Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



is in has et sonae uneafines stom,orms; and in that case, is siue comes again unde ovi care, I may, with greater reedom. have recourse timore powerfui medicines.

two admitte 1 December a Sth 776, has in the est mamma, an indurated tu


opon the pectora muscle. From his tu- mour patia frequently arise, Inootinito-ward the axillar glan is, hicli are also fomewhat welle l. In ther respect meis re froni complainis, and has not menstrualed for these even ear past. About twent years ago, oon after be-

in delivered offa child, a mali tumour Wasfirst perceived in the breast asse Red Thisin a mort time suppurated, and continue lio discliarge purulent matter fortabout fixweelas It then healed, after the losis of s me paris, particulari the nipple. Eight years after this,'eing inducetio scratch the famehreast ver much, rom an neas lickling sensation hicli sine fel there a res hsore a formed. his, rom her account, continue 1 to discliarge purulent matter of a hic consistence, ill bout

perceived the present tumour, and oon



Illinatur oleum amphorataim parti dolentimammae, omni nocte hora omni Accipiat etiam bis in septimana ictus electricos tres ad gradum tertium, ita ut suidum electricum ser

tumorem mammae cursum teneat.

Januar I . he has continued theelectricii and friction since last report. Sheio thinks that heiain of her reati is omewhat diminis hed, and the wellinglessened But the base of the tumourseem tole rather extended. Repetatur electricitas ter in eptimana et accipiat, singulis vicibus, ictus electricos decem ad gradum tertium. Continuetur oleum camphoratum ut antra.

January s. he thinks that the welling of her breast continues o diminiit, froni the se of the electricity. Continuetur elect/ucitas ter in septimana, et accipiat ictus quindecim ad gradum quartum. Februar I. he has had much patia inherii east since it was ast electristed and there is a stigii excoriatio nea the nipple, whicli disicharge a mali quantit of mat





ponatur indies parti assec Tae, linimenti e- rei auxillunt; et continuetur electricitas, sed accipiat,singulis vicibus, ictus decem solumnwdo. Januar 8. There is no a considerable ulceration on herireast, rom,hichahereis a copious disicharge of matter Theswellinicontinues tot much diminis hed, hut shesthinks that theselectricit increasses

her patu Intermittatur electricitas, continuetur linimentum cereum, et capiat Uespercet mane u eris joliorum cicutae grana tria. OssΕRvAT ION deliverediebruar 22.

Is his case there are se sympto mS, and the affection is evidenti simple; et iis natur is no altogethe without difficulty. The dis eas a present is principally, is nocentirely, siluated in the est mamma. And here the assiction is equallyevident, both to sight and touch. A manifest indurate tum ur an e distinctly felt an although iis ursace is ome- times ulcerated, and ometimes not, et the



Here,e have not indeed ever symptot usuali attendin cancer. et hereis a strong probability that the assection is rather of this End than inaesit is no toti rechoned cirrhous, particulari fromit disposition to an ulcerate condition. This supposition is stili farther corrobo rate by the ootin patiis illi hichthe patient is frequently assected; ut stili more by the tumour unde the axilla Forthis ast circumstance a b consideredas a demonstrationis absorption rom hebreast, and that to os matter hicli, in other glands, ould produce a simila affection to that whicli occur in the mam

With this sentiment, I cannot easily, in the present case, pronounc a favourable prognosis. At author are agreed in recrhoning cancer among the mos dangerous affections. t is particulari one of thos complainis here there is no round toliopeior a natural termination in recoxery.



Andris a cur is tote effected, it must, in great meas ure, is no entirely, e thework of art. et perhaps even with thebest avistance, recoverycis in no case obe depended pon. Nor, o the thertiand can any one he considerexas si desperate a to reclude ali trialsci anxit is meret wissi his te that, have alienthe present patient unde Care. In such cases a the present, a cur is tobe expecte oni o one of two principies; eitheri removing the diseased paris, orti restoring them to a found state. herea complete remova cante essected I havetio doubi in considerinti as a proper method. I am for m omniari, ConVinced,

inacit asserit no only the mos expeditious,aut also the mos certain cure and a persuaded that many have fallenvictim to cancer fro iis havingieen neglected. Some, indeed, and those, too me of no

inconsiderable note are enemies to Opera tion, in ever caseis cancer: and were

me acquainted with any effectual medicine for



It is observed, and indeed mitti justice,

that mari on Whom the operation is per formed illi apparent successi, afterwardsdie of a cancer, and that, too, in Ver great agony But to ascribe either the returno cancer or ain to the operation is aver erroneous mode of reasoning Theallowin cancer o remalia at ne place, is no defence against iis assectinianother; o the contrary, rom his circumstance,

there is a reater probabilit oscit happening mence no ad effect an, illi justice, be ascribed to removing the assected pari and whe we find a patient again

affected illi a cancer, rom hom ne was formeri extirpated, it ni argues that by loca operation, virus anno beexpelle fro the system. The existenceo cancerous virus in ther paris, in ali

probability, is ver generali the effect of the operation' being delayed and is thereare sola e cases Where the patient has had areturn



retur os cancer, there are others herethis has not happene l. In ome cases, then, it may be considere a the means os a complete cure. Inothers, and these even the worst, hereth siluatio is suci, a to admit oscit, operatio ma at east e the means fremoviniurgent symptorias, and protractili life of the patient for many years. Fro ali these considerations then, must wn that am an advocate foroperatio in his complaint. And, after

the cases latet publime in suppor of this pracstice, by M Hil of Dumfries, Ver se , I apprehend who have seriousi considerei them, ill sub the propriety oscit. As he ob erves of himself, were it m fate to e assected illi

Cancer, I Would no dela operation asini te hous in hopes of curet an other

On these principies, heresere, Phadio hesitation in recommendiniit to this patient to thin os operation butes foundiae totali averse to at thought oscit. And



And I must here observe, that it is an operation attended withio much anger, that Linould rechon it imprope to go any fu ther than meret to recommendrit. A the present patient, hile me as resolve against operation, a desirous ofemploying an other mode o cure, I determine a least o ive tria to such, andio attem p what couldie done illi thevie of restoring the diseased parto asound state. his, Papprehend is to beesse Redi restoring re circulation thro' the pari, and the natura actio of the vesteis. Ford appos What has been generali calle cancerous virus as ei as allthe other symptonas, o dependin ob1tructionis some of the esseis, and the vitialed

portunit for trying o far thes en is couldie obtainedi means os electricity. Electricity, illi the vie of discussinistichrumOUrs, has been strongi recommendedio me by D Eason, o physician in Manchester He was led to proposiecit Dom


an accidental recovery happening to a la lyin reland labouring unde suci a complaint, in consequence of rarohe romtighining. This history, as related by him, oti,ill find in the fourth volume of the Medicat Commentaries It was, heres ore, mitti thepresent patient m intention to persiis in the use of this remed for a considerable time, an to carr it to a great aleight a me could easily bear. At first, although used ni to a sight degree, it seemexto promise sonae advantage and the patient herself was inclined to imagine that it both mitigatedine ait an diminis hed the tumour.

With a vie , heres ore, os augmentingilies ad vantages Lordered both the number and force of the strolies tote increased. No , however, Pana some What oubifullio far his direction was proper For, after this hange, thelain returned with increasse severity, and the tumour Wasagain converted into an ulcerared state. Id not hoWever, thiniit clea that these