An early news-sheet. The Russian invasion of Poland in 1563

발행: 1874년

분량: 43페이지


분류: 미분류



H Arni of the Muscovite, some weelis ago, invaded the territor of the Pole, and after si brave affatilis carried the Cit os Poloighi or Plestia storm, a tora n o Lithuanta at a distance of se venteen miles froni the deseris, the whicli the ptundered, and , pulting re t it, evelle with the round and


Translation. 9

valour of the barbaro us and by thei crueity alreadyto formidable ne my. non the hurrie to theasiavit of the own of Κioff, siluate in another district o Poland the whicli town, e cause i is siluate on the riverint eper feeme mos opportune to them for culting of the provision Domthe whole of that distri Et, hereb the ne mylioped that by these means it would come o past, that at the ther places in the eigh bourhood, sin the forme expedition would fati into thei hands,

For this reason theylegant sendinibe fore them ur thousand of the si thous an Tartars hic hwere among them, into the deseris and wilderne sies, who ere to destro e very thin far and ea byfire and by word, up to the very walis of the City; imagining perchance that aster havin visited that whole distri et illi suci a calami ty the would meet with the sanae good fortune in the siege of thistown a the had doneae fore.


Amongst other hing most dread fulcio relate, the Musco vite seni or uiato the olim hing that hecarried abo ut illi his arm a Bier, suci a tholaused in burying the dead which was ad os silver, and that he didiso mean o mahe eace illi him,unti either the ing' or his own head were placedon that Bier. The arm with whicli the Muscovit makes hispiunderin expedition, amounts is report e true,t two hundred and si xt thousand mei and more. Ma the mos good and most great God preserveus Dom suci a furious an cruei nemy, and instilthe right is doni into hos Princes of themoly Roman Empire, hora ave the govertamen in theirhailds, and ma He insti into the whole o Europe

such counset a be mos prope to reveng the enormit of thi crime an to rive way thos e



HE CZar at that time o the throne o Russa was Ivan IV. Basilo vitch, urna med the Terribie, ,ho asine of thos curses sentilato the worid, de ched in imperiat purple,sO n other apparent reason ut o mahe thei subjects miserable He succeeded his fallier in is 3y the ope ningtenaears of his reignae a a minor, and there fore couldoni motu just nough of his temper ora vahen the darhest fore bodings in theae aris of those ver hom he was ne da to have an uni imited way. The first three years after he oo up the rein o governnient, he fuit reali aed alit hos anticipations. ut allist nc a change came verhim. At the age of se venteen the voice of religion and humanit found iis a into his eari, an sor hirte enyears a Trajan was ea ted on the throne o Russa, so that


his fame pre ad abroad, and he was tessed by thos he

O theath of August, Is 6o the Zarina Anastasia die d. She had been the good ange of Russia, and with hercliset he happy period of his re ignia me tora clost. Se Uen years besore, the Zaraad been visited by a severe liness, whichno do ubi had est the germis that terribie ad ne sis hichthe os of his, i se, hom he dearly loved fuit de veloped.

Froni that momentae en tered on a career of uili, crime,

and rechles crueity, hich was neve surpassed by thedarhest pages in the lis of Tiberius o of ero. Some of his friend an counsellors, oping that thesosten in influence of a spous might cur the devii hono possesse the CZar, proposed a se condi arriage, and Catherine, sister of Sigismund August, in Dos Poland wasasked to hare his throne. Old chronicier teli us that thes air ad refused illi contempt, and sent hi a hi te mare


This insuit rankled in the breallos the pastio nate man, and the dog of war er sippe to aveng the sit glite sui tor. Shortly be re that time, the Grand Duch of Lithuania, dis alis sied illi it connection illi the German Empire, had delache iis et frona that state, and cho se Sigismund

August a iis protector and malter iliat anne Xatio gave plausibi pretexi or ar, and the oo me province of Lithuania a invaded. O thera si his February IJ63, the wealthy and thri vingcommercia tow of PolotZho was investe by an arm of3OO,OO men great numbers e re ille in the si auit, and 8O, OO prisoners e re carrie os besides immense

The barbarous de talis of the ope ning of this campa ignare ive in his prototype of our specia correspondenis. V Histor is ut si ori an dry po the wholeo this ar, an insorm us in a fe words that in Is 63 the Rusitan Genera Peteres ano vitet Chouishoi a de- fea ted at Eynatha by Nicholas ad Zivit; that in Is 6 an


arm of O, OO Potes, command ed by Κourbsk and Rad-givit, invaded Russa frona the si de of Polossi, hil si eis let Ghera i Κhan of the Crim ea, at theae ad offo,OOO Tartars, penetra ted in to the province of Riais an aster an un successsulsiege of the capital of that province them han et rea ted onreceiving the news that the Russian were preparingeto attachhim. The expedition commanded by ourbsei and Rad-givit as equali un successsul, and the solio in year an armistice a conclude so three years. Nei ther of the wo powersa ad obtaine an ad Vantage, but thousand of houses e re de late, and thousand offamilies ad aeta in them. And the Poles then a no were a piti fui instance of the

truth of Virgil' line: Quidquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi. V



Et perinde stupenda de cru

Expeditione narratio , e Germanico in Latinum conuersa.

TMographi iurati 'giae Maiestatis.