장음표시 사용
Arma amens fremit; arma toro tectisque requirit: Saevit amor ferri, et scelerata insania belli.
panion, the si uti resembling an Edinburgh houso, laid out into flats ; though there the comparison may fati, for it is very fondos boWs, a thing Whicli it is suid the inhabitants Will not sussor their dwellings to do, reserving the privilege wholly for them-
come by any desideratum honestly, but Will have it at ali ovenis
reach. Thieves are influenced by it, and owe to it their un&rtunato inclinations. It is soland in various countries, but is suppoSed to have Some magnetic property; iis polarigation belliggreatly excited as We travet North. These sympathies of things I do not pretend to discuss. Construcriveness is discovered in drawing tho fame linedown to nearly the externat angle of the eye. In savago life Wemay suppose that this pari Was very depressed, but after the
tower os Babel, the brain Would bo doterminod not to fati hol indman in architecture. It had only a narroW area On Whicli it couldbuild, and that not a plane but a precipice. The Same area Wason opposite fides; but What did the brain do, but throw out two laterat projections, and there they stand as the transepis of thohead's temple. Α Wren need not potnt to the pilo Whicli ho has reared ; a cupola Would take the place of the ordinary constructivoness, si xed against the fide, I admit, like a cupping-gla88, and not swelling into air; but sussiciently majestic for his monumentat ες circumspice. '-It was in obedience to this faculty that the pyramids of Egypt and the colonnades of Palmyra were producod. It is this whicli Will not let man keop his hand out ossione and bitumen, brich and mortar. With Such protuberances os constructi veness you cannot Wonder that he is incessantly talking of elevations. The increasing breadth of somo peopte sheads, in a certain toWn, ha8 attracted generat notice : haltersand periiquiers are at fauit: nay, the bullding-convexities of common Akulis are suid to have assumed the most singularsorius in the instances of many: in the case of some to hangover like terraces, and of others to run out into squares. Iis citigens mill soon acquire the mural croWn. It is this propensity, our craniological guides insorin iis, Which gives thomechanical turn, iansuccess&l as it ostentimes may prove. Thus
tion to malle it go round for ever. -They also assure Us that milliners and dress-mahers require a large con StructiVeness tooxcel in their art. They also Warn us that the organ is occa
This completes the synthesis of human propensities. Anda superficiat inspection Wili convince iis that they have onlyskirted the bassement of the skuli; We Shali now ascend to tho
into the centre one. Or at least there is some communication
Ιis character is Variousty reported; Sometimes it is considere 1 right in seeliing goiden opinions,' Sometimes servile and venalin collecting the most sWeet Volces sonio would wisti it totalio a nobier name, Emulation ; Some Would say iis present isnot iis own, for that os iis parenis is Vanity. Cautiousne88 has ruised tWo Watch-towers for itself, thoughsadly out of the perpendicular, on the higher sides of thohoad: thus it is ever at the post of obserVation, commands a largo horigon, and Leeps a Sharp look oui. To a honest temperament, this inmate is by no means an agrestable bellig. Helooks with a severisii suspicion around him; never speaks when
Or iis position may reminit iis of Michael Angelo, boast, thatho would liti tho domo of the Pantheon into the sky. ΝOW, When We recollect the utility of this developinent, that in thomemorabie Words of Gali, the Deling of religion is attachodio it,'' We cannot but regret iis recent discovery. And when We recollect too, the naine by Which he 6rst announced ii, Theosophy, our regret is embittered. From What perplexitymight philosophers and sages have been preserved, had this oracle been consulted more early ; Strange that any other Stemshould bo preferred to the one of the Phrenological Ridgo lClarho might have raised his matchless demonstration Without his prodigiolis cost os mental exertion, had he but known that there Was a portion os brain Which could be spuri into argumentson ali morat subjecis, Surmounted by an imperfeci cylinder, whicli sonaehow or other assisted the interior manufacturo. Andpity it is, that Socrates, though osten obliged to wipse his hoad
ing the Firsi and Only Cause. And it might greatly assist tho
