The doctor in history, literature, folk-lore, etc

발행: 1896년

분량: 315페이지


분류: 미분류


there no perplexities. Credulity is tho dissaso of


univorse nos o ly ombraeeS materiai Phenomena, but it also includos tho sublimo and the moralattributos, Whioli no man haS, or eVer Will, Weigh in tho physical balanoo or distit from a retort.


40 THE DOCTOR. of tho humari rauo. You aro tho truo Sol iter


ndassic and si edicine.

ment of nervous cases ho is tho bost physici an who is the most ingeniolis inspirer of hope. V Tho great Ufaith curos V aro workod by suuli physicians, and the dealors in magic ut alltim0s and in ali paris achi eved their SueeeASeS by inspiring hope in their patientes. The more orodulous tho invalid the more eaSy the eure, nomatior What remedy is applied. Is it sui prising thon, to finii that among the more childlike races or that among the infant civiligationes, magicos ten SuperSedes medicino, or is combinod withil l Coromonises whi ob impress tho iniud an duos iapon the imagination considor ably aid thophysiolan in his treatanent of Suseepti ble per SonS. Paraeolsus himself combinod astrology withalchomy and medicino, and his host os follow0rsos toti Went furthor than their maestor, and reliod