Latest acts of the Holy See : relating to the affairs of Ireland

발행: 1883년

분량: 18페이지


분류: 미분류




ROM E i883. - Ex Typographia Polyglotia S. C. de Propaganda Fide.


To Our Venerable Bro her

Venerable Brother health and Apostolicai Benediction.


At the fame time me are ciearly of opinion matthey should be most caressit not to let the reputation oftheir genuine and hereditary Viriues be tarnished, nor

For this reason WheneVer serious agitation has ari Senin Ireland for the delance and protection os nationalinteresis, the Roman Pontilis have alWays endeaVoured by counsel and admonition to tranquili se excited Delings, test moderation be lost figlit os, and justice Violated, and a coume, hoWeVer right in iiself, breakout by the influence of passion into seditious Violence. Our counSels were accordingly directed to induce Iristi Catholics to take in ali inings the Churchas their teacher and guide, and, conforming entirelyto her precepis, to reject the allurements of iniqui-tous doctrineS.


monises With the doctrines and precepis of the Catholic Church, and Will, We cannot doubi, Serve bestthe interesis of Ireland. For We have considence in the justice of those Who rule the country, and WhoSegreat experience is generalty tempered Witti judgement. Ιreland will far more salaly and eastly obtain Whatshe wanis is site Will adopi only the means sanctioned by law, and aVoid causes of offence. Whereire do you, Venerable Brother, and your Episcopal Brethren, strive to prevent the Irish peoplesrom transgressing the bounds of right and justice in


and for the public interest. For men need the advice of their Bishops most os ali When, under the impulse of some Violent craVing, they mistake their true imteresis by false judgmenis, and is eVer they are impe-mousty driVen, as it Were, to relinquisti the right coume, it is the duty of the Bishops to moderate the excited feeling of the people, and by timely exhortations bring them bach to justice and the moderation necessary in ali inings. You seasonably recalled the divine precept


country, to haVe nothing to do with the societies of this Sori, Whicli are powerless to obtain What the peoplerightly ask, and too osten impet to crime those Whohave been sired by their allurements. Since the Irishare proud, and deservedly, to be called Catholici, Which means, as St. Augustine explains, guardians Vintegrit X and fossomers of mhat is right '), let them

bear out to the fuit their name, and eVen When in are asserting their righis let them strive to be Whatthey are called. Let them remember that me strat ofliberties is to die free stom crime 'i, and let them Soconduci themselVes through life that none of them marsuffer the penalties of the laW as a munderer, Or athies, Or a raster, Or a coister of Other men, mings '.

But it is sitiing that your episcopal solicitude in

i) Lib. De vera Religione n. 9. 3 S. Augustinus tract. XLI in Dan. n. IO.


circumstances require, is they are early trained by Wise discipline and found direction. For, as the Fathers of Trent admoniShed, me age of ysum, unios it be for- med Imm iis tender years into pietX and religion, never misi perfecidi, and without me great est and mel

clesiastical discipline 'i. In this Way and by these means We belleve that Ireland, Without any Violence, Will anain that prosperi Which she destres. For, as We signi sied to youon another occaSion, We are confident that the sta

3 Sess. XXIII. De Reform. cap. Ι 8.