Collectanea; 1st-2d series

발행: 1906년

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류



ani appreciation os in Stight ut patiastahingessoris to do ome se fui,ork.whether I have succee led in m labour is apoliat hich I must leave to e determined by thΟS who are competent to judge ali that Iclaim no is that there is an ample teli opensor discover in literature by the id of paralleis, judiciolist selected andes venture to refer to the information the revea in these papers RS a Sampleo what an e accomptished by this classis eviden ce when it is fought for withium ble diligeiace, some knowledge, and a minxnot wayed by pre-




SHAMV . . . . . IOI


Some have thought that the books allude to are Greenes Funeram, I 59ψ, an Orpheus his Iourne to Heli, 595. ut acha been potia ted out the lalter poem could hardi have been in Baria fietd' minxat the time e published his Θnthia, for it a notregistere in the Stationers' books illis August, I 595, o more than Si monilis aster Cynthia, hichwas registere in Januar of the fame year How-


what ground ad contemporar critic for eli evinglii in to e thei aut hortIt is a remarhable fac that hole passage of The Vectionate hepheardore ritiei in seemingimitation os solate passage of Marlowe' tragedyos Dido and that it repeais, except for a mali verbalchange a whole line of the sam author's Edward II. The passages in Dido and Edetoard II exhibit a very peculiar and ain ty Style, and this style is reciselythat o Mariowe' beautim soni Come live illime and e m love. V fine e re conten to limitthe inquir to Dido, or id notano that Barnsield 'spoena repeat the angvage and sentiments of other pieces known to have been writ tela by Marlowe, itwould naturali be supposed that Baria fiet d ad seenand been impressed by ,hat he had read of the


Domin Common ource, or 2 Marlowe rote a poem and hale- in elaborationis his soni come live, illi me, V c., ea re and Bariasielit imitate Lit. Delec to elicue that the alter is the Correct Conclusion have et to learia that the style of Marlowe's soniis borrowed Domin nothe writer. Iis popularit with contemporaries is an argument in favour of the restines of iis e in at the time tappeared anxit is ellanown that it adis hostis imitators, amongst them cing Donne and Herrich. It is Sald, too that the poem attracted the attentiono no es a personage than Sir alter aleigh, who is credi ted illi rit in the repl to it hichappeare in England , Helicon, 6OO. Briefly then, I belleve that Mariowe rote a poena in elaboration of his song that he utilige iis material in his plays, speciali in Dido; and that Barnfield copi ed froin this poem, hic hias been lostor remalias uni denti sed . Bariasield like ait, or early ali, the writer Ofhis time, as ver imitative, and he wa notini an

ardent disciple o Edmund penser, o hom headmit his obligations, ut he illared rather reely


hear is ut an imitation of Virgi P Eclogue II. to Alexis But f the reade compares Baria fiet. and Virgil he,ill find that beyond the concellis describ-ing the love os an id an forin ovili here is litile in the two ieces o suggest imitation. In deed, fBarnsield ad entilled his poena Comestive, illi me


poena hould solio speeches in Dido, addi essed to Richardanother Ganymede the eloved of Jupiter Barnpeia,

The has litie of Baria se id is stolen Dom penser,

Again, Baria fiet d ' old an promise his Ganymede many gaud toys and ther hings

Gaymede I,ould have a jewel for in ear, An a sine brooch to ut in m liat, An the I 'l litig ithoo an hundred times. Iupiter. And shal have, Ganymede, i thou illa myci ove. Dido, myce, p. 232, Ol. I.

It is possibie, heia, that this poem hic hes suppos Marlowe o have rit tela a simila in theme


Richard to that o Baria selis's, and that iis 3 ouili a nam edBarnsield, Ganymede Moreo ver i is probable that Mariowesia1 Aetυe, may have rit ten tras a preparator exercis for The

leave the ea ter lio is intereste in following ut Such resemblances to a perusa of the play and the poema he wil find much more in them than Icantand space to teli. The ui se in Dido,heedles the ouia Ascanius into followin her byter entici nidescription of the orchard attached to her ousu -

have an orchard that hallicitore filums, Brown alnionds, services, ripe sigs, and dates, Dewberries, apples, ello oranges ; garden here a re bee-hives sudis honey, c. Dido, ' p. 269, col. 2.

I have sine orchard fuit of menowed fruit. Arber, p. 8 and 9.



As a matter o DCt, Baria fietas poena repeated lyrem in d one o Mariowe' son and play and in the ollowin instanc it coples, or early copi CS a rema rhabi fine line of the opening sceneis E ard

se lines furtherii Baria fiet d has

which ook like a mere repetition of the rs line


Tam, aikerio Flora in her morning' pride, Shahingae silver tresses in the ir, Rain's o the arth resolved ear in howers. Partes V. i. p. 32, col. 2.

Compare illi Cynthia

Tlie, hole of such passages in Marlowe are in thesam velia, and the standiu Clearly romatici contexis, justinii theyiadince formed partis a poetical Composition resembling the Fragment hich Dyce quotes fro England , Parnassus in Marlowe's II oris, p. 382, and which was attribu ted o Marioine by the author of the anthology. They seemo have been copi ed in to the play to give colour an ton to the SpeecheS. It Seems to me thera that Barnfield copied his iis of Marlowe Domin os poem y lie alter, writtera in elaboration of the soni Come live illime,V C., and that this poem a be the ne thatis parti known torus unde the nam os 3 Fragment. Consequently the Fragment S perhapS, ni R Or-tion is ne of the book disowned by Bariasielit.