장음표시 사용
Where themare, io, lovi lar stat russere Tugend, to whicli elcher appealias absorbin in iis blate os ligh ilio se speclis os menso incho Schwachheil , hic hoadmit is tur in ille daris recesses os ille aederasti ansamiluari Where has he Oiniud ut, as an exception lolii genera oleis degradation, a single advaniage, hichimighi mes have so ed si uni viber uti luteis oureo, in asisse s societ where ille vico m. vlewed milh iboeeneralabhorrence whies ii deserses ues turn rom his more ho- mel sophisirim i ille gloWing theorios os Plato, I stili find, ilia ever praeitea in iration fuliose theories, exhibus ille system in the fame materia larnis alii sp ars in hera i lusos the inacred bando in the passage of the Phaed .hieliciis author desines p. 242. D sqq. , a thoi matur substanc os his master devinet inspire doctrine, a very libera anmuniis sensual privilege is concede s p. 255 E. Mi even in os more idea Erasi nil here ab intermuraeis habitualty carried io illo las exiret ne os turpitude, uimithii certain Minas iis moderation, and ire conjunctivii missi philosophie ubiis, iii relation is elia facieriseis p. 256 as a nobi one, and sar si error is lite vulgar iis Matiend-
esseo onori, luctature, o morais, os a si alii os ibi ga, unde Whicli ille mos accomptished os Allieni an genitumen, and the pures os Gree moralisls could not appen i pass
P. 21 sqq. It is turlher et ea Iram p. 222 B, that heso experiment on the philosopher' virtus, Vere niore or es eomnon wiin his discipies.
584 Sappho, and thera dea love os the Gree ks.
the two heroes ror the talogor of frien d shi to that os paederastis, ould hera degra de almostra brutali se, the sublime conception o Homer. et his transferetice hasbeen perpetraled by mos os the leuit in Allic poes and cri timuro in Aeschylus ni Plato downWard sit has alway been a consolation to me, as an admireros Greeli genius, ο essectolliat uomer, the ounta in eados si iliat is illier beaut isti or dea in artior iterature, should have rema in eis, whether Dum his Wn innato puriuos aste, or rom thein natura instinet havin been et cliu uiant in his lime entiret laeeuroni iis insuence. O canthere be, nolle ne and a cleare , condemnation hanthis ac supplies, os et cher' lallacy, stat a sensibilit topuederasti is requiret in the conception es dea beatur; or o the ille bandis belle illustralion Os the misellievous effecis scili vice o Gree litoris laste, than the essoris that have been made so the a se of Achilles an Patroclusis notis solitar one by eminent native criti , so cordiallybacked by in Opponent to bring do is ille genius os Homer in his particular, t a Ioel illi their o n. Ad milline the sine praeception os idea beaut in sorm, by whichahe Greelis, ere preeminenti distinguished, o have dependet on a concentration f thei admirin facultio n uthlii an beauti sui hinnanoMm, soro this I presume Uelcher alludes in 'the passage os his Reply whicli calledlarili hese remarxs, - it,ould stili eis grave fallac io assert, that thos sucullies requiret io e concentra te solesyor hien On male beau ty, and thrmigh the medium os uo- natura passion A beaulisal ouili belw- sillae and twenty
Attio postlry, even o the sublime optio eleg vo iii a jud ge rom hestibio in eis passages allusive to the di vine Eromenosci Soph. p. Athen.
