The gate to Caesar: by William C. Collar

발행: 1891년

분량: 173페이지


분류: 미분류




'PO imus amo. editionis suo a book as his Latin Grammar

me of tho eatures of the ne edition re ita constant rogardior in need of tho las room iis combining scientific accuriscyMin clearnes an simplicit os state1nent tho intelligibilit and quotablenes of the rules, secured mithout concessionito mechaniciamus es treatin graminar the udditio of much ne matter of great aluo; th maining of an long omela the increas of thonumber es illuntrative examplas in numerous cros referenoes; in ocellence of the typography and tho indexes, glossarridis of Ruthors, and lis of rules. In in in bestias Mon adsietter.'





nearly fius years the publiiners are ablori Aa withou hosti tion that it has senda more successsul than an other introducto latin book eve publislied in this country. his remarhabis resultris due to a combinationis excollances o hiliuid blanded that effecta are more patent than causea. Whilo the book may boused as an introduction to Caesar it is moro tha this. it is an introduction to Latin's a language. I prepares in student notoni to eo th stud o Caesar, ut, it proper milance, tomata remarhabi rapi an satisfactota progress in readin and undoretandin Latin The hil of the author a te hora hasen led them to secure these largor resulta Mithout deviatio homine main line or incremeti dimouities. The fundamental idea Masto combino in ulmos practico illi ho minimum of theory onine principio that a thorouo acquisitionis the elements of Latin

by thea nitearne musti more a Procem than a Science, momine or os observation, comparison, an imitatio than in m chanicia folioWing of rules o the exercise of analysis and conscio inductive reasoning There are therefore abundant an varied exercises o the forma an more important constructions of tholangvage. The hissu choice of morda has adscit possibi toprovido exercises that ars in themaelves interesting. The colloquia simple Latin dialogues), tho extracta for translation introducedas early a possibie, and the Diod os uestiment throughout ars madesto impar attractiveness, restiness, and variety though thereis no sacrifice of rigorous scisntific method. ven ii the timoallowod for Latin in first year is quit limited Machors may Atilibe abierio carr classes throuo tho book by omittin certain do-tach le portions of the courae. Provision has been ad for tho practicalisse of Latin in orat te hing.


merus have mine this editio an extraordinar succem: 1 ris judicio ooten, - thei fuit grammatica references, crisp, idiomatio renderings, scholari interpretations os diffouit passages, elear reaiment of indirect disco se in hespiu maps, diagram' an pictures in particular in militar notes, Mominil hi omine texi and ivinitiis and realit to the narrative. 2. The V o Mam, - oonVenient, comprehensive, an schobarin combining tho benefits of the fuit lexicon mith tho Quanta aes in speciat vocabulary, and very ma superior to the ordinaryvocabulam. 3. ho mechanica features of the volume, ita clea type eo venient sim and Ahape, superior puer, and attractive binding. 4. In generat, thia octition T PT nonis the omlain -oxuo aevora apoclauata licti ferentis Parimenta, and 8 oughtto Oxcet an edition edited by an singio Acholar. Thomoles in the secondiook havo us Men rem intendo ad tinem for thos Whoisin Caesar mith this book. Ful grammatiscat refersnces have been gruen. Trac Poin, Prosis Latin, Tala


III odition includes thiste n oration arrange chronesog, cald, and covering the entire public lite os Cicero Thorinis ductions connec in orations and wit them, suppi a complete historicia stud of this mos interestin and eventsul period me Lila o Cicero, Lis of his ritings, an Chronological able miliberiound of great valve. The orationa area Delauce of Roscius, Impeachment of Verres The Iunderis Syracus an Cruci senos a Roman Citiae ), Tho Manilian La , theriour oration against Catiline, For Archias For Sestius, Formito, he Pardon fiam cellus, o Ligarius, and the Fourteeuth Philippio. The noto have been horoughi reWritte in in light of tho



