Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


He means fleshly man. For the word says, And God tookdust of tho earth, and mado man.''' It is evident, therefore, stat man made in the imago of God was of flesti. Is it not, then, absurd to sari stat tho flesti made is God in His own imago is contemptibie, and wOrth nothing l But that thossesti is with God a preelous possession is manifest, first homits being formed by Him, is at least tho imago is valvabie tothe former and artist; and besides, iis Value can be gatheredhom the creation of thli rest of the worid. For that onaccount of which tho rest is made, is the most preciοus os all

Since, then, the festi has been proved to bo valvabio in thosight of God, and glorious above ali His Woris, it Would very


becauso it is a part of Himself, being His inspiration. But

nesti l And wishing to confirm this, whon His discipies did


inown them that there is truly a resurrection of the flesh, shing to λοπ them inis also, stat it is not impossibio forflesh to ascend into homon as He had said that our dWellinν place is in heaven , - Ηe Was taen up into heaven While in bohold, Ho was in the flesti. Ιη sterelare, alter ali stat has been said, any one demand demonstration of the resu rection, he is in no respect different hom tho Sadducem, since tho resurrection of the flesti is the poWer of God, and, being above ali reasoning, is est lished by faith, and seen

in moris.

. . . . . . . . .

CHAP. X.-The bo savia, and widi therefore riae. The resurrection is a resurrection of tho flesh which died. For the spirit dies not; tho sout is in tho body, and without a foui it cannot live. The body, When the foui forsahes i is not. For the bois is tho houso of tho soni; and the sintino honse of tho spirit. These three, in ali inose Who chorlaha sincere hopo and unquestioning faith in God, Will be saved. Considering, therelare, even such arguments as are auited tostis morid, and finding that, even according to them, it is not impossibio that tho flesh be regeneraled ; and seeingstat, besides est theso prooti, the Sariour in the whole go elinows that them is salvation for the flesh, Why do me any longer endum those unbelleving and dangemus arguments, and fiat to me stat me are retrograding When me listen to suta an argument as this : that tho soae is immortia, but thebody mortal, and inc able of Ming revived i For this me


Would mae corruption incorruption. But because the princeos wichedness could in no oster Way corrupi the truth, hesent forin his apostles evit men who introduced pestilent doctrines), choosing them irom among those Who crucifiodour Saviour; and these men bore the name of the Savio ,

far as they can ; for on this account they also despise it, be- cause it is shortly to become a corpse. But ii our physician Christ, God, having rescued us hom our destres, regulates our flesti With His own wise and temperate rute, it is evident that Ηo guarti it froin sins because it possesses a liope of salvation, as physicians do not sester men Whom they hopoto save to indulge in What pleasures they please.


HE most admirabio Justin rightly declared that the Horesaid demons resembled robbers. Tatian's Addreas to the Greeks, chap. Xviii.)

Justin moli faid: Besore tho advent of tho Lord, Satan never ventured to blaspheme God, inasmuch as he was notyet sure of his oWn damnation, since that Was announcedeoncerning him by the propheis only in parabies and allegories. But after tho advent of the Lord, learning platalysrom the discondies of Christ and His apostles that eternalfire Was prepared for him Who voluntarily departed homGod, and for est Who, Without repentanee, perseVere in apoS-


356 FRAGMENTS FROM THEtasy, then, is means os a man of this fori, he, as is Hready condemned, blasphemes that God who inflicis judgmentupon him, and imputes the sin of his apostasy to his Maher, instoad of to his own Will and prodilection. Irenaeus, Here8is' V. 26.)

Expounding the reason of the incessant plotting of the devit against us, he declares : Besoro tho advent of the Lord, tho devii did not so plainly know the meas e of his ompunishment, inasmueli as the divino propheis had but enlymaticalty announced it; as, for instance, Isaiah, Who in the person of the Assyrian tragicatly revealed the courso to befollowod against tho devit. But when the Lord appeared, and tho dovit cloarly understood that otornat firo Was laid upand prepared for him and his angels, he then began to plotWithout ceasing against the faithful, being destrous to have many companions in his apostasy, that he might not by himself endure the shamo os condemnation, com forting himself by this cold and malictous consolation. From the writings of Iohn of Antiooh

And Justin os Neapolis, a man who was not far separated hom the apostles either in age or excellence, says that that whicli is mortat is inhori ted, but that whicli is immortalinheriis ; and that tho flesti indoed dies, but tho hinmom of heaven liveS. From Methodius On the Resurrection, in Photius.

Notther is thero stratiness with God, nor anything that is not absolutely perfeci. Froni IIS. of the writings of Iustin )



fortii the bloody passion os Christ on the cross for the salvation of thoso who are sprint ted with the Spirit, and the mater, and tho blood. Whoreiore tho materiat for purification Wasnot provided chiev With reference to leprosy, but With regardio tho forgiveness of sins, that both leprosy might be unde stood lo bo an emblem os sin, and the things Which wero sacrificed an emblem os Him Who was to be sacrificed sor sins. For this reason, consequently, he ordered that the scarlet


358 AGMENTS FEOM THEinould bo dippod at the samo time in the water, thus predict-ing that tho flesh should no longer possess iis natural lavitJ

properties. For this reason, also, Were there the two birds, theone Ming sacrificed in the water, and the other dippod both in the blood and in the mater, and then sent aWay, just as is narrated also respecting the g0ats. The goat that Was sent aWay presented a type of Himwho taeth aWay tho sins of men. But the two containeda representation of the one economy of God incarnate. ForHe Was Woundia for our transgressions, and He bare thesins of many, and He Was delivered for our iniquities.

Whon God formed man at the beginning, Ηe suspended the things of nature on his Will, and made an experiment bymeans of One commandment. For He ordained that, ii ho tapithis, he should partae os immortat existence; but it he transgressed it, the contra should bo his lol. Man having beenthus made, and immediately looking toWards transgression, naturally becamo subject to corruption. Corruption thenbecoming inherent in nature, it Was necessary that He Who Wishod to save should bo one who destroyed the efiicient causeos corruption. And this could not othemise bo dono than

by the life whicli is according to nature being united to that which had received the corruption, and so destroying the corruption, While preserving as immortal for the futuro that which had received it. It was therofore necessary that the es should come possessed os a bodri that Hs might doliver hom the death of natural corruption. For is, asye' say, Ηe had simply by a nod mar&d osi Math hom us,

death indoed mould not have approached us on account Ofthe expression os Us mili; but nono the less Would Wo again have be me corruptibie, inasmuch as me carried about ino gelves that natural corruption. Leontius αgainst Eutychians, etc., Book Π.