dospatch of ali morat litigations, and religioUS controversies, is we would ever recollect that they are Within this jurisdiction ;that the veniae must be laid, and the parties be bound in recog-Digances to appear, in this particular districi. This is, in desed, the very pole of the head, and the circles are the paralleis oflatitudo. We cari eastly do What the fallor in the Arctic expedition sald ho Would, could lis sind the ono of whicli ho Wasin quest, Ηang his hal on it; for the say-so of tho thing. 'These lalter two are reatly respectable members of the common-
havo troated criminals, to bulld it up. A ne eXeat regno istho flightest restraint Such a Subjeci can expect. And noW We Come to a neW Sentiment, and recollecting the Horatian rute, Nil admirari, We refer to What was originalty termed, in French, supernatiaralite and sens des marvellieux. Iis locat habitation and name V are not precisely decided. Itis, hoWever, imagined to lie SomeWhat anterior to Hope, and contiguous to the corners of veneration. It is noW called Μar-vellousness. It is a most miraculous organ.V It is a commonDeling, and produces the rage sor novel reuding. Ιt induces men also to brave the most terrisic sublime os nature. Thus, tho stranger Who halanted the Alall, informed the great satiristos his adventures: It has been my good fortune to have Seenali the phaenomena os nature, eXcepting an earlhquake, WhichΙ waited sor in Naples three years in Vain ; and noW I imp tiently eXpect a sala passage to Jamaica sor that benefiti VI dealily presenis itself on the temples, and is the instrument of Imagination. It is fully developed on sonio tisadswhicli affect to sese farther into those of their Dei bours thanit is commonly deemed possibie to do. Ιt gives birili to thoempiricism of speculation, and to each vagary of the d . In tho brain, below this sui face, Ite the gland s whicli secrete suci, Works as the Iliad, the Inferno, Paradiso Lost, and Childo Harold. Hero is formed and preserved the humour of genius.
All those ethereat aspirations Whicli genius hindles, ali thoso
This completes the topography of the laterat, Superior, and posterior portions of the head; and here We reach tho os frontis On whicli the intellectuat operations are most distinctlycharacterised i Individua ty, or Curiosity, is the frst, and by it we acquire our knowledge of the distinct properties of heings and things. The man who frequently speaks of genus
and species, botanical tribes and geological diversities, will
canthus, is the organ of Colour, and constitutes, of neceSSity, the Drawing-room of the foui. Then protrudes Order; and itis an antiquartan tricli to reser to ancient times, When ordor intho land commenced,' it being quite a modern discovery. It particularly assisis ali arrangements of natural history; and inchoosing iis Curator, euch Philosophical Society should regulato
curiosity respecting individuality, the symmetry of form, theguage of size, the knighthood of order, the continent of locality, the magic os number, and the perfection os colouringi But, pursuing this analysis, We find that the head oncomore presents other objects of notice. There is the organ os time, and there never Was a more Steady chronometer. Then
very thick- ΗΟW the ideas got into suta a skult, is thebusiness of others, not mine: I have nothing to do with that; but let them Once get in, that is ali I Want once in , I Willdefy them ever to get out agam .' ΝοW he should have remem-bered, that his system absolutely potnted out the seat of theseideas, and their cause; and gave them a Seat and cause as nearlyas he could to the eastest ovilet of the whole cranium lPoor Melyhi and Nesistance have somelioW been overtooked of lato ; though I have litile doubi that they aro entilled tostare With Newton the discovery of tho centripetat and centrifugat forces: Sic vos non vobis i Meisht may have fallenthrough l Resistance may have gi ven in lThe two remaining faculties are denominated reflecting. They are Compari8on, Whicli, heing a Gyree in iis own risht, occupies a high latitude. Whilo Causativeness, ranged on both Sides, intimates the propriety of examining the foundations on
It may be premised that there are many objections to this
system, Whose force I am Unable to perceive. I cannot consentio join in the sensetess clamour of men Who have never eXaminedit. I cannot cringe to men Who Will admit no opinion and
theory but those Whicli they may plead are generalty alloWed, and sanctioned by immemorial prescription. Ι may not honour
the supercilious race Who dare not thinh for thenaseives, and