Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



year of his age, admitted a IO.I777, by trade a basi et-maker, o a'owssature, thin habit, and dar complexion, complain o being, at times atTected with ver violentiain of his belly Thisiainis attended with considerable wellinianddistentionis the part which seem to arisiesrom, ind; and on the disicharge of inclli is always relieved. Thisiain extendsup ard froni the unde par of his bellythrough his holeiody, and it is particulari severe unde his arm-piis. iste amor continuance, the distention eas es; hut hecis affected illi pain, o ome de-gree, through the remainder of the day,



after,ach attac. biit during the night itin genera CeasCS. He is assected with an attach of this hin lalmost very ay, particulari When the weather is colit. The are always prece- dedi the disicharge of abolat two spoonsul os an insipid ater fluid rom hismo ulli. An this hestahes as a signa forloosin his apron and waistcoat for un-Ies h doe so the wellinio his bellyand severe patia, hicli instanti supervene, occasio much greater neas1nesse During these attach he complain os muchthirst; and when the return of the ainare frequent, heris troubled with obstinate conivenesis at ollier times, his bellLis regular. His appetite is good he e sweli; pulse in hea naturai. He has been subjectedio these complainis for these twelve ear past. And from thebeginning the putiniearly the fame ap-

Pearance a at present. ut os late the at tach have eco me more frequent and

more severe.

He knows no particular cause o,hichthese



thes complaint cani ascribe i and helias used but e medicines, froni hichii has derive Doni very ight temporaryrelies. He observes, however, that heia his bellyris loos his complaints are mucheaster an nothin assior is in s muchrelies, heia his patia is ver severe, as a warmiloth applied totis abdomen; hicli, however, is frequently ineffectual. Capiat Onarii nocte hora miri pitularum gum

m arum raria decem.

Ma 16. He disicharges much inddownward since he egan the use of the pilis and the have the effect fleepingliis beli genti open He has hadio re- turn of the distentionis violentiain. Continitentur pilui gummosae. May 3. He stili continues o dis chargemuch in downwariis, and has ad noattac of the violent patia since helegantheis of the pilis. Beli regular.

Continuetur medicamentim.

May o. e continues re frona nyreturnis his patia, and is in ther respects in perfectaealth.


a favola rabie termination underisu care;

or at east he had suci an intermissionfrom his assection, that I udged i uianecessar fortim to continue his attendance an longer I ould however, by nomeans e astonimed is he mouisti again affected illi a return of his forme all-mentsu arides mustiwn that the relies heobtained rom his complaint a muchsoone than I hould have expected For I conside his case a b no means ithout ungularity. Hi is easter, I apprehend, to oriri a probable gues a to the nature of this assection, than to give it illier a Prope name, o to explain ali the phenomena cit is evident, that the essentia parto his diseas consist in alias eginning in the abdomen and these, hile theycontinue sub si1s with very great violence. Among nos logica writers allistin of the intestines, no arising rom an fixed cata se



are referre lini to the genera head of Colica To the bestowinithis denominationon the present affection, here is hoWever,some objection. Frona iis transitor na' ture, as et a froin the frequency, iis returias, it differs, in appearance at east,from haesis generali known by the illeos Colica; and that too even when colica aristes rom flatuleiace; hicli manifestly appear tot the cause of ain in the in-

But bessides this, there are severat ther peculiarities in the Present casse. Dan ex- ample of these, e ma mention the particula symptoria preceding the attach, the uncommon flow of saliva into the mouth. In what manne this is connected illi theother paris of the affection, I mustiwn Iam totalty at a los to say It is indeed obvious, that an increasse separation offluid by the salivar gland is the Tectos man different peculiar sensations Thus, for example, it arises no vnfrequently froni particular ouiads. e ma at east conjecture, heres ore, that it is produced,

et in


in the present instance, by a cause ome thin similar and that it depend ora a peculiar sensation arising rom the boweis, whicli precedes the violentiain. ma here observe, that this is no theoni instance in hicli I have known such

casion to reat severat cases of epilepsy, in which a Jow of insipiit ater fluid into the mouili a the orerunner of the at tach. And there I as disposse to ima gine that it might be explaine on the supposition no thrown ut But hether, in the one casei the other, the supposition was,et founded, I Willio preten Ito affirm. A the affectionis this patient is singula in the circumstances precedin the patia, se tris also in the consenuences of it, ora least in the direction in Whicli it is propagated. e re old that in ever attacti iti egins a the unde par of the bel-ly, and that in thelainediar there is manifest Nellin and distention It issoon, hoWever, propagated froni the partu here



of theiod in cheral, and it terminates ascit ere unde the arm-piis, in Whicli itis particulari severe. From ha causet is determine i in his particula direction, I anno preteran to say. Somewouldie disposed to refer it to the continuit os membranes hile, at the sanae time, the would reser the severit os tunder the arm-pit to the termination and interruption of these. To his reas ning I must wn that lino no ver strong objection: at thusam time, I an hardi consideriit a confirmed by the phenomena for although, in particular cases a in the present, ainina always follo a certain direction; yet heia e compare together disserent cases, the ourse in hicli patias are propagated is ver much varie l, hil attheriam time, in ali these instances, theconnectior of the membrane is the sanie. Lam heres ore disposed to consside the di rection in hicli it is propagated tote, ineach casse the consequence of the particu-



lar conditionis the paris hicli are moreespeciali affected ut at the fame time, it is probabi rather fro the conditiono the nerves in the par than of the simplo

llitie doubi in ascribing the principaliarto the complain to an assection of thespasmodi hin i and we must considerthis pasmodi affection to aris fron distention of the interlines by wind. Thisis equali evident, both froni the weli in of the belly, and froni the relies hieli the patient receives on the disicharge of

On his de of the natur of the assection, I id not des pati of ein able tobring bout a cure, or at east os allevia- ting the severit of the patias, and of diminishing the frequency of the attachs. When I conridere', however, the violence

of the attachs I as disposed to thin thalit



of twelve ears I imagine it ould notbe brough about in a hori pace of time. While, heres ore, I looked for a favourable termination, I et readed that he case

conssidered the cur of this affection asturninion two circumstances Theirst vias the frequent expulsion os in fromthe intestines by hicli the cause indu- cing the spasmodi assection Ouidie ahenoss and the second the remova of the disposition to spasm, froni,hicli, althoughthe irritatin cause might in soni meas ureremain, et it ould oon eas tot productive of the forme effecit It was illithe vie of ans Nering both these intentions that i ad here recoui se to the se of the pituit gummosse, in hicli I rusted chiest to the stimulant and antispasmodicpowers of the asa foetida. There is litti reason to doub that his


medicine folly ans ered the intentionawhichai ad in te Frona the time that oui patient began tot se his medicine heliad a re disicharge of in i down variis; and it sed med o have fui ther the esse ' os occasioning a regular evacuation os feculent alteri stool for during thei se of the pilis his et ly was moderatet open. Vith these hanges the patient was a thesam timeareed rom any return of the violent patia; and after susserin no relapsi for the pace of a monili, Pthoughti uianecessarycio persis an longe in theus of the medicine, a disinissed imtheres ore, o the time at east, cui ed. Imill not however say that he wil continue re frona ali retiarn. But is hi qmouldi the case, e will proh ably earos hi again and by the use of the fame medicines, his complaint, I hope may be

This patient di liuo again ahe appli
