Commemoracio lamentacionis sive compassionis Beate Marie. Reproduced in facsimile from the unique copy printed at Westminster by William Caxton, with an introd. by E. Gordon Duff

발행: 1901년

분량: 83페이지


분류: 미분류


PREFACEI HE present Facsimile is the Sr'

Dosimile tora mari.



A BOUT the)ear I 81 I 83 3 at a mali --κα auctis of boohs held 6 M. Verbutit a Ghent, M. Perdinand Vande aeghen, the present lea ed librariam the Universit Libra of that tomn, purchased a mali earlyprinted olum in idipe hic mas quite unhnom to him, and thermore attracted his attention. In 186 M. a bell, ho mas then Nage in collectiet materiati for his Annales Typographiques, a st ingat una erri arithe uestos M. Vandem exhen, and the lites boo mas domnuo him. He, homever examine it mereb mith a Diem to his omnmora, and seein that it mas no a productio os andi Netheriandish press, it massassedive and lata asiae


During the succeeringoears, bile M. Vandem meghen mas emplo re in arrangin and identi fingthe earl prinita book at hent, certain volumes mereuia aside, hic the librarian, it the means at his disposal, mas no abis to assigito D particular place



or printer These, bout Ι 873 , mere sentisve to the

Hague in the ope that M. Campbell, misi Ihe more ample materiais avallabis in thera odia Libra , mouidbe able re discoore their places an printers. Gradual, boo ter booit mas identi eri tinti atlastitit one remaineri the Commemoratio. The earbbook of Oarious countris halbeen studia German , Itast, France, the et herland but in vain. At last

facsimile in Blades: Lisse of Caxton mere turne tu, the dipe mas identi ed, and another boo ad sed to thelis of theianorun productions of our rat printer. The Commemoratio is a lateproductionis amons press issuta about 1 9 o, and agreeing ypographical in ver προ mith another specia semice, the Festum Transfigurationis D. N. Iesu Christi, Vmhic theunique com is in the Britis Mureum. Loth re insmal quarto, mith tmeny our lines to the page, and mithout ead sine or pagination. The also repeculiar in eis signe f the beet an not f theleas. The paper radior ilem reus the malles of the three si es used biaxton the fusi heet measum in about righteen inches f metve so that the page