Chronicon domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, vulgo Hemingford nuncupati, ordinis Sancti Augustini canonici regularis, in coenobio Beatae Mariae de Gisburn, de gestis regum Angliae

발행: 1848년

분량: 463페이지


분류: 미분류


on the coastis Istria, and becomes his prisoner 192 delivers imul to the in peror os Germany, 193 is excommunicato by the Poperior his harshnes to the King, 210 is thrown rom his horse, and the accident, Win to the unshil-sul es of the surgeons, prove satat,2 10, 211. Avenes, ames de his valour at the Batti os Agotus, i. 183. Aetolus, Batile of i. 183.

per rins the coronation ceremon os



his consecration ii. 15 Psent a amisbassado to Germany 63, 6T, II 8 dissension etween him and the Prior o Durham 213 229 hecis created Patriarchis Ierusalem, 242;

Britain, hy so amed i P Successive conquest of the fland 2. Bruce, Alexander de execute at

thumberland 274 his dealli, 30 l. - Robert, ii 303. Thomas de executed a Car-liste, ii 252. Buchan. Countes os, placed in ra



Calixtus ΙΙ. Pope, i. 45 52.

Cain ville Gerard de summonet byLongchampo surrender incolnCasile. e pulsa inisel unde the protectio os Prince olin, i. 175, 250. Nicholaa, is os Gerard de, i. 250. Canar Istes, Luis decla Cerda, crown-od hingis the by Clement VI. ii.

415. Canterbury tempestini, i. 340. Carliste, rebuit an forti sed by William Rufus, i. 23 recte into abishopric, 53 the cit completelydestroyed by ire, ii 40, 294. William de ii 307. Celestin V. Pope, his accession ii. 39; e resigns the pontificate, ib. Chalons Litti Waris, i. 337 339. Chamberleyn, Robert, execute sorptundering St. Bololph's air, ii.

Charies . , in os Sicily, i. 300, 330. II. rowned in os Sicilyand Jerusalem by icholas IV., ii 16. Chester Ear os, esiege by ingStephen in incoln Casile, i. 68;

Chichester destroyed by ire, i. 42. Clarendon, Constitutions os l. 2. Clement III., ope his accession, i. 1314 and death, 176. IV. Pope, his accession l. 321 and death, 340. V., ope his accession ii. Coinage, regulations concerning the, i. 37, 49. - ne in issued by Henry II. i. 118. 24 he removes the seat of the pontificate ho Rome ib. his persecutio of the emplars, 279-292 abolishes the Order 293. VI. pope, hi accession ii. 393 the in and Partiamentremonstrate illi him against send- in Provisors into England 401 407.

Vienne ii 292. Winchester i. 63. York ii. 278. Crabbe Jolin ii. 305. Cressingliam, Hugh de, ii I 27 l37, 139. CreSSy, preparations so the batile os, ii 423 426. Cuthbert, St. bod os, i. 12, 14 40. Cyprus, istand of captured by Richard L. i. 158 who ives it to Guy os Lusignan, 190.

ellyn, an executed as a traitor, 14.


Dominica Friars, institution os ille Order i. 244. Donat Bain elected in os Scot-land i. 26 hecis expelle by his

nephew, Dunc an ib. Dunca is assassinated, and Donat Bain re- instate in the overnment, Utaster ard set aside by illiam Rusus, ib.

Dougias, Archibald ii 305, 307,

309.-James, ii 294, 298. - Villiam ii. 98, 128, 132, 304. Dunbar, Patrich, Eari os ii 305.

40. Edmund Prince, sonis Henr III.,

reeovers, 336 concludes a truce


reveniae os Grea Britain and Ire lan for si years grante by the Pope for the dolance of themoly Land 2, assair os Scotland 29; the succession ein disputed after the death of Alexander III., theΚin os England is appoin te um-pire Ii he old a partia ment atΝOrham and declares himself lord paramount of Scotland 32 34 histille is recogni sed by the Scottishelaimanis 34 an seisin os theland grante to im 36 he in Potnis a commission to determine the Scottisti succession 3 hicli decides in savcur os Iolin aliol, 38 ho does homage to in Ed-

summone to the rench couri, but delayin to attend is declared Contumactous an disseised of his continenta possessions 43 the French obtain possession o Gas-

Send a remonstrance to the in in the nam os the communi ty, 124-

ravage Northumberland 141 146 Prince Edwar calis a partiament during the absence of hissather, and confirm Magna Charta, 148 151 Statute de allagi non Concedendo 152 154 the rebellio us barons are admitte to thoroya favour, 154 assairs of Scot-land 155 157 the Κingsis France an England refer thei differen cesto the decision os ope Boniface, I 6l his award 161-170 Commotion in Ghent 170 'hoanglislitake possession os the ity, Tl the Earis os Norsol and Here sorddem an a reconfirmation os thecharters 174 assairs of Scottanii,


