The gate to Caesar: by William C. Collar

발행: 1891년

분량: 173페이지


분류: 미분류



What a missortune that it di no occurrio Cicero to diverthimself in somo lsisure hour is ritin arato rior Romanyouth Militonsis Mys an oris in these later ages Would havsaad good romon tolles his name. Caesar could have donorit; ut tomim, too tho goda dented Auch an inspiration, and we must uum for it Seein that he had composed atreatis o Latin Grammar, onerulmos Wonder that a minda origina an fortite aliould not havs conoeived thesi ao adaptin his Gallio ar, or ome par of it, to the



Caesar is a dissiculi author Some paris of his Galliosarare a hard Ormearly a hard as an prose Latin that has come dom o s. et it has omeho stranget enough booomo tho fashion to read that Wor first in a Latiniourse. tW convictio is that for Ounilearner a eas retassi in in easter Latin is no to much efore ining up thelos dimovit book of tho Gallio ar. Even then the transition to Caesar comes it somethingis a Ahoch; forthe learne is oon and Re brouo fac to face With sentences that seem to him o most beWildering intricaon

beautifuli illustrate mos important principies of Latinorde and construction There is a sentenc in the secondbook is no means the mos dissiculi ne to bo ound that extend through eighteen lines, that is, Omethin morethan ali a page, - containing tWenty-one distinc ideas, an havin the ver separate from it subjectis ninet'