Sappho, and the dea love os the Greelis. 585is noti I apprellendo more ea uti sul objectraha a beauli-ful maide os corresponding o ars. oine certaini di notthin s o. in his tonorante os an ollier than natura love, his moro detalle descriptions os persona beaut are esto-
But, I imagine the reade ashing Ilo in do es ali hisbear nn the character of Sappho in an siser o his very res sonable questiori, hici, in deed i avst nce or vice put io myself, I remarh, that it never ouis have spontaneousi occurre in me to carry the discussion in the a bove
directi in Bul ille mode in hich it ad atready been socarried by m opponent, alleri With persona applicationt mysols placet me unde a sori s necessily, in juslice ih io myseis and y subjeci, os solio ing in his trach. Thoeoncises mode s shoming the bearings, suci a the are os urcio in digression on the main question, ill o tostalea sirsi ha I underetando be etcker' argument asfoundedis his sitare in ille digression, and the m coun-terargumen a munde On in sitare. The object of his comveniar o Gree unna iura love Was t show l, iis extensive prevalenc among the male sex, and iis beneficiat innuenes noli nationa lasle nil culture Ii the compar liverarii and delest able characleros ille parallel vice among females, and the abhorrenco illi hicli, in thei case, ima vi ewed by the samo discriminatin moralisis ili ille
iis sor her character. Gu in fide, admit ho prevalene os male pae-dera sua. ut inuinta in that iis influenc Was in exery respeci
586 Sappho, and the lde amove o the re ex L
thereiore ali legitimate cope ni homerior sexuat indulgenre, besides the scope, hicli the licens os socia lis affordedi suntla indulgente abroad Letis imagine his man, et pecuniar ο other corrupi means, - sor Socrates himsest defines suc connexion a notrahe resul os mutua seeling, possessis himsel os an innocent ad os sisteen, and w tina him in the mode also described by Socrates Xen Symp. Vill. 32. l. Phaedr. p. 254 A. et iis imagine n hebilior and tW Gree ladies, o naturali Warm temper menta thei societ despised and theiratas deseried, ostensor, at a me, by thei h bands, ach ngaged ia
588 Sappho, and thera dea Io ve os tho Greelis.
la in 'x leni s en ad milles , and the argument founded onit has lo Such extent, ieen refulei 498 sq. nn round se vaded by in opponent 13. ut o fur ther reflexion temeeives, hat, ad ni issi οὐ acto unqualissed, and that in trulli ho Grecks interiai ne litile, ii an stri a ter abhorren celo illo spinale than the male variel O the passion unlessindulget in What the considere a licentinus Excessis from
rivalry. No es torali piirpos is the passage in hic hMaxi inus Tyrius Dis s. XXIV), places the seniale love os Sappho in the samo calegor a the male Ove, o oni os Socrates, ut os Anacreon: As in the Eros of the Lesbian Sappho, fiat elso a it than the Soerali artis love . . . sor both describe theniselves a loving many, and capit valed
i, ait Linus O beau ly and wbat Alcibiades an Charmides
. . . ere to Socrates, Gyrinna and Althis . . . ere o
Sappho an What he rival aster Prodicus an Gorgias . . . ere i him, Gorg and Andromeda ere to her. . .
men uteire Has the rarest. M opponent howeve suppresses ine Pris
sappho, and the Ide a lovo of the Greos. 589 ne ari os Anacreon is os in fame iud soro iuu
tarch, in resereno i the fame de have sed ille terinsτης ἐρωμένης ἐπιφανεισης . . . φλέγεσαι. το σῶμα inuisti. XVuli in fur sine Senso.
in o sar as secondar evidelice is required, o thut os hose ancient commenta tors, Ovid in particular, ho, in suli possession os herisorks, an os ali subsidiar uidito thei interpretalion, nil ree roni ille rosic hallucinalion Os thesecon rate Platonis is os his age, as by his peculiar Orderos iuste nil intellect, singulari qualisie to judge in suchinalters and Whos judgemen regiirdin Sapphos semale asMel a male oves, coincides in ut essentia respecta IF illi
eonspicuous stan in Sappho, o more generali recognisodb her nativo eruies notisne os,hoin Would have rosintos taking thos passages in an other ilia a in et orolicsense Whalaver vie ille might lave os the eroli impulse vhieli dictate inem. lili more to the oin than the coi ineli lar o Longinus is the necdote in Plutarch Demelr. 38i, trahe mode in hic the physicisae rasistratus applied the rniplom describe in Oderat, as a practica Iove
me her aut in sun a si ruin, is hardi enlitte is have a tutius .nsititi si in is ui ou er other deseriptions os her