Specimens of macaronic poetry

발행: 1831년

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alias saviarellas locat, si blat, caesamuat, filiat, tam rinat, harpat, rebecat, noutat, laudat, organat, cantat de gorgia, de cartamusa clara, de cartamusa surda,' M. There Wasevidently no galopade, or maeturha in those days, or theywould doubiless have obtestata species notice; the last,hO-Ver, appears of too serious a nature to be trinod With, en me see grO--up genuemen persorm tbeir paris asgravely and steadi ly as the cia vant figures at St. Dun-

tliose os A. de Arena: Nova Novorum Novissima, sive poemata stylo macaronico conscripta: quae laciunt crepam lectores et saltare capras ob nimium risum, res nunquam antea visa; composita et jam de novo magna diligentia revisata et augmentata per Bartholomaeum BOllam, Bergamascum, Poetarum Apollinem, et nostro saeculo alterum Cocatum. Accesserunt ejusdem auctoris Poemata Italica, sed ex valle Bergamascorum. Stampatus in Stampatur1Stam torum.' I670. 12mo. o remaining Continentes macaronio morks of any noteare Macaronica de syndicatu et condemnatione D. Samsonis Lethi. Dialogus facetus et singularis, non minus eruditionis quam Macaronices complectens ex obseurorum virorum salibus cribratus.' 8vo. Fabula Macharonea, cui titulus est; Camevale. Braeciani apud Andr. Phacum. ' 1620. Buo. Andrea Bajano. Harenga Macaronica habita in Μonasterio Cluniaconsidie quinta mensis Aprilis anni 1566 ad rev. et illust. Ca dinalem de Lotharingia, ejusdem Monasterii Abbatem

Commendatarium, per doctum Fratrem Vincentium I tinianum, Genovensem, Generalem ord. Fratr. Praedicat rum, deputatum per Capitulum generale, una cum certis aliis ejusdem ordinis Fratribus Ambassatorem versus eundem Reverendissimum ; pro repetendρὶ Coronsi aurest, quam

abstulit . Jacobitis urbis Metensis Rhenis, in Campania.'

Magistri Soppini, Poetae Ponetanensis Capriccta Μ

caronica, Illustrissimo ac Excellentissimo Domino Iacobo superantio Paduae praesecto. D. Padua apud Gasparum Ganassum.' 1638. Buo. Os this there have been severat editions: the author, according to Barbier, Was Cesare Ortini. o I


Recitus veritabilis super Esmeuta terribili P san ι γ - is rum de Mellio ii Jano Caecilio Fray.' s. a. a. Epistola macaronica Arthusii ad D. de Parisiis super attestatione sust, justificante et nitidante Patres Iesui

Epitaphia honorandi Magistri nostri Petri h Cornibus.' Paris, 1542. 8vo. Carmen arenaicum de quorundam nugigerolorum piata insupportabili.' In tho Nugae Venales ed. 1720, 12mo. there are Mur 'ν shori Macaronio pleces, whicli it is not necessa to de- et seribe. Many of the pi es in this collection contain gross aideas, R desect uusortunately too common in tho gonorali 0 os Macaronic poetry, the wit being obscured by eoameness o os expression. . Bosora quitiing this division os maearonicism, We muri b. not larget me musing specimen given hy Mollere in thelmisi,ne intermede os Le Malade Imaginai re, Where Arganthe invalid is to ba admitted a doctor.

Qu ATRIEME DO EUR. si uou ennuyo dominum Praesidem, Doctissimam Facultatem,


XVlINTRODUCTION. Et totam honorabilem Companiam ecoutantem, Faciam illi unam quaestionem. Des hiero maladus unus Tombavit in meas manus ;Habet grandam fiorum cum redoublamentis, Grandam dolorem capitis, Et grandum malum au cos,

Cum granda difficultate Et pena a respirare, Vsiillas mihi gire, Docte Bacheliere, Quid illi facere.

Clysterium donare, Postea Mignare, Ensulta purgare. CINouri ME DOCTEUR.

