Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


lias ira o n speech, but the subjecis of speech are common to ali. God is everyWhere, and the goodneas of God is every-Whero ; demons are every here, and the cursing of them is everywhere; the invocation os divino judgment is every-Where, death is everyWhere, and the sense of death is every-where, and ali the worid ovor is the witnem of the foui. Thore is not a solii os man ibat does not, from the light thalis in iraeli, proclaim the very things we are not permitted tospea abovo our breath. Most justin then, every foui is a culprii as Weli as a Witness: in the measure that it tostifies

ments of heli mere formeen by thee, but no care Was taliento Moid them ; thou hadst a savour os Christiani , and withai R eri the persecutor of Christians.


at a persection ali ita own, and seehing in iis discipies som thing ol a higher type than the commonplaco goodness of the worid. For ali lovo thoso who love them ; it is peculiar to Christians alone is love those that hale them. Thereiore, mourning oVer Four ignorance, and compassionating humanerror, and looking on to that future of which every duinoWs threatening signs, necessity is laid on us to como forthin inis Way also, that κε may set betore Fou the truths yοu

to bo deviis. HOWever, it is a fundamentat human right, a


discipies, ars illi this day found traiiors to tho imperialthrone. Α Christian is enemy to none, least os ali to the Emperor of Rome, Whom he knows to be appotnted by Ηis


48 TERTULLIANUS gods themselves, even they, too, being subject to him. Wo



nam eclipse, siluatia af tho lord of day was in his heightand ho e. You have tho astrologere, consuli them about it.

can Mint you also in tho deaths of somo provincialrulem, Who in their last ho s had palesul memorios of thelasin in persecuting the followers of Christ. Vigellius Saturininus, Who fidit here used the s ord against us, tost his v si t. Claudius Lucius Herminianus in Cappadocia, enragedinat his .ifo had bocomo a Christian, had trealed the Christians With great crustu: well, leti alone in his palace, suffering under a contagious malady, he Miled out in living. ms, and was heard exclaiming, μ Let nobody know of it,lest tho Christians rejoice, and Christian wives tae encou agement.' Asterwards hs came to seo his error in haringtempted in many hom their stedi iness by the tortures heinflictod, and diod almost a Christian himself. ta that doomwhich overtook Byzantium, Caecilius Capella coiad not hespcrying oui, Christians, rejoicet V Yes, and the persecutore Who Mem to thenaselum to have acted Mith impunity shali notescaph the dv of judgment. For you me sincereb mish umay provo to have been a Warning ontri that, immediatebarier Du had condemned Mavilus of Adrumetum to the wild



our innocenco that you refuso to condemn us at once When me confess. In doing your ulmost to extirpate us, is that is your object, it is innocence you assail. But hoW manyrulers, men more resolute and more cruel than you are, havo

contrived to get quit os sucii causes altogether,-as Cincius Severus, Who himseli suggested the remedy at Thysdris,pointing out hoW tho Christians should answer that thoymight secum an acquittat; as Vespronius Candidus, Whodismissed from his bis a Christian, on the ground that tosatisου his selloWinitigens mouid breah the peace of the communi ; as Asper, Who, in the case os a man Who gave uphis saith undor stight infliction of the torture, did not compeltho offering ot sacrifice, having οWned beiore, among the

advocates and assessors of couri, that he was annoyed athaving had to medeso With such a case. Pudens, ruo, at once dismissed a Christian who was brought Miare him, perceiving hom the indiciment that it was a case of Vexatious accusation; rearing the document in pieces, he rei edso much as to hear him Without the presence of his accuser,as not being consistent With tho imperiat commands. Allinis might bo officiatly brought under your nosce, and by the Very advocates, Who are themselves also under obligations to us, although in couri they give their voice as it uiis them. For the cierk of one of them Who was liabis to bothrown upon the ground by an evit spirit, Was set Deo Domitis affiction; as Was also the relative of another, and tho


To what elso does tho Christian devoto himself, save thoassiars of his oWn communitri Which during ali ins longperiod of ita existencs no one has ever proved Milty of the incest Or the crueiu charged against it It is for Deedom hom crime so singular, so a probity so great, for righteou ness, sor puriu, for salthiulness, for truth, for tho livingGod, that Ws are consigned in the flames ; for this is a

our conflicis, the greater our re ards.

having such things as these to endure, me do not feel ou selves constrained to rush sortii to the combat, ii Only toprove stat we have no dread of them, but on the contrarDovon invito their infliction. When Arrius Antoninus Wasdriving things hard in Asia, the wholo Christians of the province, in one united band, presented themselves besore his judgment-seat; on Which, ordering a iam to bs ted sorthio execution, he said to tho res O miserabis men, is youmiis in die, Du have precipices or haltera.' Is we aliould


52 TERTULLIANUS ista it into onr heias to do the fame ining here, What mill


ULERS os tho Roman Empiro, it, maled for the

administration os justice On yου losty tribunal, under the gazo os every ve, and occupying thero ali but tho Hoest position in the state, y- may not openly inquire into and fift boforo tho worid the reia truth in regard to the chames mado against the Christians; is in this caso Hono Fou aro afraid or ashamedio exercise yοur authority in mahing public inqui With thecaresuinem Which becomes justice; is, finalin the extremo severities inflicted on Our peopte in recently private judymenis, stand in the Way of our being permitted to defend

hearing Nay, for that part of it, Will not their absolute

suprema be more conspicuous in thela condemning her, even after ine has made her pleat But is unheard sentenco



name os Christian is uniust. And the very reason whichseems to excuse this injustice I mean ignorance) at onceaggravates and convicta it. For What is there more uniair

io profess What they had formerly haled; and their numbersare as great as are laid to our charge. The outcry is thattho Stato is filled with Christians that they aro in the solds, in tho citadeis, in the istands: they mahe lamentation as forsome calamitri that both sexes, every age and condition, evenhigh rank, are passing OVer to the profession of the Christian saith; and yet sor ali, their minds are uot a ahened tothe thought of some good they have falled to notice in it.