Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 21: The Works Of Lactantius, Volume 1

발행: 1871년

분량: 524페이지


분류: 미분류


and will remember their former liti, and ali ita actions; and Ming placed in the possession of heavenly good' and enjoying the plerauro os innumerable refources, thev Will give thanks to

God in His immediate presence, because He has destroyed allevit, and becauso He has raised them to His hingdom and toperpetuat lise. Respecting Which resurrection the philosophersalso attempted to speah as corruptly as the poets. For Pyth goras asserted that fouis passed into neW bodies; but foolishly, that they passed from men into catile, and hom catile into men;

and that he himself was restored hom Euphorbus. Chrysippus says betier, Whom Cicero spealis os as supporting the portico of ho Stoics, Who, in tho books Which he Wrote concerning providence, When he Was speahing os the reneWing of the worid, introduced theso morti: μ But since this is so, it is evident that nothing is impossibie, and that We, aiter our death, When




ptished. For visions mere brought beiore their ves by the divino Spirit, and thv saW these things, as it mere, dono and completed in their own sight. And when fame had gradually

structed in the mysteries of religion did not know mlis inv ere spolien, they thought that ali stose things were almavfulfilled in the ancient ages, Which evidently could not be

Profani a sacramentis.'


earth, and the trees, and tho numberlem flocis of the earthshali gius to men the true fruit os the vine, and sWeet honey, and whiis milli, and corn, Whicli is the best os ali things to mortias. And another in tho fame manner: The sacred land of thoplous only mill produce ali these things, the stream of hon hom the roch and from the Auntain, and the milli os ambrosia


consummation of the times is to bo expected by us trom dayto day, and to be Dared. When, ho evor, this amount mill be



Boon VII.

mahe offerings to their Lord, and servo Him for over. At thesamo timo stiali talis place that second and public resurrectionos ali, in Whicli the unrighteous stiali be raised to evertastingpunishments. These are they Who have morshipped the wortis of their own hands, Who have either been ignorunt os, or have

3 Usque ad imum.


his servants shali be seiged and condemned to punishment, together With whom ali the band of the wiched, in accordanco

with their deeds, shali bo burni ior ever With perpetuat fire in the figlit os angeis and the righteous. This is ilis doctrine of tho boly propheta which Wo Christians sol low; this is our Wisdom, Whicli thv Who Worshil' irail objecis, or maintain an empty philosophy, derido as solly and

not to strive with obstinato contention against thoss Who ars

ignorant of the truth, and who rigorousty assait God and His religion Dot for tho salie of learning, but os censuring and jeering. For a mystery ought to be mosi faithfully concealedand covered, especialty by us, who bear the nams of faith. But they accuse this silencs of ours, as though it mers theresult ot an evit conscience; Whence also they invent somedetestabis things respecting those Who are holy and blameless, and willingly belleve their own inventions. But ali fictions havs uois been hushed, most holy Em- peror, since the time Wben the great God raised thee up fortho restoration of the house of justice, and for the protection

irreligious; since despising the images of the dead, me morshipilis living and trus God. The providenco of the supreme Dei has raised theo to the imperiat digni , that thou mightest beabis mitti truo pie to rescind the injurious decrees of othera, to correct lautis, to provide With a lather's clemeu for the

Le. the latinses,' a titio osten uaed in designato Christiana. 3 Thia addrem in Constantino ia Manting in somo um. and oditio , butis inserted in tho texi by uigne, M lound in some important MM., and Miu accordanco With tho stylo and spirit of Lactanti . dam emergente atque illustrata veritate.'



Boox VII.

true majesty consista.

on theo a quiet and tranquil reign, With the highest congratui tions os ali men. Αnd not undeservedly has the Lord and Ruler of the world chosen theo in preference to ali others, hywhom He might reneW His holy religion, since thou alone didst exist os ali, Who mightest afford a surpassing examplo os virtve and holinem: in Which thou mightest not only equat, but also, . Which is a very great matter, excel tho glory os ancient princes, Whom nevertheless fame rechons among the good. They indeed perhaps is nature only resembled the righteous. For he whois ignorant os God, the Ruler of the universe, may attain to a

nem itself. But thou, both by the innate sanctity of thy character, and by thy achno ledgment of tho truth and of Godin every action, dost fully perform ' the works of righteousness. It was thereiore bestiing that, in arranging the condition ofilio human race, tho Deity should malis use of thy authorityand service. Whom κε supplicate mith dat ly prvers, that He may especialty guard theo whom He has mished to M thequardian of tho morid: then that Ha may inspire thee missi a disposition by whicli thou mayest always continuo in the love of tho divino name. For this is serviceable to ait, both in

a H.Singularis. Profligati jacenti consummaa. Decursis septem spatiis,' an expression bono ed hom the chariotraeo: here applied to the seven books of thia treatiae.


lliat most just Judge and indulgent Father, Who in the placisos labo a gives rest, in the place os death li se, in tho placo

elear to our conscienco that that frati pis urs will not bowithout punishment, nor virtus Without a divine re ard. Ali, thereiore, ought to endeavour either to direct themselves tollis right Way as soon as possibio, or, having underia hen and



precepta, and fixed a limit to lusi and fear, and explained what was the chios good which wo ali strive to reach, and potnted

is provide and acquire for himself these goods Let those Milio ars hungry come, that being sed vesti heavenlysood, they may lay aside their lasting hunger; let those who