The hygrology, or chemico-physiological doctrine of the fluids of the human body

발행: 1797년

분량: 314페이지


분류: 미분류


tela cellulosa, whicli contains animal oll. The MEDULLA OF ΤΗΕ BONEs is similar to the adiposse membrane.

3. Animal earib, Whicli is phosphoraled calx, and , constitutes the great voltime or bulla of the


26 The CHEMICO-PHYSIOLOGICA L Doctrine . Fibrous animal gluten, V hicli assords the matrix of the animal earth,

Bones, macerated for a long time in Oingar oracid os nitre very much diluted, dismisis ali thei rearth, and be come so sost as to be bent without breal ing. Calcined in the naked sire, they be come blac froni the remaining carbonic principi e of the medullary oil and animal gluten, the hydrogene and agote of which fly ossin the forna of inflammabie, aZolic air, empyreumatic Oil, and volatile alliati. But ali these are the prosius os re A great portion of phosphorio acid is separated frona bones calcined almost to whitenesis, by pouring on them the sulphuric acid. The animal earib os bones there re conssis of calcareous earth and phosphorio ac id.

A smali quantity also of sali os soda and gypsum



CARTILAGES and human nulls boiled in water,'giveout jelly and a s mali portion os animal oll. The remaining part is not earthy but fibrous, and conssis of much animal gluten. and a litile phosphorated calX.

HUMAN ΗΑ1as boiled in water, give OUt ns mali portion of Oil arid, . The remaining partis sibi ous and conssis of animal gluten. They are not solubie by aerated, but are by the Caustic, aikali. They are also distatved in acidsthrough the medium of heat. The acid solutionby means of water is again decomposed into white




PHE fiuid paris of our body are called V ours, A fuid is that boo, the constituent principies of which so litile altradi cach ollier, that whenpoured out, it drops guttatim, and adapis itselfin every respeet, to the form of the vellet containing it.

A SOLin is that body, whose constituent principies are connected together, so as not to give Way or recede frona each other by motion, orpressure.


the quantity of mater they contain, and that of the Mater, Upon the quantity of the matter of heat. Is colit air absorb the matter of heat in the fluidWater, then the a lueous parti cles attradi them selves into a solid ice. I f the matter of heat berestored by warm mater, it again becomes suid: and is to this fluid you add too much matter of heat by boiling, then the water by iis repulsi Vepower is expanded into ela sic Sapour. QUANTITY OF THE FLUIDs. The drying of

any part demonstrates, that by far the greatest partos the humari body consists of fluids. Thus thequantity os fluids in a man, of one hundred and sixty pound S weight, is estimated at one hundredand thii ty- sive pouniis. Cf these twenty eight


Of the FLUIDS of tbe HUMAN BODY. 312. Sanguineolis, to this is referred the blood, orthe cruor with iis serum.

3. L mphatio, Whicli are constituted by the lymphos the lymphalic vesseis and the nutritiousjelly.

Abi ininous, as the serum os the blood.


sa The CHEMICO HYSIOLOGICAL Doctrineolrous, as ille oti of the adiposse membrane. Bilious, as ille bile and certamen of the earS. From their motion, the nullis are divided into,

Stagnant, Whicli remain sor a certain time in any receptacle, as the Cystic bile, urine, and alvi ne faeces.




THE red fluid, Whicli circulates in the cavities of the heari, arteries, and velias, is calles the

The OLANT 1 TY is estimaled to be abolit twenly- eight fouiads in an adult. of this, four paris are contained in the oeins, and a fifth in the arteries. The COL R of the blood is red, in the arteries it


si The CHEMICO- PHYSIOLOGICAL Doctrine cast. The colour dependg on the red globules of the cruor For a finali portiora of the cruor immersed in water, tinges a great part of it red. Physiology demonstrates that the redraesis of the globules dependg on iron Oxydated in the lungs. The fibrid redrielis of the arterial blood appears tobe from the greater quantity of oxygene; and theblacknesis of the Denal, frona the abundance Of

os a degree superior to that of the asinosphere.