Barnabæ itinerarium:

발행: 1818년

분량: 374페이지


분류: 미분류


in his sorti criticismin popular riters itis no Such a convey ver precise deas Helias sal formething of the sam hi nil of Robert Greene and many others. What is it satrimpori That oui author as a favourite in

his da with aiigher classis reader than in the succeed in age i ha is his ut toliave incurre ille viis inseparabie rona thepopularit os asiliores It is of the essen ceo fashion to descend in the subjects of iis dominion and to transfer iis ohe to the Vulgar, at the period heri it is thrownimbythos of rank and consideration. Γ tali advant age of temporar topies, and a temporary phrase Ology, to XCite ΠΟ-tice, i certain lyra Stron presumption o aminor genius. It is that ' deciduous sortissi aurei V ascribe di Wood o Brath ait butit is tho busines os an impartia critie to eXamine hether in his instance a in many


in the following ea Anniversariesupon his


ticular perSon.


Minute a the account given of the many relatives of Brath ait ma appear, let it berecollecte that the sam is confinec to the paterna branche only whicli ere sum cienti numerous, and enough dispersed to sur-nish such a successionis visits, with in thepale of his own family, as to malle Brath ait imbibo the nsetile spiriti a ranabster, andio ive birili to that coin age of adventure dis-

played in thecitinerary.


O tho history of this materna uncte christene Barnaby, no particular arelino n. The pedigi e States the last three fons asini dying without Ssue, but oes notsuppi an dates of thos evenis There re Whether the younges Son, Larnais, ted in

insane or live to a mature age, Te mainSat present uncertain. In either case, rom


a eicomedaVOurite os omen, an is notthe lo in prototype of the ero of the I linerarium, stili sucii an ulline of the original mali-worm a neededint therioucho the poet o suppi Ese, colouring, and immortality. I such a bibactous revellerdid exist, and obtaine no more than provincia notoriely, do es it seem to much toeXpeet, notwithstanding the lapse os time,sorne traditiona informationis his histor λSome proverb s undedin his eccentricit λor ome facetious monumenta record in imitationis his great fore-runner, ippi ing

In the ille page i seemscintended O pre-vent an persona application of the character of Barnabee, by declaring that thedournat was to most aptiumber reduced,


and to the old tune o Barnabe commonlychaurited V hieli te ad to the last par of

stigii conneXion of thi character illi thedevelopement of the stor of the drama, render the nam o Barnabee o triflingsor an other purposes of Jonsonethan in parti personis a savourite id caleb, and there-


Jonson again mentions his calch in Masque that Was performed severat times at The NewInne, l63I, et.