장음표시 사용
chargo of thoir positioning. This last fact is particular interesting bocause ali tho throe inscriptions commemorating the works in the 'A labati routo cluring the time of 'Abo al-Malik are both clateri anil bear the nante of the officiat in chargo of the work. The pavonient of the 'A laba q. et . ' A labat
Fi l , was accomplis eo unctor the supervision of hya b. al-Hakam thecalipti's paternat uncto, and the two milesiones were erecte i by Musa Γ, tho calipti's mamQ. Liko the 'A labati inscription also these two milesiones were Ongrave l on the haro basali stono, whicli makes the incision of tholottors very difficult even for the most professional hancl. This is the reason why in ali the throe inscriptions, the letters are far tess perfeci than most of the ollior imperiat inscription of this Caliph that were erigi aveo on thesos ter limestone. The milesiones heing no more than 40 m. in height must avo been bulli into a structuro which raiseri them Considerat,b above thegrounii: their forni anil si e suggest that they where usori as ustilars in sucti StruCturos. In Some later clate, the milesiones were utilire t in a seconclai usago as builcling stones, an t were Chisoleo to fit into placo in thoir nowfunction, whicli accounts for the loss of paris of the inscriptions in both of them. In what follows the inscription Mil bo discusseo together.
Basmata . There is no god hiat Alia 3 alone. He has no companion. Munamina' is me messerager of Allati. Has orderect the constructiori of these milesiones the servant
Basmata . There is no god hiat Allati alone. He has no companion. Muhammad is themessenger of Allati. Has orcleieci me constructiora of these milesiones me servant of Allati
The worii appears cloarly in inscription 2 anil uter examining uae stone an lmy photographs Os inscription I, I can seo in it the tracos of ha dat anil ira There is no question that even is the sentence uter the bauemaiah, declaring the perfeci unity of Allati, were not preserve i in inscription no. 2 it shoulo have been ad leo in the reconstruction, whicli in this Case is not noeclecl. Thesentenco in this lino is the 'tracte markV of Caliph 'Abii al-MMik. It appoarson ali his inscriptions anil coins. I have potnieci out a few timos bos ore that this formula is not a simple declaration of faith: it is a political agenda. ' clal-Malik went ali the way to emphastye the monotheisin os Istam in contra, distinctiori froni tho Christian TriniW and the Sonship of Jesus. The Unity of Allati 'who has no companion' emergeo as the banner stogata of his poli to terminate ali clepericlen e on the ByZantine Empiro. The Arabiyation of the administration went hanct in hanct with tho Isiami alion of the state. Ono of the mettio is to publiciZe this poli y was to put into circulation the fullshahadah or Declaration of Faith. 'Thero is no gori but Allati alono he has nocompanion Munaminaci is the messengor of Alla V was the formula inscribe lota his gol l ano silvor Coins, anil on every imperiat inscription, anil iis hi st
not necessarily mean that he was anything more than in a position os serv-ing the caliph and enjoying the status of heing one of his protegees. This isone of the many meanings of this woril Lirin i5 408) in ad lition to themore contineo legal or semiclegat onos for which see Elati's long cliscussion: l999 5lff.) ano in this case thoro is no nocit to forco into the phraso in the inscription more than thoro is in it.