장음표시 사용
Adriatic the contents of iis Cargo, the price of commodities abroad together illi Ome account of the
The earli est accounts of the discoveries of Columbus eregi ven in litile book of a se pages, verysimila to thos quaint eight-page relations of Our own ivit War, hici recorded the de Dat at a se by the victor at Edgehili, the death fCharies ouis te hi te hall, and the ther great event of theliour. It is a singular ad that the substance of at these relations V hether a baria e burnt i accident of a soldier'sfire in g, ' O s,oo men a in and hal a town evellet to theground was invariabi give in ei glit ages of mali quarto. In turning ove a b in die of theses Intellige iacers, Vcit is a musing
to note that he the ne sinonger a more ignorant hanu sual, and could ne i the find word to amplis his materiat, nor an additiona ne so inseri, e generali gave the substance of the first page ver again on the last, ensorciniit illi repeated jaculations of may the Lord hel us, ruit in God, e hypocrites, may the ever-bleste God allis iis ali, Amen, Amen, is nil sit ch like.
In 1536 the Venetian possession an factorie in the ast e re attacked by the Turks, who at his period ere ver po werfui, and in clos alli ance with Francis the Firs of France. A may b imagined, the eople of enice e re extrem et anxiou tollea the news frona the e et so the rst regularmonihly ourna was stablis hed by the go vertamentio suppi this information, an men ere at torea the particular at the principat oints of thecity. ut the ead of the Republic ere earfulo the sprea os false news an opinion dangerous to thei position so the ordaine that o te ets
ould e is su ed ut suci, as ere sanctione by the Doge and hi Councii These funditonaries, liberalin many things, wer j et very ealotis of the printing- press and it was ne arly fift years after his time that the rst linted newspaper a publime in the cityunde officiat authori ty. A travelle inform sis that so recenti as the egi nning of the present centurymanu script news-staeet were in circulation amongst the oorer classes of enice. The origin of the no universa term Gazette isthus seen to have come and ver naturally- Domthe mali coin originalty paid for iis perusal. Blount, in his Assographia, publime in I 656,gives the folio in definition to the word -
GAZZETTA. A ceitain Venetian coin, carce orth nefarthing also abillis news, o mori relationis the occurrenCeSo the time, printed most commoni a Venice, and the iace dispersed ver monili into most paris of Christendom.
At this date the enice Gazette V ad evidently bcco me a idely-circulated ournalis considerable
importance, presentiniit readers illi new of amuch more genera Character than the mere localatair of the cit where it was Tu ed. Blount 'sstate ment that the GazZetta ' as read everymonili in ostiaris of Christendom, receives corroboration
In referen ce to them his distingui me bibliographer gives the folio ing note in his catalogue Four curious early News-LetterS, the prototypeSof the subsequent Newspaper o GaZetteS, a nam Cerroneo usi suppo sed to have been gi ven to them Dom
case, a the derived i sto the Gazetta, the mali Coin usuali pat for thei perusal. V ith ali due deference to the bibliographical nowledge of the writer, I mustinere expresse a contrar opinion Thefactis a GaZetia ' havin been ritate in I 57O, whicli is preserved in the ritisti ustum, at oncestis aside the conclusion to qui chl arrive at, that a newspa per of 59 -I6O was not so styled. Apar Domitiis e have plent of Other proos. An acknowledged successe is invariabi copie orcaricature in ne a or another Amongst theother prin te trisses hicli appeare unde the ille o Gazette, oon after the enice ne spapers ere
LA GAZETTE. La Gazette en e VCPS Contente les Cervelles,
These adoptions of the Venetian ille ni servet mo the popularit whicli attende the Italian
with many other illes of a more sancim character, appear o have been the earlies attractive eadingso ancient newspapercissued in his counir an onthe Continent. In the amous agitabechian Librar at Florence, thiri volumes of manuscript GaZZettas, siue at Venice in the si xteenth century, are preserved. Inouriwn Britisti Mus eum so me of these Italian ne s-sheeis may be found and the oldest printe onea mongst them bears, S a remarhed bove, thedate of 157o It willi esseen that the litile news-meethere reproduced in fac simile gives a date evenaears earlier than his The reader ill pleas to remar the thoroughly penny-a-line V character of the production, the want of sum cient news to ke ut the
ur pages, and there fore the distance par of eachparagraph, the great ornament at the erad, and thearrangement of dot at the eginning to assis infit ling P.