장음표시 사용
hi l .mstr i. d. V X. id Spirat adhuc ai r ,, Visun que commissi calore Aeoliae idibus puellae.
Ovid. Tristi Il. 265 Lesbia quid docui Sappho nisi
amare puellas' 'sern tu i ii p. til. p. 485 Ili in nerstes Element
his docuiue i in case mar e sinie a solloWs A asseris that B has no perception os idea ari, ecause ho do es notbelle, thati possesses a saeuity, via susceptibilii ol ideat
paederastis, ,hicli is essentia to that perception 1 nia in lainstat this is illier nonsense, orci means that B an aven perception os idea ari, unies he hirnset possesses asus ecptibilit os dea paederastia. For ore i ii possibiei hat ne an , ineret by belle vin that certain the nien possesse a quali ty the possession hic is require forthe persor mance os a ceria in aci, an himself perlorm thalaci, Withou himself possessing the ualli requite sor ita persormance' his Mere an absurdit in ternis. The susceptibilit there for of idea paederasti a possesse bys, heingitidispensabie to the perception os idea arti it tollows that ne ither Uelcher , noros Mure , an appreetate dealari, unies heis Oisesses that susceptibili ly. Mure cloes notposses ilia susceptibili ly, and anno lueret ore appreciale idea ari Uelcher, I presumera aut correct in laling, an appreciate idea ari, and there sore do es posses tha susceptibili ir. I readii concede to hi in his ad vania ge ver me; and um conlent that in claim scio approciale art, hali bejud ged by li 0 se, hos opinion are more ahin to minethan to his oti the subjec os paederastia. I am ho e ver ellplesse dii have a opportunii os explaining m vieris onilia subjeci . his explanation is in deed, as m opponent se em justi to inply, in soni degre necessarΥ, to placeus o a leve in regar lo the main questio at issue Glweenus, ille arguitient of liis origina treatis of 1816having en so unded, for rea fons hic ii, in so a as intelligibielo mera hali late in the sequel on a fuli e tosition ibis ineor os Gree unitatura love.
Sappho, an ille lde a love of tho Greelis. 577
ilia iis induistunc si uid ave been regulaled by law; ibat in ille extension os metaphysica spieiice, at speculationisii
essoris os so mari nobie minil l eontroi r subdue iis more brula influe nee aut appreciale the success illi, hi chilios esso ius ilia osten have been crown ed. ut suo indu gent se et in toWard ille meri, do es ut increas ni de- inflation trahe illing, i bringi ne mors distincti home hesac ilia sue men ere subjecie to suci degradation. Weleliser here foro is right in his miserable aiant, that IOohon ille plathiaria te allem pis of thos brillant theoris is o prove, that hal i is si illi ait base an ten to ex ali or urit a ny
sider hos paris of talos urtis a standine to his nobiser doctrinos, in ille sanie relation hicli the nnatura instinetitaeis hars to tho nobier po in is os uelleni genius. Whiloneillio by Philo in his stream os eloquent mystificalion stillles by the living champion scilio aederastin sys leva illi honi l avo o lo coliten d has a single example eis adduce os an possies bene sit aceruing rom it, hic hvoulis ot have loaedorum ollier purer Durees in a taleos soci sely reo from iis pullulion, i hin i may be horen, by very tangibi eviden de that iis effect was t eorruptani destro si the est an puros relations os socia litis. A rst lep in this argument must berio Oint ut helamen tubie manner, in hic in opponent has everris here consolandei paederastia illi latendship tWο hines no Only diffitinet rom, ut so incompati bi Wilh cach ollier, thatis here the ne is the ollior anno possibi he. Os ali he
b8 sappho, and the idea iove s heire ex s.
8 Welcver, confusion est these two ideas, involves a parallel
oiber ilia a properis erotico sensual asseclion; Whether, tib et renco to livine eines, oro inanimale olijecis o appetite, o er, wealth, and ther Moridi enjorments. The direr an po in te niann erihere fore, in hie thos term a re sed by Sappho hersei in her
quently a distinet smin paederastia, he literatur os the Platoni se hos is arren. The recitat os Cicero beautis ut distoque o Amicitia, in ille Platoni mella, could have ac diiudis ollier feeiincilia disiaste or contempl. uris to the niore sirici aut relati in aruave described, ibat in opponentes presivit Mine bat vaguel alludes KL S. p. 96 , a the variet os his 'under bare reuiadscitast Whicli a limes assume tho haracter os vaterliche lebe*and Trie et biliten undis teli ren M. An it ma perhaps
plislied Athenia cuium and an ingenuous Dum purisse a Xenophoii Sympos. represenis it in the case of Cassias an Autolycus, os iis more degradine element might accordinaci the Ailla standar os editoliona ethios be turnedia in beneficiat ace ii dux sor ne ins case, inere teremni ere probabir here even his purisse connexion asproductive os unmixed evit. The case os Callias is uset immedia ut in polii Thi man, hough ui forWard by Xenophonis a mode specimen os ille idea pauili rasi, as,