Barnabæ itinerarium:

발행: 1818년

분량: 374페이지


분류: 미분류


A gentiem an no livin recollecis earing early inclise, an eideri person singingpar of the origina ballad, and aryin thelas line of the fragment, insertexbelare at p. 36, thus


proin the fame friendi communicationwas obtained the ollo in notice of a very modern referetice to the musicli of this cateli.

A this pie ce was acted at the Haymari et iii J729, an revived with alterations at


Drur Lane ome ear aster ards, itanahesit the more remarkable that no certain information an beatven of the original. N particula date cani assigned to the composition of the Itinerary. t Seem apiece of mingled fac an fiction, the accu

spring of his minority V when no ragor thenhad touehed his hin ' as by his own confession, at the conclusionis the last tour thehours of Outh wero sed Many of the adventure originate in aleated an uia ripa imagination, hil others. unde on localand provinciat occurrenues or domestic evenis of the author' life are stricti correet; and


In the last two ournies, Barnabee, ithout abatin in humour, displays in himselfa ather more Stai character. His amours terminate in dis appotniment and a Dar-lington e marries and then ou Itinerant begin to tram asin droveri deale in cat-ue, and also proclaims the necessit of living


chaste, the eyes of the countryleing on him. At a stili later periodie setile a Stavelen

where the narrative of his ournies under ent reviSion. venis at ready narrated neededan addition by way O notes, to fashion themi more recent occurrences Thus the stanetaon endat at p. 143, and Barnabee' notethereon, arem ver different dates a theone mus have precedet arid the ther sol

lowed the eleventh year of Charies . l636 8. The plagiae describet in the visit to ans forti Brigs id not appen tanti the ear 1642'. et us, there re conside part Ofthe poeni as adde during the civit ars. There is distinc proos os a note hitchedipona tanZa to recordis subsequent evento and


that the allusion is to tu art was added after

the death of that tinfortunate monareh. This conclusion Xes the timem printingilie Itineraryto the Interregnum, When it,aSnot ver eas to obtain a licenserio publisti, whicli might occasion the printer to considerit unsas to assi his nante. However, thalnam e has noventii ely, we belleve, escaped re-seareh. Al the capital and ut ornaments used in the sirs editiora, and severa are ofrather peculia character are found in a lit-tle worhi Brath ait mearly contemporary, printed forci. H. We there re consider it probable that the printer a Joh Havitan and the time os publication about l650. P. 7 l. 7.

Ι'd ne remeene an curtaine nor partition. more explanator comment on this lino


Within thyarothel closures, und with ali Complaine of thy partitions, o the fallos many a simple virgine though shee' loath

ilio Arcadian Princes frona the Italian ofMariano Silesio , he observes this newdresse do not ecome hini, at thates canna in mine o ne desene is his, and no