장음표시 사용
Sir, pronounco the blessing. . The Prieat. Blessed bo God, who bisssoth and sanctififth ns ait at thopresentation os the divine and pure mysteries, and ovethrest to tho Nessed sinis among the holy and just, nοW andalWays, and to ali eterni .
of tho Fastor. Amen. And of tho Son. Amen. Andos tho Hesy Spirit. Amen. and alWays, and to alleterni . Amen.
lise, Who hast shoWn to us Ways to salvation, Who hast grantedio us a revelation of heavenly mysteries, and hast appotntedus to this ministry in the poWer Oi Thy allinoly Spirit, grant,
o Sovereign, that Ws may become servants of Thy nem testament, ministers of Thy pure mysteries, and receive us as Wedra near to Thy hob altar, according to the greatness os Thy mercy, stat me may becomo mortis os offering to Thoagitis and sacrifices for cur transgressions and for inoso of thepeople; and grant to us, o Lord, With ali fear and a pure conscienco to offer to Theo this spiritual and bloodless sacrifice,
and gractousty receiving it unio Thy holy and spiritus altar
our fouis, and bodies, and spiriti; and turn our thoughis tolioliness, that With a puro conscience Wo may bring to Thoe an offering of peace, a sacrifice of presse. Alaud.
the heavens of heavens pratae, and ali tho host os thsm; insinn, and tho moon, and ali the choir of the stare; earth, sea, and ali that is in them; Jerusalem, ins hemenly asse ly, and church of tho firstinorn that are Wristen in heaven; spiriis of iust men and of propheis; fovis of martyrs and os apostlos;
28M Y LIT GIES angeis, archangeis, thrones, dominions, principalities, and authorities, and dread pomers; and the many-yed cherubim, and the si Winged seraphim, Whicli cover inela faces Withimo Wings, their feet With tWo, and with tWο thv v, cryingone to another With umesting lips, With unceasing presses.
is IIo that cometh in the namo of the Lord. Hosanna intho hi est. The Prieat, masting the sign of the erosa on the gif8, 3v8: