Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 24: Early Liturgies and Other Documents

발행: 1867년

분량: 214페이지


분류: 미분류


and fleep, and weariness. For noW Ηe has a bou incapabis of suffering and of injury. As astor tho flesti V in cur case is boing in the midst offins, and being out of them to be not astor tho flosh; V soalso alter the flesti, in the case of Christ, Was His subjection

subjection to tho influences of the flesh. Thus Clement, tholourth book of the Hypo P0δεδ.

Sinco the Lord, being the Apostis of the Almighty, Wassent to tho Hebrows, it Was out os modesty that Paul did not



subscribe himself apostis of the HebreWs, from reverence sorthe Lord, and beoauso he was the herald and apostis of the Gentiles, and wroto the Epistis to tho Hebrem in additiondo his proper WorkJ.λ e samo Worh contains a passage from The Instruetor, book i. chap. vi. Ante-Nicene Libra , Clem. Alex. ubi. i. The passage is stat beginning, For tho blood is found to bo, etc., p. 140, doWn to potent charis of affection,' p. 146. Portions, hoWever, are omitted. There are a good many various readings; but although the passage in question, asfound in Cramees Wois, is printed in fuit in Migne's edition, on the alleged ground of the considerable variation hom thotexi os Clement, the variation is not such as to mahe a tran lation of the passage as found in Cramex of any specialinterest or Value.

P. 142.

γάλα, milli, instead of μάννα, manna, that laod, manna.

P. 143.

πη δὲ κατανοησαι την φύσιν but it is necessary to consider nature), for οὐ κατανενοηκότες, τ. φ., thmugh Want Di


P. 144.

τοίνυν τον λογον is supplied, and εικότως omitted in thoclause, Paul using appropriate figurative language.

P. 145.

πλην is supplied besore αλλὰ το ἐν αυτ i, and tho blood init, etc., iis omitted.

P. 146.

For Diogenes Apolloniates will havs it ' is omitted. πάντη, rendered in ali respecis,' is connected mith thspreceding sentence.

P. 147.


129 xiv. 23, 169LEVITICUS. xxvi. 24, .

xvii. I6,1211 ΚINGS. viii. 27,

xviii. I, 132 xviii. 26, . 129 xviii. 27,

xviii. 43, .

xviii. 50, . .

130xta. I, 131rix. 2, 3, 132rix. 8, 134xta. I 2, 135 xxxii. I, 171 xliv. 5,1701xis. 4,

cXXV. 5, . .

120 xliv. 6, 129

V. 2, o

V. 8, .

iii. II, 124 iii. I 2, 124

V. 6, o

142 vi. 27, 120 vi. 33, 32, . 120 Ti. 28, . I7I, I73xii. 44, 120 xii. 46, 157 xii. 50, 123 xiii. 3I, 32, 156 xiii. 43, 133xxii. 12, 169xxiii. 9, 123

131iii. 22, . 157,I74 ix. 55, 120 xii. 25, 120 183 xii. 49,


XV. 11, etc., I68, etc. xvi. 17,

xxiv. 34, .

168iii. 29, 169xvi. 7, 140

viii. I 122 viii. 35,173 viii. 38, 178

160 iii. 16, 160



i. 20, .

i. 23, .

V. 14, . .

i. I, . . .

57, 63, 76, 78, 85, 86, 87, 88, 9



Infanis, ex sed and abortio, cared

Liturgies, primitive, an account os, 3, etc.



Prophe , Ρantaenua' remarri on theuso of the tenses in, 133. Propitiation, the prver es, M. BRASON, man naturalty ondowed With, and may abuse, I 72. Regeneration, II8, I39. Repentance, IM; oi ain alter baptism, 173. Resurrection, the, I 39. Riches, learning to bo preferred io,

men intent on possessium II2.

Spirit, I 75, 176.


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