to et sortii tho tria meaning and charactor os, hymn. In iis technica Christian meaning a hymn ouehes it Greolaetymology it is a poem in honor an prais of tho Deity notsimpi a religioris poem, ut in generat, an addros O peniteneo orirais to tho Almighty. e sulti no invariabi insistiponthe ori os apostropho sor, o bor Qtho de of tho Britisti Critie humilit osten imitates th Seraphim, ho vel thoi faces an ery one to another, Holy Holy Holyi' ut it must boconceived in the spiritis ponitent adoration and direct ascriptiono praiso. doctrina poem futtinisortii tho formularies of tho Churuli is notis hymn nor is uoli an pio, mi Scalle eclogiae, a Pope' spartit in paraphrase Do Isaiah nor is a homil in VerAe, nor a et os expositor eouplois Tho oom os Montgomet beginning,


16 INTRODUCTION. although extremel Noli expressed has no element of n hymn. Nothin ean o sine than tho verses of Co e beginuing,

God moves in amysterious Way:

but, si om fit si to last, it is a solemn lesson to man, and no a tributo os presso to God. In proportion a a religiolis poemonii odio the dii det de os coi his it approaehes ille techniealmodet. Sueli sor examplo, an e many of the psalm os David, stillusod by tho Chureli catholio in hat a modern writor calis a seconii intention stat is, illi a Christian adaptation. In his vi e os Worship the are antiphonali rendered by doubie hoirs io tuo esseet to the responsive mea ning os thei versi eles Sueli, too are mos of tho hymns collecte in the various brevi aries no generali linown in spiritod translations; and Sueli are many os hos os the Easterii Chureli, o hieli, have es ad resera ed. Deviat in somowhat rom illo modo Chieli, have presented arro illo Latin and Grook hymias intendod sor et os specialWoi Shilmon tho various eas and fas days os ilio Chureli; hieli, besides the aseriptions os praiso, indieato or explain tho character of tho holy-da Whieli ho are designea to commemorate. Let iis venturo to ad that a hymn hould bo simplo in langvago as et a servent in thought, and should void

rhetorica bi illiane and tho artis tho ehoois It is designo isor tho reat ear o Christendom, an not so tho culti valedand soliolari DN. Thus it has appone that tho est hymns have been produced by riter os mediocri ty, and o by tho vorid sareat poets. Milton' magnifident se de to tho Nativity is miseeslexa hymn and although the greatestis Englisti poets

h li: is produce lis hymn hieli is a universa favori te; hilo many hieli are almost non ous are very nea the hem is os id Christianaeople. It is a curious ac that, in the modern offoris to resuscitate,





8 as to malle it read, cit nover-sailin stilli V thus Osing tho fines potu of the mager 3 It uiis tunatet happens, however, that tho alterations improperi made at rat remalia fixed, and boeome so familia in tho inusis tho eopte that a return to theoriginalcis impossibio. Sueli is in eas in the hymnaeginning, i lios ages V in accepted versionis,hieli is greatly alto dironi the origina poem. I may seem to violate any precept With reserene to this ver hymia, a Pliave repro lueed i homilio Episeopa Prayer-Boa; ut, ii Iaave errod in s doing, it Will e eas sor in readers, thus informed, o compare it illithe original. As indieativo of the prevallin spirit of the times, many Christian odios are en ged in preparin ne collections os Psalm and hymias sor publie o hip. The Genera Conventionos in Protestant piseopa Chureli in 1862 appotiatia a committe on Hymnody and Metrica Psalmody, V to revis and alter the psalm and hymias a the end of the Prayer-B h. The committe eonsist os si bishops five cler men and wo laymon and wil mali it repor in I 865. ho have e re theman important oi hi so the need os revision is reat. The


INTRODUCTION. 19 psalm in metro aro paraphrases by no means o good a tho

both sermo harmoni ous chord illi the nover-ondita Song Ostho Anglican Chureli, and of hos o million os Christians os alldenominations, ho ound tho prat se or imploro the toning


20 1NTRODUCTIO seruplodo introduco ther religiolis poetry, O give a te antuarioty. The Greel hymnsis Nealo remos os them maritod by their reoli captions many of the Latin hymns ill be recog-

uigod in a simila manner.

I destre to expres in gratesul adlinowledgments to in friendilio Rev. Dr Washburn late Reetor os t. Marii' Chureli, Philadelphia, and no o Calvary, 0 York sor his admirabie and scholari translations os severa beauti sul Latin hymns and venture to expres the opo that ho id givo to the worid in book-forin his reseat ehes an translations in that fiet t. Fromother hiend os ast I have received suggestions and assi Stanee, and could have extended tho volum greatly ithout exhaustingili tre ure a m dispoSal. I annot Withhold in congratulations and thantis homolio publistior so the magnificene os the r illustrations se thobeaut os the typography, and the splendid genera appea ranceos his volumo. The rat impression is duo to tho publishors' mortis; ut I sed securo os that seconii and Pliope, more lastingono, Whieli Wil be mado upon allidoplo os ast and piet by the perusa os many os these beauti sui poenis Is I animo mistahen, their devotion illi reliindled, and thois asto grati fed. TheyWil experiende a ne plo ure in findita themselves bi ought into a ne communion, bound by goiden inlis to the satiati audio; in hearis os hos se hol mon os old, of hom it a bosaid, illi no irreverenee, that, lilio the prophet8, the spati as the were moved by the Hol Ghost.
