장음표시 사용
convinced by tho nativo doctores that astor doaththo Aouis of tho chisesse passod in to tho bodios of
of tho rost otion of tho writing in a mirror, a habit common in othor quartors of the globo. In Gambia, for instaneo; this trestimontis roliud iapon by tho nativos. A doctor is callo lin, he examines the patient; und thon sites clownat tho b0dsido and writos in Arabio oliaraeteres on
bo givon to illustrato how large a pari mugie haSplayed, and stili plays, in the healing art. Medicino is by no insans fresed of iis supprestitiones yet, and the Sueuess of quaeli advortisomonis of the day abundantly provos that tho civilissed publie is stili prono to boliovo that universat
remedios are obfuinablo, and that miraelos uati bo