장음표시 사용
sum . The frst tincture osten leaves so deep a stain as no aste thought or en dea volar can wam oui. Heiace floth in se me minds is proos against ali arguments and examples what ever, ali motives of interest an lduty, ali impressions even os cold and hunger. This habit rosted in ille Child, grows up and adheres to the man, producing a generat listi ess si, and aversitori Dom labour. This I take to be Our great calami ty. . For admittin g, that sonte M oor squires and landiords are vultures withirons boweis, and that their hardia est and severity is a great disco urage ment to the tenant, who will naturalty preser Want and ea se, besore wantand toil; it must at the fame time be admitted, that ne i ther is the land-lord, generalty speahing, so hard, nor the climate se severe, nor the soli soungrate l, as not to ans er the lius baiadman's labo ur, where there is aspirit os indusiry; the want of whicli is the true cause of our nationaldi stre A. of this there a re many evident ProOD. I have myseis known a man, Dom the lowest condition of liis, without friends or education, not knowing so much as to write or read, brod tono trade or calling, by pure dint of day-labour, frugali ty, and se resight,to have grown wealthy, even in this ista rad, and under ait the abovem entioned di s ad vant ages. And what is done by one, is possibie to another. In Holland a child sive years old is maintained by iis orin labo ur; inbeland many child ren of twice that age do nothing but steat, or en cum-her the hearili and dunghili. This sita mesul neglect of education s heres .itself through the whole course of their lives, in a matchlest noth bred in the very bone, and not to be accounted for by any ou tward hard ip ordiscolara gement whatever. It is the native colour, is we may speah, and complexion of the people. Dutch, Engli , Frenes, or Hemis cannot malch them.
conciliate a Qrt os reverence to that order of men.
and brutat manner of lise, to whicli they stem Medded with an attachment that no temporal motives can conquer; nor is there, humanly speahing, any hopes they will mend, except their respect for your testans, and staros semething beyond the grave be able to work a change in them.
332 A Word to the Wi . Certainly, is I may ad vise, you mould in return sor the leni ty and in
effectually, than by co-operating with the public spirit of the legislature, and men in power t
ing your flocks with a love os industry, you will at oncestri he at the rootos many vices, and dispo1 e them to practi se many virtues. This there- fore is the rea diest way to impro Ve them. Consult your superiors. They mali teli you the doctrine here deli ver- cd is a soland catholic doctrine, not limited to Protesanis, but extendingio all, and admitted by ali, whether Protestanti or Roman Catholici, Christrans or Mahometans, yems or Gentiles. And as it is of the greatest ex
In va in then do you endea volar to malle men orthodox in potnts of faith, is at the sanae time in the eyes of Chris and his Apsus, you susser themto be worse than infideis, than those who have no Dith at all. Τhere is semet hing it seems worse than even infideli ty; and to incite and stimulate you to put a Way that cursed thing Dom among you, is the designand aim of this Adbes. The doctrine we recommend is an evident branch of the law of nature , it was taught by propheis, inculcated by apostles, en couraged and en rced by philosophers, legislators, and ali R isestates, in ali ages, and in ali paris of the worid. Let me there re intreatyou to exert yourseives, to be insant in sesson, and out offason, rebule, reproUe, exhort. Tahe ali opportunities to drive the lion Out of the way ;raise your Volces, omit no occasion, public or private, of a ahening yourwretched countrymen stom their fweet dream of soth. Many suspect your religion to be the cause of that notorious idienesi, whicli prevatis se generalty among the natives of this istand, as is the Ro-
man Catholio faith was inconsistent with an honest dilige nce in a maia's calling. But whoe ver considers the great spirit os industry that rei gns in Flandem and France, and even beyond the Alps, must achnowledge thisto M a groundlesi suspicion. In Hedmoni and Genoa, in the Milanes and the Venetian state, and indeed throughout ali Lombard , how weli is tho soli culti valed, and what manufactu res of silli, vel vet, paper, and other commodities flourim i The king of Sardinia wili suffer no id te hands in his territori es, no beggar to live by the Meat of another's brow ; it has even been made penal at Turin, to relieve a si rolling beggar. To whicli Imight add, that the person whose authori ty Will be of the greatest weight with you, even the Pope himself, is at this day endeauo uring to put ne
life in to the trade and manufactu res of his country. Though I am in no secret of the colari os Rome, yet Ι will venture toaffirm, that nei ther Pope, nor Cardinals, will be pleased to hear, that those of their communion a re distinguis hed a bove ali others, by sloth, diri, and heegary; or be displeased at your en dea volaring to rescue them nona there proach of suci, an infamous distinction. The case is as clear as the sun ; What we urge is en rced by e very motive that can work on a reas nable mind. The good of your count ry, your own private interest, the duty of your function, the cries and dis tresses of the poor do With one voice cali for your assistance: Anii is itis on ali haniis allo ed to be right and just, is agreeable both to rea nand religion, is coincident with the vie s both of your temporal and spiritual superiors, it is to be hoped, this Adbes may find a favota rabie reception, and that a geat for disputed potnis, will not hinder your concurring to propagate se pla in and useful a doctrine, Wherein me a re ali agreed. When a te ali is to be si opped, or a fire extinguis hed, do not ali han isco operate without distinction of sect or par ty t Or is I am fallen into adit ch,