The works of George Berkeley, D.D. late Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland. To which is added, an account of his life [by J. Stock] and several of his letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, and Mr. Pope, etc

발행: 1784년

분량: 705페이지


분류: 미분류


not this undermine even your own interesis and sortune, Whicli are osten

are near the person, Or who fought the batiles, of their malle r. Under Protestant go vertamenis, those of your communion, have formerly enjoyed a greater sitare of the lands of this hingdom, and more ample privileges. You bore your part in the magistracy and the legislature, and could compla in os no hardmips on the score of your religion. Is these ad vantages have been since impatred or lost, Was it not by the

ed on yOUr o n head 3, even when your numbers and circumstances were far more considerable than they now are.

You all know these things to be true. I appeal to your own breast s. Dear bought experience hath taught you, and past times instruct the present. But perhaps you sollo conscience rather than interest. Will anymen amongst you pretendito plead conscience against be ing quiet, oragainst paying allegi ance and peaceable submission to a Protestant prince, whicli the first christians pa id even to hea then, and whicli tho se of your communion, at this day, pay to Mahometan and to idolatrous princes in Turi


13. The love of praise and esteem may do something: but to mahe atrue patriot there must be an in ard sense of duty and conscience. I . Honesty like other things) grows Dom iis proper feed, good prin cipies early laid in the mind. IS. To be a real patriot, a man must consider his countrymen as God's creatures, and himself as accountable sor his acting to ards them. 16. Is pro aris et focis he the lise of patri otiis, he who hath no religion or no home mahes a suspected patrio t. 17. No man perjures himself sor the salie of conscience. 18. There is an ea sy way of reconciling malecontent s.-Sunt verba GCoces quibus hunc lenire dolorem, &c. 19. A good groom Will rather strohe than stri he.eto. He who se illi there is no such thing as an honest man, you maybe stare is himself a knave. 2I. I have no opinion of your bum per patriois. Some eat, some drin k, me quarret sor their country. MODERN PAT RIOTIsΜ lget. Ibycus is a carking, gri ping, clostfisted fello . It is odds that Ib-cus is not a patri Ol. 3. We are not to thinh e very clamorous haran guer, or e very spleneticrepitier against a couri, is theresere a patriol.


Maxims concerning Patristisvi. . 3 7 et . A patriot is one Who heartily Wisheth the public prosperi ty, and doth not only wim, but also study and en dea voti r to promo te it. et s. Gamesters, sops, rahes, bullies, stoch obbers: alas i What patriolstet 6. Some writers have thought it impossibie that mera mould be broughtto laugh at public spirit. Yet this liath been done in the present age. 27. The patriot aims at his private good in the public. The L navem ahes the public subservient to his private interesst The former cons1ders himself as part of a whole, the lalter considers himself as the whole. 28. There is and e ver Will be a natural stri bet ween couri and coun- try. The one Will get as much, and the other give a s litile as it can. How must the patriot bellave himselfi 29. He gives the necessary. I f he gives more it is with a view of gaining more to hi S A patriot will ne ver barier the public money sor his private gain. a I. Morat evit is ne ver to be committed, physical evil may be incur- red, ei ther to a void a greater eVil, or to procure a good. 32. Where the heari is right, there is true patriotism. 33. In your man of business, it is easter to meet with a good head than a good heart. s . A patriot will admit there may be honest men, and that honestmen may differ.3 s. He that always blames, Or alwayS praises is no patriol. 36. Were ali Meet and Deahing courtiers, or were ali four malecontenis; in ei ther case the public Would thrive hut ili.


s 8 Maxims concer ing Patriotis 37. A patriot would hardly wisti there was no contrast in the state. 38. Ferments of the worst kind succeed to perfect inaction. 39. A man rages, ratis and raves ; I suspect his patriolita.

o. The sawning courtier and the larly 'squire osten mean the samething, each his own interest. I. A patriot will esteem no man sor being of his party. a. The factious man is apt to mistake himself sor a patriol.