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And tho saet stat it was not said of the sevonth day equallywith tho other days, WAnd there mas evening, and there vas morning,'' is a distinct indication of the consummationwhicli is to talio placo in it bosore it is finisteri as the fathera declare, especialty St Clement, and Irenaeus, and Justin themartyr and philosopher, Who, commenting Willi exceedingwisdom on the number fix of the fixili dari assi s that thointelligent fovi of man and his five susceptibie senses meretho fix Wocts of tho fixin day. Whenco also, having dis-
360 FRAGMENTS FROM THEcoursed at lengin on the number sis, he declaros that allthings which have been hamod by God are divided into fixclasses, ig. into things intelligent and immortal, such asare tho angeis; into things reasonable and mortes, such asmankind; into things sensitive and irrationes, such as catile, and birds, and fishes; into inings that can advance, and move, and are insensibie, such as the winds, and the clouds, and the Walers, and the stars; into things whicli increase andare immove te, such as the troes; and into things whichare insensibio and immoveabie, such as the mountains, theoarth, and such like. For est the creatures of God, in heavenand on earth, fati under one or other of these divisions, andare circumscribed by them. From the writings of Anastaaius.
The end contemplated by a philosopher is likeness to God, so far as that is possibie. From the writius of A. Melissa.
he wordH of St Justin, philosopher and martyr, homino fifth part of his Apology: I rechon prosperi , O men,
to consist in nothing elso than in living according to truth. But me do not live properiri or according to truth, unless Weunderstand the nature of things. It escapes inem apparentin that he who has by a truosaith como forin hom error to the truth, has truly known himself, nos as they say, as being in a state os frenetri butas Deo hom tho unstabie and as to every Variety oi error changeable corruption, by the simple and ever identical truth. From the writius of John os Dama8ous.)
ΟUGII nothing is known as to the date or authOrship of the folloWing narrative, it is generallyrectioned among the most frust orthy of tho Martyria. An absurd addition was in some copies made to it, to the effect that Justin died by means of hem-loch. Somo have thought it necessarn on account of this sto , to conceive of tWo Justitis, one of Whom, the celebrateddofender of tho Christian faith Whose Writings are gi ven in this volume, died through poison, Whilo the ollior suffered in the Way here described, along With severat of his frientis. But tho description of Justin given in the folio ing account, is evidently such as compeis us to refer it to the famoustipologist and martyr of the second centuo.
Thon said the prefeci Rusticus to Chariton, Toli moturther, Chariton, are Fou also a Christiani V Chariton sald, I am a Christian by the command of God.' Rusticus ilis prefect ashed the womati Charito, μ What say you, Charito 'VCharito sald, I am a Christian by the grace of God. Rusticus sald to Euelpistus, And What aro youl' Euelpistus, a servant of Caesar, ans ered, I too am a Christian,
having been Deed is Christ; and by the grace of Christ I
That is, that a prophetio inspiration is required to spe rintly oi Christ.