장음표시 사용
Τhe anaphora he dividos into Dur paris in tho following
t V. Commemoration os Institution. The
Tho wholo subject is discussed by Μr. Neale With extraordinary minuteness, faeness of delati, and perfeci mastoryos his subjeci; and to his Work Ws refer those Who Wisti toprosecuto tho stuis of the subjeci.
altar, that we may offer Theo a sacrifice of praise: and accepi hom us, Thy unprofitable servanis, this incense as anodour os a sWEet smeli, and mine fragrant the evit odour of
eterni . Amen. Prver of the eo encemerit.
IV. O beneficent Κing eternia, and Creator of the universe,
receive Thy church, coming unto Theo throuo Thy Christi sulfil to sach What is profit te; lead ali to perfection, and mari us perfectly Worthy of the grace of Thy sanctification, gathering us together Within Thy holy church, which Thou hast purchased by the precisus blood of Thy only4 otten Son, and our Lord and Sariour Jesus Christ, With whom Thou art blessed and glorifled, ingester With Thy Hl-hob, and good, and quichening Spirit, noW and ever, and to alleterniu. Amen. The Deaeon.
V. Let us again Way to the L d.
ah and of Abram, tho incense of Aaron and of Zacharias, accept also fram the hand of us sinners this incenso for anodour os a sWeet smeli, and sor remission es our sins, and
XVI. Lot nono of the catechumens, nono of the unbaptigerinone of those Who ars unabis to join With us in prayer; look at one another: the door: ali erect :y let us again pruto the Loes.