Barnabæ itinerarium:

발행: 1818년

분량: 374페이지


분류: 미분류


P. 14. St. 2 l. 6. Quod Sabbatho. P. 22. St. I l. 3. Pater oppidanuS. A nem Titie was asterWard substituted dated


P. 40. St. I l. 3,-frondi virent. P. 49. l. 2. Thanil ale. misprint continued inith ed.JP. 79. l. II.


1805. Large and mali Octavo, S leaves. Embellislied illi severi ne vignettes and tali pie es. The ex that of the precedingedition, illi sonae further occasiona variations here the Englisti teX M a stippoSed imperfeci, orno obscure tot generallyeOmprehended.


Barnabae nactum.


P. I87. l. 3.

Tho following valliable Advertisement Wagis prefixed whicli collocis much conjecturat an lother matte relative to the supposed authorondii Journal. 'ADVERTI SEMEI: IT DA NEW odition o Drunken Barnab s Ournal, in Latin and Englisti rhime, having been longa desideratum in the iterarumOrid, the Publislier thought it,ouldae deseruingwellossia has had aetaste for vitand learning, to extend the aequaintanceis a sestive bard who has delighted ait o hom he has been


nation void and ain. Iariotis Olives, good and bad, induce a Uthors to concent them Selves Doria the public. O uti a caprici ou haught iness, wist rarelyavo ed an of his productions and Voltaire, Doria regard Oli persona repose, dis avo edmany os his, vitii an earn est nes no Very consistent illi the principies of truth. ut

ma be have force only for a time the prido and fascinationis authorship usualty prevallin the end with ver attractive riter o layclaim to the laureis of literature This howeve is no invariabi the case; hether si omfortuitou circumstances, O peculiarit Os


dvsposition there are Severat celebrate diroductions os hiel the authors rem alii inscrutable O curiosity. The samoiis BarnabyHarrington' Travet is perhapso be ne instance of the Lind. Gn the perus alis a performance POSSeSS- in s much merit, a Wel a eccentricity, a Stron destre is excitet to no v ha theauthor as, hen e lived, and when e Wro te. Ome notice are contained in his O n age8; the give S O Understand thathis nam e was Harrington that he wasi orn

ari atriast et iled in the orth, as a dealer


Boucher' Biographia Cumberlandim in

Hut ehinson ' Histor o Durham, c. c. and the have obtained so uel regard that severat Opies are extant illi manuscript comments. Hi therio, ho ever, o biographica account of hi in has been givei therea has no been distinguished rom the assume character of the writer. The editor of the seconi editionis the work calis hima gradunt of Queen's College, Xsord; anassertion notiorroborated by the author noris his nam tote mund in the lisis of Oxsordor Cambridge gradu ates A manuscript memorandum states him to have been a Schoolinaster in ortistiire; ut ithout assigning an authori ty. Barnab gives no intimation himself of his vocationis bufiness, tantii, in his last ourney, heiecomes horse-deater. It


quence made acquainted with the publi in in os t. His Patavinus erravit prelis, Authorem suis lacerando telis. Philander Fietion may be supposed to have omestiar in Barnaby's descriptions probabi R


large hare. Hau in investe dii insolf with a poetica character, it ma be presumed that he both fabricate Dand adapte incident tosuit it like other dealers in poeti y A SOng, Such a the perusal of his Traveis might Sugge8t, a Composed, and is cited by one of his editor ; ut as otii a single ouplet ofit has been given, oeshali gratis the curious

Froni the ver obligin communicatio of Thomas Parh, ESq. Whoseratores of varied and eXtensive information ure rendered the more valvabie because accomparite by a disposition mos liberali communicatiVe.