Parii ament settin forti the inpression os the Roman See 254 264 a protest is sent to the ope in the nam of the three States,

publishes a sentence of excommunication against the violator of the


76. - Bologne, his maritage illithe sister os Edward the Consessor, i x contention illi the citi gens os D Over, in hicli ome of the inhabitant log thei lives, ib. this statexto' a primar cause of the Norma Conquest, ib. Evesham, Batile os, in hicli the baronia arm is deseate an Simon Moullari flain, i. 323-325.

Stream ib.

II. . Em peror os Germany, cro ne a Rome by ope Honorius, i. 295 is anathematige Pope Innocent 296 contemn sthe sentence and publisfies a manifesto 296-299 his rusade to the



tion os Richard I. 139; resigns theomce of justicia , 49. Gloucester, Statutes os ii 5. Gilbert de lare Eari os, declares his intentionis standin tolli delance of the provision os Oxford i. 30, an head one of the division of the baronia armyat the batile os Lewes 315 onsendod with the aughtines of the Eari os eicester, he deseris the

Jerusalem, i 3I.

form the funera service ver An

Halido Hili Batti os ii 308. Hamilton Miltiam de Dean o York, his sath, ii 266.


against him, 134. 135 'e is tahenili, an dies a Chinon. 135 his

sepulture at Fontevrauit, ib. his character, I 36.

- ΙΙΙ., in os England i. 255 is elected in by the barons, 257; and cro ne by the legate Gallo,

258 takes the croSs ib. the Fatris Lincoln ib. Prince ouis agree to abando ali claim to England an return to France, 259 character os in Henry, 260 he eeps his Christinas at Northampton. 264ν confirmationos Magna Charta and Charta de Foresta 264 283ν ratification is the two charters by the ing, 283

reigners, to the reat discontent of

S ears to observe the Provision of

barons instet ward resus to stand

fiscates the estates of Simon Mont-fori' adherenis, ib. siege os Kenilisortii Casile, 327: Lincolu is captured by the barons, and thu


iti Emperor of Austria, . 93 bring him elare a die of the Emperor 195, 9M; en gages toreleage him for a large ransom, 198 receives hostages for the paymento the sum, an set the in at

knighthood, i. 18. Prince, son os Heni II., his martiage illi Margaret, aughter of ouis VII. i. 96 is crowned K in os England by command of his ather, ib. his undutilataeha-viour 99 'efies to France, 00 the ings o France an Scottandespous his cause, ib. his death, and buriat a Rouen, 20, 2 l. - son o David I. of Scottand, create Ear o Huntingdo byΚ in Stephen, i. 57. sonis the Duhe os Saxony, his marriage illi the aughiser of the Count Palatine of the Rhine, i. 194. - 'Almaine, murdere a Vi- terbo by Gu de Montiri, in re-venge os his fallie s death, i 330. Ear o Champagne, elected K in os Ierusalem, i 188 Hereford, Humphrey de Bohun, Earios, i. 308, 315. Humphrey de Bohun, arios. Hi gli Constable os England ,

ii I 2P and is deprived of his office, 123 demand a reconfirmationos the Charters 174, 182. Hestelee, homas de i. 325. Hexham Priory, pillaged by the cois, ii 143. Holland inundations in i 117. Holy and Jerusalem captured by the rusaders, i. 31 rusadet the, undertaken by ouis VII., and ther princes, 2 conditionos, during the reign os Saladin, I 22 the Eari os Flander goes thitheris a Crusade, ib. Siege Os Ramali, 23; Batile o Tiberias, ib. massacre os the night Templar an Hospitallers 126 creand Jenisalem captured by Saladin, ib. siege os Tyre, I 2P most os the Princes of Europe ahe thecross. 131-133 the Emperorare-deri captures Iconium Ι53 siege

succession to the throne os Ierusalem 162 164 Aere surrender to

the articles os capitulation and Richard ut man nobi Saracens to death, 182 Saladi rares many towns and casties, ib. many of the Crus ader retur home, ib. Richard proceed to Cesarea, andis harassedis his march by Sala-

restores the fortifications os Iassa, ib. Saladi dismaniles Ascalonand wastes the eount , ib. Henry,

capture of Aere by the Saracens, i. 23 25 the master os the emplars flain, 25 a tenti, of the churchrevenues os Grea Britain and Ire-land grante for si years for thedelance of themoly Land ib.