Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



ence in his way, it is stili an equallypowerfui means os introducing the mer cury into the system, a friction o any Other pari With his, however, I wishedalso to conjoin the internalisse of mercu-xy, as by this means there is both a greater certaintyis it introduction, and the system ill e oone charged illi mersecvry than is e trusted o ne modeonino introduciniit. I have ordere the mercur a renderenactive meret by triture. In this state, thereis the greates chance of itfieiniretainedfor ome tength of time in the system; and in his retentiora m hopes of successwere chiefly founded. I have directed the triture to e made illi the conserva fructu cynostati a substance hicli sortie imagine has a very owersu effect as X- tingui in the mercuryn ut o farthe supposition is et founded, Ita not

By means of these, or ther mercuri ais, it is y intention to Lee this patient for;bine time on the verge of salivation. Noti a that



thates imagine an benefit is here to ereaped rom the disicharge, ut ecause conside the dis charge, or at east ome' affectior of the gums, tot the oni certain viderice, have that the mercuryhas entered the system. Should his plan, after a prope triat, he found to ait, e ma perhaps employsome of thos deobstruent so ight re commende by Doctor Stork, particularly the cicuta or ramonium. 'am farfrom hinking that these remedies are sohighj efficacisus as has been represented;yet I have no doub that the do possessa live powers, and that on om occasions the have had wonderi utly good effecis. In the present case, however, I houldio bedis appotnted were thes ais to ait. While, are thus prosecutin meas uressor a radica cure, the relies of urgent sympionis is no tole neglected. 1ththa vie , indeed, e have hitherio donehu litile; ecause, excepting the cough, there is nothin in his way ver urgent. Isis JUwever, mitti the vie of alleviating



this that Phave ordei ed the Duulae thebaicae While thes afford relies, I propos to continue them occasionalty may have recourse to other remedies, a demulcentsor isters. ut hile the ough ithwhich e is affected continues to emeret of the lichlinthind I own I halleaepeo more fro the piate than roman other remedy. And Ptake the present octe one of thos cases in hicli the trochisci ecfici cum opto, a ne formula ofine Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, here theopium is supposed to ac topicatly on the fauces may be Used with advantage.

Ttigisse of the mercur mas persistest in or ome eelis. His cough continuectio bestes troubles me he hadio retiarnif

thought that the welling in his abdomen was omewhat diminimed. In his stateli discontinued the mercurial course, an in other remed was tri ed.





She imputes the complainis to her ha-vinieat, about a monili ago, a large quantit of the common mali eans. Two

purgatives and two emetics. Aster the eX-hibitis of the alter, the spontaneOUS O-



since that time, me has notiassed any Ca

stat pulveris corticis urit lana scrupulum unum ter indies ex quovis Debiculo. December 28. Has ah the Peruvianhar regularly ithout an inconvenience.

Many of the rei spois, and severat of the large biotchesin her hin, have dis appear-ed since last report: ut thers have appeared a different places and severat times ille has had light bile lings at the nos annmouth Her appetite continue good si in cool pulse and bell naturat. Continuetur cortex, b capiat Elax, Vitrioligulta decetn ex aquae Iatho vespere is mane. January . The pol on hercit in areno almos entiret gone and the large biotches, hicli et remain, re very where os a lighter colour verginito ellow. Some fres h ones, however, have appeared since last report. he has ad n returno bleedin a the nos o mouth. hecomplain o havin been affected foris me lay past,ith ain and welliniat herstomach. me appetite is omewhat in




Intermittantur medicamenta, et capiat crasmane fulis GLuberi semunciam ex aquaeferventis unciis sex more solito. Repetatur os talis mane die Martis. Januar I 4. The sirs dos of the saltshad litile effecit, ut the second operared bris Ely. Since me oo it the ain and swellinio her stomach have been mucheaster. he hastadio return of the bleed-ing. The vibices an petechiae are o almos entirely gone. ut on Thursilaylast, me dis charge a large round Orm, of the lumbricolas ind. Her pulse annheli are o natural but her appetite is a times observed tot veryleen R. Pulveris sorum chamremeli scrupidum


S rupi simplicis,

Aquae fontis,ingulorum semunciam M. so hausus hora somni sumendus Repetatur omni nocte.

Nec non habeat mane die Veneris do nialis GLuberi ut antea. Januar 18 She too the miXture rego artu, and the salis operate &weli; ut no



Let herie dismi est.

denta manne a to erit litile attention.

But a se monilis ago, I ad the honouro receivinis romi Baldinge of Oet- tinge severa inaugurat dissertation pub-1imedis that place Among thers, hesent me one, intilled, e Petereris sine e bre, by D Ed Graas I wn, rom thetitie alone, I as no disposed to ive much credit to t. I considere properpetechia eruption a solet confinessito fe-

vers of the typhous o putrid ind, and that



to in their orsi states. I as heresere incline sto belleve it ome deception and a culaneous dis eases are easit con unded, it a rirn occurred to me that ome other Clataneous eruption might be ni staken forpetechiae. Froni cares ut perusal of thetreatisse, however, I was necessarilycle toforna a different opinion. The thesis to hicli I allude, consislsentirely of a case whicli ad occurre toth author, and a comment pon that casse. In the history, o many the concurring circumstances are mentioned, that nodoubican e lateriained of the natur of the eruption No long after I rea this disse sertation the present case occurred, and the circumstances mere suci as assorde Mancvident example of ha D Graas has described. His cas and the present are, inalmost ver particular, simila to ach



spois correspondei Ver exacti to very descriptionis petechiae. In fige and figurethey much resembled flea-bites; ut in place of a florid red, the were os a lividcast, and hadio evident marks of a puncture in the naiddie, hicli always attendsflea-biteS. But besides, his matre was put beyondat manne of doubi frona 'other appear-ances Together illi these spois, large lividitotche were visibi on man disserent paris, exhibitin g, in a great meas Ure, the fame appearance as effusion of lood in the cellula membrane rom strohes orsimila causes. e ad here also very great resemblance to the vibices attending putrid evers and have osten seen cases, where appearances eremo worse whichterminated by the paris oughing T. The fame appearances ere also remarhedin the case of D Graas; butieithe were the vibices si numerous, nor o so great CXtent. Wo only were mentioned in his case, and these malle than with ur Patient. His,oriis are, cin regione potissi-