Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



point of heermines and despondency. No indication, o ever, ither of the oneo the other, is tot found in the case be- fore us. The patient incleed, a might naturallyte imagined is omethin alarmed by the diseas to hich he has no be- come subjected But by this, the assection os minit hicli has been induced, approaches to the despondent conditionattendinimelancholia o hypochondriasis; and there are o mark of that variablestate of temper hicli is the concomitantos hysteria. Here, it musti allowed that

affections of the alimentar cana are notentii et wanting and that thes also constitute, ascit ere, a constant par of the Paroxysm For, are informed in the histor of the dis eas e that he sit si attack of the sit was attended illi an iri s ibi e

inclination to a dis charge both of faeces and of urine Such a dis charge e must suppos tot caused by soni involuntarymuscula action. Ani it might procedit ei ther frona the actior of the containing organs, a the bl adde an rectum



Dom the aestion of the musicles, a the abdominal ones, givin compremon to these viscera On the last of these suppositions, hicli, of the wo, is no the least improbabie we have, in his case, no pro per affectionis the alimentar canal But, even adopting the fit si tote the rea cause of the involuntar dis charge, et his is an affection very different from that murmuring of the belly, oriens os a bal risimito the throat, hicli occur in hysteria. Bessides, although this appearance atirn sola place, et it has for o me timesceased isnd. hie a g ad even o late, severa very severe iis, here there a no suci appear-ance here an e no question, then, that the essentia symptotos o Hysteria are here anting, and that e must sola for the affectior unde sonae other genus. To the supposition oscit bein an epi-lepsy, another assectior of the nervolas hi nil, o hicli it has also sonae resem-hlance, there are stili greater dissiculties. Even in the convulsive agitations of theleg and arms, there is an ob v ous d nn litude.



titude here the motion are Violent, hiat without rapid succession In the casebefore us, the are of that quic nature which ives the ridiculous contori ston in thochorea Sancti iti Bessides his, a sui more essentia sympioni of the pilepsy is here Wantini; for during the hole continu-ance of the fit, the patient etains very sense, and an even spea tolerably distinctly But in epilepsy this is by nomeans the casse. The senses, both externaland internat, are manifesti affected Thereco very fro the fit is, in generat, illi mark of delirium, and with incoherent speech Andri am even disposed to conside the total abolition o sense, at east for ome tength of time, as an essentiat. characteristic of that assection. In the present case, me have Clonicssas nasi voluntar muscies Withou any.

assectio of the mental faculti eo and lookipon illas ast ordinius a striking 11- siance of the Convulsio, strictly so calle l. Thi affection, in disserent nos logical fy



tities of horea, celotyrbe, Hieranos sand the like But although it e divi ted by om nos logist into si many genera,

It is particulari hnown to pracstitioners unde the forin f hat is called the Chorea Sancti iti a dis eas in hichiuch oddmotion occur, as afford a the fame timean object of pii and of laughter. Besides this accordinito the muscies affected, and the mode of the assection, it puis On various appearances o the description ofthesea a refer ou to the practica writer in generat, particulari tomi Sydentiam. oti,ill, however, finit a remarkable case of this assection related by DrWhite os orla in the foui th volume of the Medica Commentaries; and fromthe history whichine gives, it mill appear, that his affection is, in sonae instances, much more distrest in than it was ith

ou patient.

Froin the favourabie conclusion of that




φ, I inould e disposed to entertain greater liopes of the present hanes Ouid do ther isse. I must, o ever, ObserV that, respecting the prognossis, I cannothere spea with very great confidence. do no indeed se an symptotos hichthreaten imminent anger and havetheres ore en leavolared, as much as I could, to quiet the apprehensions of the patient. Such affections however, are, in generat, the consequence ni o a change being, ascit ere, inducet on the constitution. Heiace, hen the have orace alien place, they cannot asilyae remove l. I inould not heres ore e surprised is the presentcaseid found to resis theses icac of medicines for ome time, or even a tengili tobam our ulmos efforis. Such a termination is the rather o beseared, a there is ground for presuming that the patient ili continue to e sub

