The Church and the synagogue [microform]

발행: 1905년

분량: 84페이지


분류: 미분류


rachnica an Biblios raphic Notos moles techniquos et bibliographiques

Tho instituta has attempto to obtain in best originalcop avallabis lar filming. satures of this cop inhenmantis bibliographicali uniqua, hic ma altar an ofths imagos in insos production, or hic may significanti chans tho sua mathoclis filmina ars e cisti bal H.


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Tna imago appaariris nora ara tho boat qualitu possibi considarin tha conditio an losthilituo in origina eos an in hospiris it ino


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Christ thesim Pope,

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Oeter his ira Successor

ors olea, the Divincvla of the chureh


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m Peter his tris Sumessor:









The Synagogue thes Histori es Basis os

3iJ The Churei, Postulates the Synagogue: These notes reat of the Church considere in her Divine

constitution No , ii, O the ne hanu the Chureli postulates tu Incarnation even a the incarnation postulates the Trini ty-on the ther hanu, he alvi postulatoq. historical ly the Synagogue, o whicli sti professes the fulfilment, the perlectio anu universat CXPansion. Iudaei quorum nos successores et posteri sumus' Lactant. de Inst. l. I . It is, there fore, quite in ordor, here torium momentariinat lcast, to the old Synagogue for the tap-root o Catholicitν, vir. the Trinity the Incarnation, etc.

Hence his cursor glance a some of the oldest an most venerable traditions of the Synagogue, particulari Wit re-gar to the Wo mysteries just nameo. It is timerio spe plaint an unreserveclly a system o Christian apolo cicawhicli ignores the reasures of Iewisti tradition unamidablyin in of the planos Ilo let witnput the intelligent readertiam let est ut It is a structure ithout dationNatural ly, Manuals of Theology that indulge in such omissions leave thei student hel ples an a the mere alik of Iewishopponent an o agnostic whora lupo the Churinis thesi inventor of her entire dogmati creed- cree which, neverihelem, dates, in esse e from the very firs clano crea


Τhe Witnes of the Synagogue:

The Witnes of the old estament:



manne os flauoterin animal both for the altar an forprivate consumtion.

and here again, Divine tradition necessarii supplementa the Lavi. Drach' Harmonie, vol. I, P. 28 .

H we ask ho shall, distinguis belwem the spurious, corruset traditions of the Pharisees, condemne by ur Loro an the genuine, Divine traditio of the Chais of Moses' indorsed by Him in Mati. 23 2-the ans ercis at hanct In the Synagogue s wellis in the Church. - fin an im fallibi Magisterium ever ready to dra. the lineae em truthan error Now, the Chatris Moses,' mentioned ano indorsed by uriord was to the Synagogue what the Chair o Peter is to the Chure o Iesus Christ, i e. iis infallibi guide in matters of ait an morais. Ascio us Catholim, all, havet clo in orde to est in character of Iewisti tradition is toaccepi ni suctis harmoniae ita in infallibi teachine of the Church. Is e ni folio suc a simple an sale ute, e inalifin mos precious relic o Divine tradition in the very TH-mud of the Synagogue-v.m, in the famous Iewish book knownas the Zohar, ne of the oldest after the Bible- the Zohanina eminenti Christian book,' writes the celebrate ex abbi Drach, in his armoni mire l'Eglis et la Synagogum volo, page M. Most precious elim, indred, shall, discove in thos oldIewis traditions since the illustrate, an cluster around theorigina Hebre textis themi Testament. Now, the most pro undiebre scholar of the centur jus elapsed Rabbi Draesi, telis us that the Hebrein tot is even more repl in harmon wit the Gospe an more intenset Catholic inanthe Latin ex of the Vulgates Drach Harmonte viai. . m.


O the old Hebre traditions hic ψ Wil quot pr. senti the patriarchs, the propheis, the supreme Pontiri and the ausi, Iivin unde the old dispensation, hacl a perfect knowledge-as intimared by urior in Mati. 3' Iota 8 36,

The Doctor of the La. had a Iem eminent, but quite di

Finalty theseopleiad ei ther a confused oreve a meret' implicit though sussicient, ait in the tw fvi natur of Se