장음표시 사용
righteous, and his destruction.
of the thinga foretoid by the aoothavera. That these things Will thus tahe place, ait the propheis havsannounced from the inspiration of God, and also the goothsayersat tho instigation os the demons. For Hystaspes, whom I havonamed above, having described the iniqui of this last time,
Treatiae, aster an enumeration of ths evila concerning whichwe havs spolien, lis added these things: μ But whon theso things thus come to pass, then He Who is Lord, and Father,
CHAP. XX.- of the ju ment of mavit, of Christiana, and of
perhaps, wme One Will say, Is the foui is immortal, ho. is it represented as capable os suffering, and sensibis ot punishment For is it shali bo punished on account os ira deserta, it is plain that it will bo sensibie of pain, and even os death. Is it is nos liabis to death, not even to pain, it folioWs that itis not capable of suffering. This question or argument is thus mei by tho Stoics: that the fouis of men continue to exist, and are not annihilaled tho intervention os death : that the fouis, mor Ver, of thoso ho have been just, being pure, and incapable of suffering, and happy, return to the heavenly abodes frem Which thsy had their origis, or ars boms to some happy plains, Where theymay enjoy Wonderivi pleraures; but stat the wiched, since theyhave defited themselves with evit passions, have a hind of middie nature, between that os an immortal and a mortia, and have something of meahness, from tho contagion os the flesti; and boing enflaved to ita destres and lusis, they contraci an indelibis stain and earthly biot; and when this has becomeentirely inherent through tength of time, fouis are given OVerto iis nature, so that, though they cannot altogether be extinguished, inasmuch as they are from God, neveriheless theybocome liabis to torment through the laint of the body, whichbeing burni in by means of sins, produces a seeling os pain. Whicli sentiment is thus expressed by the poet:
λ In nihilum resolvi Virg. AEneid, vi. 735. Ibid. 702.
The fame divine fire, theretore, Mith one and the fame fores and po er, mill both bum the wlched and wili form them again, and will replaco as much as it shali consumo of their dies, and wili supply itseli mith elemal nourishment: Whichthe poeta transferred to the vulture of Tityus. Thus, mithout any Wasting os bodies, Which regain their substance, it Will onj
burn and affect them With a sensa of pain. But When He shallhave judged the rightoous, Ho mill also try them Mith fire. Then they Whose sins shali ex ed either in meight or in number, shali bo scorched by tho fire and burni: but they whomsuli justice and maturiu ot virtus has imbued will not perceivo that fim; for they have something ol God in themselves Whichrepeis and rejecta tho violenco of the fame. So great is theiarco os innocence, that ibo flamo fhrinlis trom it Mithout doingham; Which has received trom God this power, that it bures the wiched, and is under the command of the righteous. Non ho ver, let any one imagine that fouis ars immediately judgedaster deain. For ali are dotained in one and a common placeos confinement, untii the arrival of the time in Which tho great Judgo fhali maho an investigation of their deserta. Then theyWhose pie shali have been approved of Will receivo tho rewardos immortali ; but they whose sina and crimes ahali have been brought to light mill not rise again, but Will be hiddon in the samedar ess With the wiched, Ming destined to certain punishment. CHAP. XXII.- the error of the poeta, and the return of the
Somo imagine that these thinga ars figments of the poeta, not knowing Whencs the poeta received them, and they saythat these inings aro impossibie; and it is no Wonder that it soappears to them. For the matter is related by the poeta in amannor Which is disserent from tho truth; for although theyaro much more ancient than the historians and orators, and other hinia of writers, yet be use they were ignorant of the secret of the divino mystery, and mention os a futuro resurrec
follo a sum authori , but mere opinion, as Maro, Who sus,
Although, therelare, they have partly corrupted the secreta otius truth, yet the matter lineis is found in be more true, b cause it partly agrees With the propheta: Which is suffcient forus as a proos of the matter. Yet some reason is containod in
Peratringentur igni atque amburenturi Virg. am. vi. 266.
their error. For When the propheta proclaimed With continuat anno cementa that the Son os God was about to judge thedead, and this announcement did not escapo thela notice; in much as they supposed that thoro mas no other reser of heaven
but Iupiter, thsy reported that the son os Jupiter Mas hing in
the lo ex regions, but not Apollo, or Liber, or Mercurius, Whoare supposed in bo gods of heaven, but one Who in mortaland just, either Minos, or AEacus, or Rhadamanthus. Thereioremissi poetic licence they corrupted that which they had received; , the opinion being scatisred throuo disserent mouths and Various disco ses, changed the truth. For in much as they sor told that, When a thousand years had been passed in the loWer regions, they inould again be restored to lila, as Maro said:
of oblivion, Whicli they seigned on this account, that no onem hi malis this objection: Why, thereiore, did they not remem-bor that they Were at one time alive, or Who they Were, or What things they accomptished But nevertheless it is not thought probabis, and ths Whole matter is rejected, as though licentio V and fabulousty invented. But When Wo assirm thodoctrine of tho resurrection, and teach that muti Will retum toanother lite, not sorgetiui of themselves, but possessed of thosame perception and figure, me adi met With this objection: Somany ages have noW passed; What individual ever arose hom
sibio But tho resurrection cannot tae place Whilo unri Neousnem stili prevatis. For in this morid men are flain by violence, by the inord, is ambusti, is Misons, and aro visited mitti injuries, with Want, With imprisonment, With tortures, and with proscriptions. Add to this that righteousnem is haled, that ait who wish to follow God aro not onb held in halred, but are harassed .ith ali reproaches, and are tormented by manisold hinda os punishmenta, and ara driven to the implous morallip of Dds made With hands, not is reason or truth, butis dreadiui laceration of their bodies.