Mais si maladia Opiniatria Non vult se orire,

Quid illi sacere '

Clysterium donare, Postea Mignare, Ensulta purgare; Resei gnare, repurgare, et Nelysterisare. Cir EUR. Bene, bene, bene, bene respondere ;Dignus, dignus est intrare In nostro docto corpore, &c.

His scene was imagined ut a supper in the house of Madam e de la S lihre, where the celebrated Ninon, La Fontaine, and Despream Here present, Mith Molthre andoster distinguistia persons. Each surnished a portiontoWatas the completion os the intermede, tu imitation os the style os Fotengi. Anoster description os p try usualty classed With Μ caronie, though not strictly coming under the denomination, is that wherein every word os a poem hegins missi stosam e letter. Os this clam, me best known is Pugna Po eorum, containing a ut three hundred lines, every Word os



Which hegins with the letter P. There have been severat editions; tho original aud best, according to De Bure, being that os 15M. It is a satire on the clero ; and , as is the case mitti mosi pieces in this style, is more tobe fought sor as a literary curiosi , than sor any intrinsic merit. The edition printed with the Nugae Venales has a Portrait os the supposta author With a pig's head and a Pilgrim hat, and also an engraving of the batile. In the

fame collection is an musing poem os Dearly one humdred lines, entilled Canum cum Catis Certamen in mine compositum currente calamo C. Catulli Caninii. Auctor est IIenricus Haeserus.' Here every word hegi

With the letter C, and there is also a burtesque engravingos the batile. The letter C is a favourite ser this species of composition, probably beeause one of the eastest sor the purpose. Hugbald, a monk, a ut the year 876, Wrote a poem osnearly one hundred and sorty lines in honour os Charies the Bold, every Word beginning Wim C. It has passed through severat editions, hut is a rare mork. It mill besound among the specimens, together With the two las mentioned poems. Os stili rarer occurrence is the Comp sition os Christianus Pierius, a German, called Christus Crucifixus, consisting os ne ly one thousand two hundredi ines. The solio ing may serve as an examPle:- Currite Castalides Christo comitate Camoenae,

Concelebraturae cunctorum carmine certum Confugium collapsorum; concurrite, Cantus Concinnaturae celebres celebresque cothurnos.'

There is a poem by Ηamconius, os a ut the fame tengst, called Certamen Catholicorum cum Calvinistis,

continuo caracterct C, conscriptum per Martinum Ham- conium, Frisium.' Lovanii, 1612. 4to.

o lived in the 13th centuΠ, composed an oration, herein every Word began with an Μ. Some lines on Charies IX. combine the sterostie Withalliteration : the F in the last line is superabundant.

Carole, cui clarius eui cultae cunctae camoenae Aspirant, altis altior aethereis, Relligio regni recta ratione regatur. Omnibus onjiciaes obsequiosus opem.


XVII INTRODUCTION. Laurea lex laudes lucentes lata loquatur, Vexillum vafrum vis violenta vehat. Suspice Sicelidum solemnia sacro superstes, Florescat scelix Francia fac faveas.

These on Viole, Bishop os Bourgogne, affore an ex- ample os the inities V.

Vim vernae violae visu veneramur Vimque, Virtutes varias vulgus uti Violi. Ventorum violat violas violentia, verum

Virtutem Violi ventus ubique vehet.

In the Nugae Venales are the solio ing lines, where the F is the selected leuer; one stat it would appeta dissiculito accommodate. Foemellas surtim facies formosa sesellit, Fortuito faciens serventi furta furore. Fur soritas sertur latuens flagroque seritur.

Our quaint and persecuted muni man, Lythme, thetraveller, tries his initi by pressing the letter G into tho Service, though it must be consessed there is titue to besaid in savour os the euphony,

and Dr. Geddes, are the best known. The alliteration, Whita appeam is have been essenties to the complicat construction of the Celtic poeto, Wissi ita terminal, internat, and cyrchio rhymes; and to the Saxon poetγ, with pieces similar in Pierce Plowman's Vision, do not os murae coma Wistin the scope of this Introduction. Shelion, Who was Poet Laureat about the end of the 15th century, the humove os whose works is well known, has examples os this sori os writing, as in his Boho os Colin Clout.