jected to the cause a sirst inducing the aD feetion. For Pliave litile oubi in adopt- in his own supposition that it a theeffect os frequent hard di inhinc. his s


generali enumerated among the cause of convulsio by practica authors, and is, Ιbelleve, one of the most common. At least, the only instance of prope chorea Sancti Viti hich Leversam, Was, Lapprehend, with justice, tote attributed to the fame cause. An Lindeed the nsteadines and mal ingo the hands, hicli ver generali occur1 rom hard drinhing, are perhaps ot essan approach to this than to a state o paralysis. Supposimithis tot the cause, it is notto b doubted that he wil againi expo- sed to it for Lam informed by the tradesseman o hom his patient i a j ourneyman, that he has of late ear fallen very

much into the habit os drinkini; a habie

whicli, he contracted is noceassii re linquitiae l. rom his circumstance, there fore, I conclude, that the cure,il a muci

with soni prospecti successi An I am



ven dispo sed to thinla that the dis eas has stready in s me degree yiel ded to the me

sipies on hiches have hitherio proceededia haes have at ready one and briefly o state the future object whicli I have in

conside ali muscula action to e theeffect o nervous influence, hether themotion in that fluidie excited by the ac tioni a stimulus by the power o volition, o by any the means. ould ineri place the proximate cause of this disia eas in hat e ma cali an inordinate motion of the nervous fluid For excitingiliis motion a certain stimulus is requisite ;and that this stimulus again may have effect a peculiar irritabilit of the movingsibre is necessary. e may there re conside two great object a clites inclaimilagoia attention in the cure.

1. The remova of the excitin causes. I. The remova of that couditionis themoVing


Is cither the ne or the ther of thes cnds' completet obtained, it is videnti

that he accession can o longe occur. Totheirst, are constanti and almos ian auoidabi exposse l. at is heres ore hiestylon the Iast ooting that a radicat cureris to b expected And by the remova of sucha condition of the system, not ni convulsio, strictly so called, ut even the. much more obstinate affection os epilepsia, is ornetimes Vercome. In the case efore us, ome meastures

have been ahen illi both these intentioris tuta chiestylia dependetaceriere onthe last A the sit came a sirsti regu Iar accessions Limagined that ome benefit mightie derived rom anticipatin them: And it was illi his te thac directed an optate tot taken a the usual time of the attach. illi the intention ais of securinia regula dis charge by the belly, and thus, at east, reventing one causeo irritation, I have employed purgative pillS.


rilis But I have clites truste the cureo the iis of the cuprum ammoniacum, inde the fora of the pitulae caeruleae; han whicli I no no medicine more o versu in removinia disposition to con misive affections Andes had latet occa ion to reat a casse of the epilepsy, here Eere is litile oub that his has been thenean os obtaining a radica cure. It iso intention, heres ore, to give it a fair ria in the present case and with that die I have ali ead augmented the dose rom ne to three pilis in the day. Tythis extent, it has ad n other obvious ope atton than that os supporting the laknessit stomach of hich he complains Pamnis possed to thinli ho ever, that it has al- ready had soni good effect on his diseasse. conside illas in a reat meas ure produ- cing the long intermimons hich have flate alien place Andri am even in hopes that by means of it, the cur may be D



have thought os conjoining with it colibathing. Andris both prove abortive, itis, intention to try this patierit,ith the Peruvianiar h. During this Course however, it is requirit for in to a void asmuch a possibi ever cause excitin theparoxysm o supportin predispositiori And, bove ali Phave errioined sobriety;on hich perhaps, more than an other circumstance, the cure in the instance be- fore us must depend.

This patient continnei on theus eos thepitulae coerules for sonae eelis longe And, without ei ther incre in the dose, o employin an other medicine, his assec tion was entiret removed, and his atten clance 'at themispensar discontinued.