HE oditor bollavos that tho poema of Vi are, a regard both stylo an subject-iualter, admirabi ad te to serve a an introduction to th stud o Latin Poet . Heias thereiore su nishod th book wit copious notes uite to the need of yo gstudenta, supplemente With grammatica referetices and an intrinductioni thediis and Work of Ovid, and on mythology. o selectiona ero hosen it a VieW to niahing the stud of Latin interesting. os of them are fro the Metamorphoses of Whicli about ou thir has been ahen. y hel of the argument, Whicli is give in tuli, the editor has endeavore not meret toaho th connectionisi lis talea aud the ingenuit of the transu

put eior the mader omething like a complete picture of tho Gree mytholo , a leas of thos narratives hic hau helothei permanent place in the modern min an have entered morsordes into ever modern literature. rho fimi eighty-eight lines o Boo I. havs Men omittediecauae of thei dimouit an lachis interest. Froni in Fasti three selemtion ars givem irom themeroides, ne hom in Amores three; hom tho Tristi invo and of the letters imm Pontus, one. Specialcare has been t en to preservo in more interestin biographicia hinis of tho tesse Poems. Professor Greenovo' vocabula , simila in stylo an characterto his Caesar, Cicero, and Virgil vocabularies, mill doubilesa be ready defore in autumn o 1891. In the meantimo Allen' Lexicon will fili ita place.

Latin, Princeton Colleste Tho abundant illustrationa o mytholo , no introduced, o speciali appropriate an indoed necessar in the tu-den Us est appreciatio of thesemems, ah thia book peculiarlyattractivo an usessi


preceding ac Book, an an Index es Planta illustrationarimm ancient objecta es artiri tori foliows Ribbω in tho main variationa sing note in the margin and the reserenoes are o Allanis Greenouo's, Gibderaleoo a. and Harhnem a Latin Grammara.

a Synopsis Also fun

An nomentam uid in ritin in Latin Partes. Constructions of Syntax Par II. Exorcise in Translation. 12mo Cloth. 19 uages. Mailing prico 31.25 introduction, s1.12 ano auce 35 cenis.

F ΗΕ specia 1eatur of tho Composition is that ita instructions ars oven inmughout fom the Englishpoint of Olew.

Tho Conspirac o Catilino a relato by Salinst. li Introductionand Notos explanator an historicia. 12mo Cloth. 6 pagos. MDing prico, 65 oonta Ior introduction, 60 centa.

Cicero' Dialogus nil Age Wit Introduction omino adoption in Romo of tho Greo philosophy and ot . 12mo Cloth. 67 pages. Massing pri , 55 cenis for introduction, 50 oenta.



Hvoditor bellovos that tho poema of Vi are, a regarda both styla an subjec,matter, admirabi ad te to serve a an introduction to th stud o Latin Poetry. He has therefore su niine tho book wit copious noto Auite to the need of youngatudenta, supplemente Wit grammatica referetices and an intrinductioni the liis and work of Ovid, and on mythology. The selections ere chosen it a Vis to mali in the stud of Latii interssting. os of them are fro the Metainor oses of Whioli about ou thir has been ahen. y hel of the argument, Whic is give in tuli, the editor has Ddeavore no meret toaho-th connectionisi tho tales au the ingenuit of the transi

put olor the reade fomething like a complete picture of tho Gree mytholo , at leas of thos narratives hic havs holothei permanent place in the modern min an have entered moroordes into ever modern literatum.

tion arealven irom in Heroides, one froin the Amores three; from tho Tristia fius and of the letters from Pontus, one. SpeciaIcare has been taken to preserve in more interestin biographicia hinis of the lesse Poems. Professo Greenough's Vocabula , simila in sule and characterto his Caesar, Cicero, and Virgil vocabularies, in do tiessio ready defore the autum M 1891. In the meantimo Alien' Lexicon

will fili ita place.

arrange foris comprehensive studyo tho metamorphoses. I like, in faet, the entire Allenis Greenoughseries, an have introduco themiuio m Wor here in the Academy.