Barnabæ itinerarium:

발행: 1818년

분량: 374페이지


분류: 미분류


Whether it was the happy thought of the

editor, o suggested by a not les interested person, the publi8her, Who might conjecturea ille more popular as require than thato a mere uournal howeve in the fore-hon it a sat taloris solatio-sor the Traveller' solace' it is no immateria toinquire; ut it ma be observed that in the sociat oursi ou Author althoughle nevertraVel any great distance ithout altingand mining ome entr in his dournal to record a good Signi a pleasing hostes8, thereare se ver record os absolute inebriet thaninight be expected hom his convivia man-ners and generat bibaci ly Drun hen Barnaby was the burthenis a balla published many years helare, an a term sussiciently populareto cause this alterationis titie, Which


A nlyMorthioticing to prove that an illnam last for ever, and to observe that herice Our hero Barnabee is o universali linownns a Drunkard, and remain s ver litile lino vn a a Journalist, that a reade may X- pecton belloiding the original ille hecisgoingtote introduced i a strange instendis aver old acquaintanee. Tho merit of this edition maybe asil appreciated by considering the or 8Sions variations an additioris Anii rom examining these politis it Seem impossibi totoub assuet, that the editor dii no posses a persectcopyos thesii si edition, to whicli circumstance maybe attributed simila omission in themur Subsequent ones. ut to the analysis OΜIss1ONS. The illes besore eaeli, thokur paris . Theclines at p. 5 and 7 . Atl

otio illos and lines at p. 7 and the ther S-tcrish also omitte in the later edition


Translatorem and o the Translator p. 8 and 9. he lines p. t 78-9'. Ad Philoxenum


l. 4.

l. 3. From WhOSe. l. 6.

I hemori a Queens spealis pure Athenim. P. 17. St. 2 l. 3-4. No more of that, it is above me, found a tenderisus e is that did love me. l. 6. Than thousandiosamonds a Fing.


l. 6.


l. 4.

What sea S, SightS. St. 2 l. 2.


l. 6.