Conybeare, in his Illustrations os An3lo-Saxon Poet .gives a Celtie distich os twelve Wotas only, stat contains seven


INTRODUCTION. Xixos sueh vagabundus S aheth totus mundus, How some syng let abundus, &c. Cum ipsis et illis Gui manent in villis Est viror vel ancilla,

Were stoine.' Ali you stat stolen the miller's Gles, Laudate dominum de caelis, And ali they that have consented thereis, Benedieamus domino.

Simon Sinflata, 1602, is the solio ing song, said to be probably of the time os Henry VIII. Cens. Liter. vOl. viii. P. 368,

A merru song, and a very 8ong. Sospitati piekt our puras With Popisti illusio, Purgatory, scala coeli, paeMons cum jubilio, Pityimage-gate, here idoles sate with ali abominatio, Chaunon, syers, common lyers, that filthr generatio, Nun nes puling, pretiy puling, as eat in milhe- pannio ; e What knaverie was in monuerte, and what superstitio; Becking, belling, duching. yelling, was their whole religio, And when women came unis them, se e went sine filio. But Abheyes ali are now downe sali, Dei beneficio,



Sinnyhurat, a translator os part os Virgil in the 16theentvry, uses an extraordinata method os versification,

miner's office in Chancery, where the system os S cratic instruction carried on must have puet aled his mei


Expostula iuncula, sive Querimoniuncula ad Antonium Atherion , ob Poema Iohannis GrQb, Viri σιν -υ ingeniossissimi in lucem nondum editi. Τonil Tune sines divina poemata Grubbi

Esticit hemas, dignamque heroe puellam. Est genus hemum, quos nobilis emeit ale-a, Qui pro ni perhin clamant, qualemque liquoris, Quem vocitent Homines Brandy, Superi Cheny Brandy. Saepe illi long-cut, vel small-eut flare inbacco Sunt soliti pipos. Ast si generosior herba Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum


INTRODUCTION. XX Mundungus desit, tum non iuncare recusant BroWn-paper tosta, vel quod sit arundine hed-mat.

Hic labor, hoe opus est Lemum ascendere sedes lAst esto quo rapiar ' quo me seret entheus ardor, Grub , tui memorem ' Divinum expande posma, Quae mora ' 'iuo ratio est, quin Grubia protinus anser Virgilii Flaccique simul canat inter olores V

Dr. Wm. Κing, in the Monning os last centu , pu Iished a satirical work on the scientific proceedings of the age, called Usesul Transactions in Philosophy, and othersoris os learning. In No. 5, professing to M an accountos Moursius his hook os the plays os the Grecian Mys, hegives the sol lowing burtesque translation os Mys, Mys, Come out is play,' M. M a quotation stom his Greeh

Drummond's Polem middinia, is a well-known wOrk, and iis celebri ty has no doubi Men increased hom thecircumstance os Uishop Gibson having in his earlier dus published an edition wissi Latin notes, Oxsord, 1691, 4to. William Drummond, the poet, and also an historian, Wasthe wn os Sir Iolin Drummond, os Hawthomden; he Washom in 1585, and di ed in 1649. This, the earliest regulis British macaronio poem, Was probably Writisn When Drummond was on a visit is his brothesei law at Sco stamet, and contains a ludicrous account os a batile b tween Lady Scolatarvet under the titie of Vitarva, and Lady Ne bams as Νὰberna, with their respective dependanis. There is an edition by Μessta. Foulis os Glasgo , 1768; and it is also in bo found in the collistion hereastermentioned, called Carminum rariorum Macaronicorum delectus.' It opens thus, hut great part of it is belleradapted to the age in Whicli the poet lived, than to the

present. Νymphae, quae colitis hi ghissima monta Ffura, Seu vos Pittenwema tenent, seu Cretia, crota, Sive Anstraea domus, ubi nat haddocus in undis, Codlineusque ingens. et fleucea et shetta pererrunt,


