Customary of the Benedictine monasteries of Saint Augustine, Canterbury, and Saint Peter, Westminster

발행: 1902년

분량: 465페이지


분류: 미분류





Chapter os est in inster the Cottonian S. Otho C. i. , containing the turtii par of the Customary os t. Peter'SAbbey of west minster compiled inde the authorit os Abbot Richar de are in the alter par of the hirtCenth century. The manuscript was ad ly injure in the fire hich ook

Custonas an history that the Counci os the Henr Bradstia NSociet resolve to print in and by the Courtes of the eanani Chapter the transcript was place at thei service TheSociet clid me the honori to latrus me illi the uties os


At this uncture, r. Edmund Bisho callet attention to the ClOSe connectiora os the Customar of St. Augustine' AbbeyOs Canterbury, a contained in the Cottonian S. Faustina C. ij., illi the westin inster te Κ an a collation Os the wO manuScript te to a change in the scheme os publication.


cedence and e printe first; and that the westin inster teXt, Or, ather, Such portion o i as are Sumcienti persect shouldbe subordinate and should solio in a secon volume. In the PreSent Volume then i presente the Customar of the Abbeyos St. Augustine, CanterbUry. The Cottonian S. Faustina C. ij., is a mali solio, nowconsistingi 2 2 leaves the firs and the ast eing y-leaves , meaSuringo inches by in ches. A sul thir of the originallex is unsortunatet lost. At the eginning of the volumefisi leaves are missing there are aps here and there in thebod of the manuscript accountin sor a surther os os