Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 397페이지


분류: 미분류


Mu animail b. Has ini at least throe Haclith transmittors from central Syria though nono of them Can be describe i as a PrinCO.

This is the toniti os Mulianimis h. 'Amr may Allati have mei Cy on him.


The fit si line is too clos aceri to enablo rea ling, but there is no roason torulo out that it contains tho usual formula of 'this is the tonat, os ...' I amalmost certain that this lino also contains the fit st two letters of the cle case lname whicli I am not sure abolit iis rea ling. I offore i the nante M hi mina though there are also other possibilities.


As a senior member of the ruling House of he was nominate i to important

lis eo facis; but the colourfui story has many more lusciolis cletalis. A verse was even attributeri to the amorous hya who salit uter the confiscation of


This is the grave of ' is h. 'Ut man. May Allati have mei Cy on him.