XXHINTRODUCTION. Per costam et seopulis Lobster manis tus in udis

Creepat, et in mediis ludit Initentus undis: Et vos Skipperii. soliti qui per mare breddum Valde procul Ianchare soras, iterumque redire, Linquita Shellatas botas, Shippasque picatas, Whistiantesque simul lachiam memorate bl oodaeam, Fechtam terribilem, quam marvellaverat omnis Banda Deum, quoque Nympharum Cochelfhelearum. Maia ubi Sheepilada, et solgosisera Bassa S ellant in pelago, cum Sol bootatus Menum Postabit radiis miaidis et aliouribus atris.

We must not omit to notice Rumles, the lacetious a thor os Ignoramus, as he has introduced some lauisablemacaronicisms in stat amusing play. Ρrefixed is it arethese lines by Dulman In laudem Ignorami.'Non inter platos gallantos et bene gaios, Est alter boohus deservat qui modo I hos, o Lector Diendi ole, tuos : hunc bue libellum, Atque tibi mitium, tibi jestaque plurima sellam.

Hic est laverus, simul hie est undique clerus, Et miman merus quod vis non credere verus ;Hic multum Frenthum, quo possis vincere Uenchum ;Hic est Latinum, quo possis Rumere vinum. Hunc Maum amamus, simul hunc et jure probamus ;Qui non buyamus, cu ucti sumus Ignoramus.

Ignoramus himself thus recites how he will endo. hismistress Rosabella; what ws may consider his instructions

sor a marriage seulement. Versus Legales de Rosabella. Si possem, vellem pro te, Rosa, ponere pellem :Quicquid tu vis, crava, et habebis singula brava :Εt dabo fe-simple, si monstras Love's pretiy di is, Go nos, silvcoatos, hirtellos, et petii atos, Farthingales biggos, stomacheros, et Peri mos,

Pantomos, cussos, garteros, Spanisa russos, Bushos et soccos, litanas, et Cambrica smochos,

Pimpillos, pureos ; ad ludos ibis et ursos. Among the specimens mill und a shori sceno homthis play, containing a humorous burtesque os La Latin, though that venerable dialect scar ly requires a caricatura



But our most regular maearonic writer is Dr. Geddes, who was bom in Banis in the year 173T, and di ed in 1802. The sol lowing are his productions in this style :-1790. Epistola Macaronica ad Fratrem de iis quae gesta sunt in nupero Dissentientium Conventu, Londini habito, prid. id. Feb. 1790. 4to. PP. 21. - Epistola Macaronica, &c. with an Englisti ve si in sor the use of the linies and count genti emen. 4to. PP. 3O. 795. Oda Pindario Sapphic Macaronica, in GuPlielmi Pitti, M. Laudem. Moming Chronicie, Jan. 13. - Translation os the fame. Diuo Jan. 30. 1800. Bardomachia, Poema Macaronio Latinum. 4is. PP. 14.- Bardomachia, or the Baulo os the Batas; tran lated hom the original Latin. 4to. Pp. 16. This Was writton on the subject of a haule celebrated atthe time) between two rival authors in a bookseller's shop. In the vear 1801, a collection was prinita I belleve notpubliined) under the superintendance os Dr. A. Dunean, asappears hom aΜS. observation in the eois penta me. It is entilled, Carminum rariorum Macaronicorum delectus, in usum ludorum Apollinarium. Minburgh, 1801. 8vo. ' and includes severat clever classical jeux d 'esprit, hut Marcelyany thing strictly maearonic, except the Polem mid-dinia,' and a burtesque diplomis sor Dr. Wm. Sutherland , ich is printed in the lalter pari os the present volume. It is now high time to close this introcluction, and I begio remitid any readem, that this Work is only intended sorlight reading, and to request stat is inclined to exercise their critical powers, they Will seek some book of more

physician's prescription l