Chronicon domini Walteri de Hemingburgh, vulgo Hemingford nuncupati, ordinis Sancti Augustini canonici regularis, in coenobio Beatae Mariae de Gisburn, de gestis regum Angliae

발행: 1848년

분량: 463페이지


분류: 미분류


Honorius III. Pope, his accession Otho Pontificate i. 245. IV. Pope, his accession ii.

I and eath, 16. Hotham, illiam de ii 33, 66, 160. Hoton, Richard de Prioris Durham his disputo illi Anthon de Beh, thebishopo Durham, ii 213 221 and death, 244. Huberi, Bishomos Salisbury pay his

to the succession 236.

an Frederi Emperoris Germany, 29 et seq.; hom he excommunicates 296.

marriexto the Emperor Frederie, i. 255.

Jerusalem, the patriarch os, comes OEnglandri solici aid, i. 124. Je S, RSSacre of the in Englanil, o the coronationis Richard L, i. 138 14 the are expelled, and thei estates confiscate by Ed-ward L, who receives in retur sorthei expulsion a fistuenti froin thelaity, and rom the clerg a tentii, ii 20 22. Joan, sister os Richard L, e mar-riage illi the Ear of oulouse, i. 221. JOeenus, a wealthy Je in t avoid the

sentence, lib. the Baron revolt,

ceives absolution ib. is summoned

by in Philip to ansiser in his


t a re voltis the barons, 247 249; the baron offer the crown toti in eLouis os France, wh enter Eng-

Richardes o En gland and Philip

II o France, i. 203.

Labasme, Gallo de ii 342. Laci, Hugh de ianished by ing

Ster i. 20. Langion, Stephen, nominate to the

os, marries a daughter os ingJolin, ho ad made a vow of chastity sor hic he receives aharsh rebuke rom the Bisho os Lincoln, i. 25, declares his intention os standin to the desene os the provision os Oxsord 303 3l4; rein forces his arm ho Wales, 322 is deceived by stratagem, and fles at the batile os vestiam, 323 325. Le Peches i. 328. Lewes, batile os, i. 31 318. Mise of i. 3l8. Lincoln, prophec that it hould re- main Without a metropolitan, i. 5. cathedral, rebulit, i. 69. - atris i. 258.


Lundy, Richard ii. 136. Luscy Anthony de ii 307. Lusignan, Guy of his laim to thethrone os Ierusalem supporte by Richardi i 163 made prince os Cyprus I90.

vades England and commit violent excesses upon the inhabitanis, i l 3; his marriage withmargaret sister os


for hieli he is deprive os his

ecclesiastica preferment for threedays, ii 3, 4. Merion, Statutes os t. 290. Milan, cit os captured by the Em peror Frederi I. i. 87 oecovered by the Lombards 88. Monten sy, William de i. 3l5. Montferrat, Conrad Marquis of his claim to the throne o Jerusalem

supporte by in Philip II in

opposition to Guym Lusignan, the


his ossice. 123 demand a re confirmation os the charters 174, 182 mahes ver his estates to the

K in to the disinheritin os his brother 223, 224. Nortiam Casile, ounde by alphFlambard Bisho os Durham, i.

Odo, Bisho os Bayeux, revolt in savour os Prince Robert. i. 21. Oidian of the Mountains, lette Osthe exculpatiniΚing Richard stomthe murder of the arquisis MonN serrat, i. 213. Ormesby, William de ii 128. Otho IV. Emperor in Germany, mahes war illi the Romans. i. 295. - the papa legate, is insulte at Oxsord, i. 292. Ottoboni, the papa legate eXcommunicatos ali the bishops holad beensavourable to Simon de Moniseri, Ear o Leicester i. 326. Oxsord, Provision os t. 306.

Paschal II. Pope, ahen prisone byHenr V. o Germany i. his death, 44. Pauntevolt, Grimbald de, i. 312. Peckham, Joh de nominate Arch-bishomo Canterbury by the POpe, i. 341. Pembrohe,inyime de Valeuce, arios, ii 247, 248, 295. Pembrohe, Richard de Clare, Eari os, enter Irelando the petition os Dermon Mae Morrogli, in os Leinster, an captures Dublin, i. 98 resign his conquest to ingHenry, in his death, 290. William Marshall, Ear os,

induces the baron to eleet Henry

2IM; Philip summons in Jolin


Philippa, Queen of d ard III., i.

