장음표시 사용
les ahan in hald imitation o Mario ine' beaut imi speare Song, appea to me to e propositions that a re qui te uiaten able et ther do I thini it is possibi that Mariowe an Baria fiet. borrowed rom a common Sotirce, ut rather that, heing Struch by the populari tywhicli his song ad attained Mario e laborate lit illi particular refere iace to the able of Jupiter an Ganymede, and was then imitate Db his ess-known contemporary Mario e sed his Hero and Leander an his translations in the fame a a Isuppos him to lave sed the misSin poem in his
Is it were not for the circumstance that his amelias been associaled illi that os hahespeare Barn
memory, and ni scholar who mahe a speciat studyos ligabethaia terature ould e ware that heever ad an existence and even to-da it is no a scit lexquestionis to hether o no the SSociationos his name illi that of the rea dramatis isthorought warranted. In I 599 there appeare a collection o poem by various writers, hici, thec
Io Richard pubi ista er, ortui poses of trade, entit ted The Passionale Barn et i, Pil in and assigne wholly to hahespeare. Thesari e writers of Some of these poenas have been identi sed and Shale and with regari t two ther ieces, an de an aspeare Sonnet, it is urinised, and Pthin rightly that theyare froin the pen o Barra fiet d. Heiace the ouplingos hahespeare and Baria fiet l. The association Cannot ut e saltering to Baria fiet d' memory for thas i ven him a dowry of immortalit whicli his Work, te in and leve as a times it is, could ne ver therwis have obtained for him. I re mainsfor me to how that here is yet another reason hyBarnseld 's nam shouldie in ked with hahespeare's, fores fila he was a diligent student of Venus and Adonis and Lucrece, and actualty copi ed and imitated the wo poenas a early as 159 , or illi in a monilior tw of the publication of Lucrece, hich was notpassed through the Register' Book untii may of the Same ear As no cariter imitation os hahe-Speare's wor has been ound than that whicli Iciliati reven in Bariasield, e ma claim the altero bethe rs of his contemporaries to voice the pratSeos hahespeare by imitat in him. The discovery cannot sal to e of interest to scholars and as it
the insuences at ori in the minor poei's writ ings, Richard the paralleis deserve to bellacedin permanent record Barnsield, Baria se id not ni imitate. Shalcespeare' poenas, sariswe, but he alludes to them more than iace in his orlc. and Sha e-In a luce ent ille Remembrance of som Englis speia re Poets e thus pratSes them
It is curious to note o son Baria feld was of thephrasin and sentiment in the last two lines Theyoccur again, in linos the Same form in si other places in his ork In The Vectionate hepheardis his parallel:
Although there is ample vide iaceo prove that Lucrece exerted a very powerfui influence ove many portions o Baria fiet d 's ork, it is nevertheles rema rhable that ver se expression Dom Lucrece Can
RPhard ideas and similes frona Lucrece, ut no vnset dona eLarnsiel clothcs them in ord that a re manifesti horrowed uariorue, frona the Venus Tahe The Complaint f hastitie and Shale as a case in poliat It them is that of Lucrece, speare and the speaher ratis a Lust in exacti the samem anne a Lucrece ratis at opportuni ty, a Time, at Tarquin, and unc heerful Night. V In Cassandra, too the ea ling ideas of Lucrece a re manifest at a glance and the descriptioni Cassandra in her ed, and the poetica concei of Ρhoebus gag in at herwhilst sh fleeps, and notin her beatities, recallisto iace the visit os Tarquin o Lucrece ' chamber and Shahespeare' description of the ed an iis tenant.
In The Complaint f Chastitie, ubi isti ei November, I 59 , I have been nable to in a single verbal parallel illi Lucrece, excepi ne hich might be
accidental, and whicli ni repeat a saying that is common in riters of that time. But the poem,shor a it is, is ached illi expression frona the Venus. Here a re a fem
Thou etsi dissensio twix the an and wi se spere e The Complaint. An se dissensio 'twix the son an sire. Venus, citan Z I9 I. II 6O. Thos times e re pure rom ali impure complection, c. The Complaint. To mingle beaut with infrmities, An pure perfection illi impure deseature, c. Venus, 'cit anga 23 ll. 73s-6.
In Cassandra, however, e meet illi X preSSion Staken indifferenti froin the Venus an Lucrece, although those froin the forme preponderate, a theydo throughout Baria feld 's ork
Cassandra a publis hed ii January, 595. There are also distinc traces of the influe iace of the Venus in Bariasield' sirs poem, The Vectionate Shepheard an in iis continuation, The hepheardueContent November, I 59 J. The alter, Oo, OmC-
times rem in d one of Lucrece.
The fore gotia glarallel pla in lyrilio that Baria fiet d
vas an ardent admirer of hahespeare, and it is ut right that the should e ut on record, to nable Scholars to arrive at a true estimate of Baria fiet d 'swork and the influe iaces that assis ted o producerit. I may add that, revi ous to the informationat venin his aper, the rs referen cerio Venus an Adonis was Supposed to appea in the followin line Domin
Stili inest iis are 'stillin Venus rose.
No eviden ce, fave hat is supposed to e containedin the ne has been rought forward to arrant theassumption that outhwet was referring torali ake-speare' poena; ut in the Case of Baria fiet i, we anpo in notin lyrio manifes imitations of hahespeare, but also to xed dates, hici prove that Baria fiet dborrowed his materials previ oukto November, I 59 .
prose, foris his Master Cambden, had lea med hi m. ' Verse
The sol lowin iis but a sample of the eviden C that Phave collected in corroborationis this State ment: -
We covet superfluous things, hen it ere more honou sor his, would contem necessary. What nee hath nature of silverdishes, multitudes of waiters delicate ages, persume naphinst sherequires meat only, and hunge is no ambitio us . . . . Od is a mancould restra in the fur of his gullet, an gro in and thinli ho many fires, ho many hitchens, cooks, pastures, and ploughed land What Orcharils, stews, Onds, and parks, coops an garners, he could spare ;what vel veis, tissues, embroideries, laces, he could lach and thentio stior an uncerta in his lis ix he were in a belle way t happiness, than to live the em peror of these deligitis, and e the dictatoros fashion . . . . Have notes seen the pom os a hole ingdom, and what a foreignining could bring hither Also to mali himselfgazed and wondere at laid sorti ascit ere to the hew, an vanishallisway in araay And shali that which could no fit the expecta