The hygrology, or chemico-physiological doctrine of the fluids of the human body

발행: 1797년

분량: 314페이지


분류: 미분류


of the FLUIDS of the HUMAN BODY. It is nos coagulated by the beat os bolliet mater like the album en of the serum ; nor is it inflammabie in the sire. It does not combine in the fame manner as oti, With biis and resias. GLUE, or dry jelly, Very much attracts 1hewater frona the atmosphere and beComes molit, astabies joined together With glue sussciently sheruin moist weather SPONTANEO US DEGENERATION Is s up or jellybe exposed to the atmosphere in the summer time, it sonaewhat acesces by reason of the saccharine principie it contains, thera begiris to sineti foetid, and ut tength putrefies. THE CONSTITUENT PRINCIPLES appear to be, I. II ater. From t enly ounces of jelly, eighteenos insipid water soon putrefying are obta inedby distillation. a. Sugar. For dried jelly boiled with two paris of nil rotis ac id gives out the saccharine and mallic acid.


16 The CHEMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL Doctrine 3. Gelasinous gluten. For mixed with n id os nitro a great quantity of azole is disen gaged, and glue by dry distillation a fibrds the igneolis products of animal gluten ; nam ely, volatile allia lia nil empyreumatic oti, and leaVes animal carbone, or that Whicli consi sis of animal earthand carbone.

. Culina sali, and phosphora ted ἴala. For carbone by incineratiora leaves these two principies. UT 11 1 TY : This jelly constitutes the nutrilibus juice of the whole body. Thus it is carried by themost minute arteries to ali ille sost anil hard paris of the body willi the bl ood, and is deposited in the interstices of the si bres, whicli constitute ilia paren chyma proper to any pari. It is also car vied impregnated with the animal carth to the



bolling mater, there wili nevertheless remain aplustic, sibi ous, White, tenaCeOUS mas S. Even the very bones, after long maceration inacitis, dismisis their anima earili and form a s fit si brous mas S.


18 The CHEMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL Doctrine Ιt is neitlier solubie in mater, sit, nor alcobol ofisi, e; but is solubie in caustio assali and mineral

i. A fmali portion os realer: For this is givera out in distillation. a. Carbone: For it hecomes blach by burning.


of the FLUIDS of ille HUMAN BODY. 19 UsΕ From this animal gluten of the sibi es allthe sost paris of our body are formed. Thus the albuminous serum exudiing frona the infla med surta face of the lungs is changed into a triae and Drganic cellular membrane, by whicli the lungs concrete With the pleura.


But this sanae earth may also be obtained frontille ames of ali the sost paris, and frona ali thes uidS. Animal carbone, on account of this phosphoriccalx, is Villi dissiculty incinerated.


THE si ita, cellular membrane of the Wholebody, membranes os ali the viscera, ligamenis, tendonS, Vecteis, nerves, and glands, boiled sora long time in Waler, sui in animal jelidi and hianimal gluten,



rediaess to the muscle. Thus a musicle washed for a long time be comes pale, and imparis iis rediaess to the water. 3. in nerves avd i mphalic ve eis, Whicli run throughille substance of the muscle.


a a The CHEMICO PHYSIOLOGICAL Doctrine ater evapora ted by gentie heat, leaves an albuminous gulen, and a portion of the se contained in the serum of the blood. a. Tbe ess ibat rewains after ω hiar is to busteeped sor me time in alcohol of Uine ; bywhicli the extra Iloe principis of the est and theremaining portion of the fuit is eXlraesed. s. The flesii that stili rem alias is to b d ω IIboiled in mater. In this Way the animal jelb and theoil of ibe fui is obtained frona muscle. . The festi Whicli re matris after botling is a

rous, White, inspid, inodorouS mays ; i est Iubie in Water, contracting very much in thesi re, and soon putrefying. Heiace it bears agreat similitude to the fibrous gluten of the cryor, Whicli, is therei ore not improperircalled caro suida. s. Ali animal flessi boiled Uilli the acid os nilregives out a great quantity Os azotic gas, and bydry distillation leaves. very difficuli toincinerate. Herace the clements of the se saysibres are the animal gluten of the sibi es.


of the FLUIDS of the HUMAN BODY.


the broth, and are extracted frona the adipos membrane of the muscle. 3. Whicli mixes Willi the botling, water and remalias in a fluid state by heat; but in cooling, the fiat is separated in thesorm os a solid criast, on the sui face of the broth. q. Extractive malleri Whicli is the proper juice of the flecta, and gives colour, suaeli, and taste tothe broth. It also sortias a brown crust On the sui face of roasted meat, Which gives to it theagreeable taste and smeli of buriat sugar.