Q. Quo arranto statutems, ii 5 7, 20.

ferrat 162 his disputo illi the Duheis Austria, 65 hi pro eSS, I 68; earin os the tyrann os Longcham p whom he had est regent in his absence, he associates illi hi Walter Bishomo Rouen, in the govern ment Withaim, 174 put man Saracens o death, 182 gain the batile os rotus, 183 restores the fortifications of Jassa, I 84 is accused os the murderis the arques of Moniserrat, 185 gain the batile ossassa, I 89 salis sich, ib. a truce is concluded, and the Christians permitte tovisit themoly Sepulchre I90 the K in satis sto Syria, 9 is wrechedis the coastis Istria, ib., and taken prisone by the Duhe os Austria, 192 is broughibe te thediet os the empire 196, 198 collections made for his an Somthroughout England 199 is released, and Satis for ii gland , 20l is magnificenti received by


the citi gens at London 202 et receives the surrender of the casties

ment of his rei gn and deprives the Lisho os Durham of the earldom os orthumberland 204;he imposes a tax o two hillings

preparin to relahe it receives a mortal ound ib. his penitence

at Fontevrauit, ib.

in his right to the Englisti throne,ib. his fleet is deseatud, 22 he

dition to the oly and 3l hereturus, an prepares to invade

halred os monastic institutions ib. Romayne, Jolin te, consecrated Arch-

plundered, IT. St. Domini Mund the order of the Dominicans, i. 244 his death. 245. St. Francis of Assis seund the ordero Franciscans, i. 24x his death, 246. St. Hugh, translationis, ii 3. St. Jolin Joh de Seneschalis Gas-cony, ii 46, 76. St. Μary-le-Bois, Cheapside, damaged by storm i. 24. St. aut 's Cathedral, consumed by sire, i. 18.

St. William, Archbishodios orli, his

translation ii. 14. Saladin, Prince os Damascus, the eX-

chester, appotnted ne os the collector os the Taxatio Ecclesiastica

Scotenay, alter de executed sorpoisoning many of the Baron at


INDEX. the Parii ament of Oxsord in l258, i. 307.

Scriby, Philip de, i. an.

confine in Bristo Casile, 65; liberate in ex change for Robert Ear o Glou ester, 66; bes leges the Eari os hester in Lineol Casile, 68 his de ath, an buria at

Villiam L i. is deposed by the

ward III., and letters thereupon ii. 363 et Seq. Surgery, ex ample o German, in thet ei sth century, i. 210. Sutton, Oliver, istis os incoin, appo in ted ne of the collector os the Taxatio Ecclesiastica os ope Nicholas IV. ii 26 56, 119. S Eyn, in os enmarh, en d afleet to the assistance of the thumbrians against William I. i. 11. Scitneshead Abbey. Lincolnshire, K in Joh poisone d here by one os the monks. i. 252.

Tallam non Concedendo statu te Ol.

ii Ib2-l54. Tanau Lucas, ii. 11. Tanfeld, illiam de Prior os Dur ham ii. 245. Taxatio Ecclesiastica os ope Nich las IV. ii. 25. Templars the persecutionis, in Eng-land an et sewhere, ii 278 291; the orde is abolished 293. Testa milliam Papa Legate, his extortions in England ii. 259, 262. 263. Thoobald Arebbishopi Canterbury, his de ath, i. 2.

Thomas a Becket, St. Conse rate d

is re eived into favo ur, an re turn ssrom anishment 96 excommuinnicates the isti opsolio assis tedat the coronationis Prince Hen ,

ih. is murdered, 97; the ingdoes pena nee at his stirine, 09 his translation, 262. Thur stan elected Archbisho os o rh, i. 42 disputes illi the Archbishopos anterbury, and resigns his

co veredae is taken and executed asa traiior 63.


Valence, William de so os ingJolin, i, 255, 310, 315, 3IT. Vere, Robert de Enighte bellare thebatile of Lewes by Simon MonNsori Ear o Leicester i. 315. Vesci, Eustace de an attempt os K in Jolin against the honour os his is lead the baron to revolt,

Wallayn, Hilias, ii II. Walter de Constantiis ad Bishopos Lincoln, i. 5.


York, cit os bumed by the Normans, i. II.